Banable offence for people abusing report

Member Posts: 1,604
I had so many games where I get reported for hacking, slugging, or even camping. With survivors threatens or make threats about Real life in some cases and hope that I die
Those people who make the false report a lot and wasting the mod's and dev's time really should get punished
Got reported for playing as Hag, called Hacker with no trap indication, didn't even read the addon-descriptions of Rusty Shackle and already claims it's hacking, these people really should be banned for abusing the system like that
Tried explaining to said individual, refused to acknowledge and continues to pour more salt, these people are ignorant and they are the toxic player-base of the game, we don't need them
Yeah get fake reports as killer main. I will only report rage quiters myself. But get some false reports cause of salt. I just report them for communication abuse cause there making intimidation threats against account . If not in game when making threats i just block them and tell them to grow up.I think they can see fake reports cause that user probally does it constantly and harrasses people.1