Freddy Change vs Object of Obsession

Object of Obsession effect: "This effect applies only if you are outside of the Killer's Terror Radius."
With the Freddy changes in 3.2.0 you have no terror radius effect while sleeping. If you run OoO you have an in build "Im all Ears". You can always see Freddy when he's near you, which makes mind gaming almost impossible. I had this sceneario when running the shack and you litteraly can do nothing except leaving the chase.
So i wanted to ask you guys how you feel about this?
In my opinion the change should be reverted, since i don't like not beeing able to use the only rescue perk when semi camping (borrowed) and not beeing able to mindgame at all is kinda frustrating and annoying.
Well since Freddy can now negate BT and aura reading perks I think it's a fair trade.
Also, OoO being useful for once ? I also don't mind.
(From a red rank on both sides)
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Welcome to the Ghost Face side of life.
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I am okay with this, when will you really run OoO and happen to get Freddy.