End game collapse

Can someone explain me how is this fair? A killer can watch both gates easily at the top of a hill when the doors at near the walls? It needs to be changed ASAP.
Well why should be fair it 4v1 game and if you made it to the endgame that's mean that you don't complete the gen and the killer find the trap door first. Now i get what you about the door but will you like the changed the maps where the doors are so far that killer can't win no matter what ?
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Other than this situation: It shouldn't be fair.
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Bring a key, even the odds I guess.
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If survivor gets good rng on loops they can create super broken routes. How is this fair?
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Yea survivors getting them all games(!)
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I def believe its odds, hatch doesnt spawn near the killer all the time, i believe...
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And killers have the doors always close and visible, especially on Lerys and Gideons. Plus nasty setups are way more common than close doors.
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Who said i dont complete gen? Stop writing your nonsense comments.Fair isnt the same thing killers must win all the times.
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Nasty setups are way common than close doors? Why i dont see them then?