Are Killers allowed to use NOED now?



  • Almo
    Almo Member, Dev Posts: 1,120

    Killers have always been allowed to use NOED. Even when it wasn't a Hex perk and was just permanently on once the gens were done. :D

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381
    edited September 2019

    My statement says that it effectively removes a health state, so I don't believe you read my message correctly. When I said that NOED effectively removes a healthstate, it basically means that you're treated like an injured survivor at the end of the trial when active in the sense that you will be downed in one hit. If in the event that NOED brought you from the healthy state to being completely dead in a single hit, then I would've agreed. It's important to note that it isn't NOED that is making you lose two health states, it's the combination of the basic attack which does a single health state + the exposed effect that does another, meaning that once again NOED is only effectively removing a single health state.

    Adrenaline and NOED are the same perk but for different sides.

    Post edited by vampire_toothy on
  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272

    Lets not forget the whole reason why you want NOED nerfed is because it rewards failure. I've provided two scenarios in which Adrenaline rewards failure, Raccoon and Frenzied provided another example.

    How many examples do we need to tell you to prove Adrenaline rewards failure? Again if you want NOED nerfed because it rewards failure but you say Adrenaline is fine then you're completely biased.

    Both perks rework failure therefore if one is to be removed so should the other.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i think the hate went down, due to the fact that the devs now put a survivors attention more on totems than before by introducing perks like inner strength.

    the counterplay hasnt changed, but a lot more players actually do it now, so NOED activates less often.

    they finally realized how easy it actually is to get rid of the perk...

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    So interesting how survivors can have so many second chances from perks that cover their failures, but entity forbid the killers have one so powerful and completely counterable.

    Face it, the reason you don't like NOED is because it cock-blocks you from the exit, just like Adrenhiline cock-blocks the killer.

    They're mechanics might be different, but they have the same emotional effect on their opponents.

  • Pumpkin_King
    Pumpkin_King Member Posts: 22

    That's a good question , I didn't really notice. But as much as I know , I choose this avatar long ago. It's probably an old avatar that the devs removed/changed to the new standard.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424

    So normally for something to proc, YOU have to do something in order to get it to proc right?

    When did a killer do anything to proc NO ED?

    Idc if some of you have think it’s unbalanced/balanced but for gods sake stop comparing this perk to Adrenaline. It’s not.

    The only instance I can see where Adren can become similar to No Ed is when the hatch is closed, but even then all you had to do was put your foot down on a door to close it.

  • SoloSurvivorMain
    SoloSurvivorMain Member Posts: 67

    LoL if you use it as michael leatherface or billy maybe ghostface kind of an indicator anyways that you are... Having trouble with your already 1 shot abilities alright ima head out

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    They shouldn't use it but they do :(

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    My post earlier on actually explains how the two perks are extremely similar, meaning that you can compare the two perks very easily as they're both endgame perks that perform the same exact thing but for different roles.

    You also forgot that in the hatch closing scenario, the killer has killed 3 other survivors in order for the hatch to be opened, found it and then closed it in order to activate the perk in that specific instance. Which mind you, if the survivor had adrenaline in that same scenario then they were just rewarded for failing twice in the sense of completing the gens and finding the hatch.

    If you have a problem with one of the perks, you have a problem with both of them. This is why I do not run either one of them as they both feel terrible to go against.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Getting hit by a bad killer using noed is more painful.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 993

    If a killer is playing with NOED, that killer is only playing with 3 perks until the exits are powered. That’s one hell of a killer. Take away just one exhaustion perk from a survivor, and they forget how to tie their shoes.

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    It's the survivors job to do the generators, not the killer.

    If 5 generators are done the survivors did their objective and are rewarded adrena.

    If 5 generators are done the killer failed and are rewarded NOED.

  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272

    It's also the survivors job to cleanse the totem if they don't want to get downed to NOED. I'm happy you're no longer like a broken record saying "NOED rewards failure but Adrenaline is fine!" and actually providing new reasons to why NOED should get removed.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858
  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424

    @vampire_toothy I have 0 issues with No Ed. In fact I use it myself sometimes.

    I just don’t agree that they are “very” similar considering survivors have to make sure they have 99% of their objective completed.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    You've clearly never played as killer with noed.

    If you did you would know how often it gets popped. In high end, it's best used in a 3 gen strategy for the last 1-2 downs. Any more downs than that and it's survivor fault.I

    It definitely does not "reward failure". If anything, it punishes survivor ego.

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275
  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272
    edited September 2019

    Well if you hate NOED then you can make them your secondary objective :) Again if you say Adrenaline is for survivors completing their objective then NOED is a failure on the survivors part for failing to cleanse totems.

    NOED is still highly overrated because even if you do get it to activate, it's still a HEX so chances are you are only going to get 1 - 2 downs with it before it gets cleansed. From my experience, a lot of killers will camp with NOED after a down to secure a kill, making cleansing NOED even easier.

    I'm not going to lie Jeyers, looking at your forum posts and comments I really doubt you play killer because you are extremely biased towards survivor. I'd highly suggest that for the rest of this season, you should play rank 1 killer and rethink some of the things you post. People who only play survivor/killer exclusively always have biased views towards their side due to not understanding the frustrations and what the other side needs to go through. If you do play killer then play at rank 1 without deranking or dodging 4 man SWFs because you've definitely not experienced what a full squad of GOOD survivors can do to the killer if they are in it for the win. When playing killer do not play Nurse or Spirit if you want a full picture on what most killers go through.

    Saying gen times could be lowered, do you even play M1 killers? Saying the new DLC only has good perks for killers and bad perks for survivors? Saying keys are balanced because they have a counter just kill the player with the key? You comparing old MoM to NOED when MoM had 0 counterplay and NOED you can cleanse totems? You commented: Until devs make survivor fun again to play this issue will never go away. (Bring back MoM) but you want NOED nerfed?

    Yeah I don't need to say anymore, you're extremely biased and from the posts you make, I can tell that you're just not a good survivor. If you spent more time in-game practicing rather then complaining on the forums, you might be slightly better at the game.

    I'm sorry but if you think keys are balanced and the counter to them is to kill the player with a key, which chases can go on for a while on OLDER maps due to the insane safety loops and structures (Wretched shop, disturbed ward, etc), then NOED is balanced because you either cleanse all 5 totems before end game or just wait until end game for NOED to activate then search for the 1 HEX totem.

    I never have any problems playing a match, seeing a teammate get downed to NOED then I actively search for it. It's as deadly as you make it out to be unless you're on the hook being camped by NOED or are actively in a chase.

    Post edited by BrendanLeeT on