Feral Frenzy missed attacks?

The Legion spotlight video says that during Feral Frenzy missed attacks have shorter cooldown:
...but the wiki says that missed attacks immediately end Feral Frenzy:
Which is it?
As someone who misses 90% of attacks, this is a pretty important distinction to me. :D
Best Answer
legion has been changed since the spotlight and he now ends it when you miss an attack
OK, thanks! In that case I -- the god-king of whiffing -- will skip getting that killer. :)
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The spotlight came out before Legion's rework, thereby using Legion's old mechanics. Legion can still be fun, but if you whiff a lot things will be extremely infuriating.
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This being said I don't see Legions (myself included) whiff their feral frenzy strikes specifically too often. You just learn to be more careful to not miss