Generator explosion when leaving gen

I'm sure this has probably been addressed elsewhere but are they ever going to fix the issue where you leave a gen (or reposition on it to avoid killers sight line) and the generator instantly explodes even there was no prior audio cue? This seems to be similar to the bug where a medkit runs out and instantly fails a skill check.
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It happens exactly as I described lol. I clearly wouldn't leave a gen after hearing the audio cue.
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@unhook_me_please ImmersedNurse is right.
The audio cue isn't always fast enough to catch up to when you get off the generator. This means you'll be working on the generator, the Killer gets too close and magically a skill check comes up right when you get off it and it explodes...
You may also encounter a strange thing that happens where you leave the generator but hear the audio cue happen after with no explosion OR a explosion.
There is no real fix to this, all you really need to do is get a skill check done before the Killer arrives and than get off. Don't continue doing it if you know they'll come back to avoid this, but you also should if you want to gamble the chance that they actually won't comeback but they're in the area...
And yes, the same thing happens to med-kit skill checks, it happens to all skill checks... Its just something that happens...
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Saying it's just something that happens is cutting the developers way too much slack. It shouldn't happen this way there is either an audio cue or no audio cue before you leave the generator. While I do love this game we all pay good money to play it and it should work right.
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Its been like this since I believe skill checks were even a thing when the game came out... you can submit a ticket about it in support to bring it up (Here's a link)
Or you can discuss it on one of the various sub-forums here.
For me personally though, once you're aware of its existence, its not actually that hard or even anything to pay mind to in the future. If you know that its a good idea to do a skill check THAN get off the generator, than you'll have no real issues in the future. Sometimes you'll be forced off a generator even when you just did a skill check but you were on it for awhile... Skill checks are random, they don't really have a set time when they happen.
Its all just RNG when this happens or not honestly.
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Respect your opinion but agree to disagree. With skillchecks being random as you say sometimes they happen one immediately after another so doing one before moving is no guarantee either. I'm not a great runner so I try to play a stealth game and been burned by this so many times. Cheers and thanks for your input. See you in the fog some day.
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I can respect that, i'm just answering your question is all.
Hope this helped enlighten you on the subject in someway, good luck in your future games.
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yeah, that happens quite a lot to me and it's always very annoying to see it happen.
i think skillchecks should in general work like an overcharge skillcheck, where you can still do it after leaving the generator.
this would get rid of the problem and might open the doors to fight gentapping by adding guaranteed skillchecks at lets say 25%, 50% and 75% of the gen.
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Devs seem not to be interested to fix this annoying issue. Best you can do is writing Bug reports everytime this happens. Maybe they cant ignore it this way any longer.