Survivors DCing on purpose on offering loading screen. Developers how will you fix this?

I was watching a stream and he waited a long time just to get in a lobby and Survivors are dcing on purpose during offering loading screen.He even got a message from someone say that that survivor is dcing on purpose.This happen more than once to him.Not only did it happen to him but me and another streamer too.
Here is a short video of what happen
and Second short video
This type of dcing during loading needs to stop and be punish for. So I ask you Developers, how will you fix this from happening to players who have to wait a long period of time to play killer and get denied because Survivors are dcing during the loading screen so the killer can not play?
This type of DC is treated the way every type is. Do it enough and you'll be suspended or banned.
Once dedicated servers are out they'll be able to make use of more ways to make DCs a bad choice for anyone. Like maybe increasing cooldown from searching for lobbies.
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I've only seen survivors dc during loading to avoid moris, which is understandable tbh. Killers can easily dodge swf or flashlights.
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I'd imagine they will be treated similarly to in-match DCs once the matchmaking timeout system is implemented. So survivors dodging moris and other offerings as well as killers dodging map offerings/last second switches will both be punished as a result.
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Dedicated Servers.
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It's an issue with the players deeming something is not fun so they dodge it. The thing about dcing not the loading screen is with the change to the game not starting and refunding everything used the players think it's ok to use as in theory it's the same as lobby dodging.
Dedicated server should hopefully help with this happening.
Personally a time out system for dcers and lobby dodgers (apart from high ping) hopefully will be implemented with the servers so the players can no longer cherry pick games and learn to accept it is what it is.
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Dedicated servers.
You must be new here.
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From what I've gathered, people think that dcing during the offering/loading doesn't count against them. Then they get defensive when I tell them otherwise.
My thoughts are, it's their account and if they want to get banned for dcing that's on them.
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Killers dodge SWF lobbies, flashlights, and toolboxes. Start punishing them as well
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This punishing mentalitly is ridiculously childish, "mom mom, he wont let me play with the toys😭😭 do something MOM!" this is you dawg, yeah hes childish too but youre being a lil whiney fck that noone likes.
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So what you're saying is you support toxic behavior like lobby dodging and stuff? If you're one of the people that does it, you're getting your ass completely banned when dedicated servers roll around.
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You don't need dedicated servers to punish DCers.
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I've had a good number of killers Dodge lobbies once they see we put in extra bloodpoint offerings which we then least fix where we don't lose out offering when players dc or don't load into the game.
Had a survivor yesterday DC when we got the new map last night....which left us 3 men with 5 gens...guess they didn't want to play on the new map. Too bad...we could have easily had at least 2 survive if they had just played thru.
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Lobby dodging is the exact same thing as offering dodging.
You're just biased, which is why you think it's okay for you to lobby dodge while it's not okay for survivors to offer dodge.
The only difference is killer can see it in the lobby so they can dodge "legit" at that point, survivors can't so the only option is to DC after offering screen.
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When you see a mori you can almost guarantee you'll be tunneled and camped. It's not fun and no one is forcing me to play slated bad games. Also have to love killers who DC when the exit gates open. Quitting is awful but if the devs want to stop the end game derank and refund items on quitting I can't find any issue going forward 🤷♂️
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How are they avoiding mori? How do they even know you have a mori?
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Hidden offering are 99% moris
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100% right. People are always demanding bans, but the Devs need to address WHY people disconnect against a Mori. This problem requires a resolution other than banning. MoM/DS, both often resulted in The Killer disconnecting, and the response wasn't to ban but rather adjust those Perks. Devs need to look at Mori's and consider reworking them IMHO.
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Because it's either mori or the silly offering that lets survivors start spread apart, or the Freddy offering.
It's almost always a mori because killers don't really use the other two offerings.
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The main issue is that it seems there are some game mechanics the devs absolutely refuse to touch. These are likely mechanics which someone on the dev team found awesome when it was pitched during the initial development of DBD. They refuse to adjust these mechanics because it's like a pet attachment they have to these dumb mechanics.
These include things like:
- Moris
- Struggle Spam on Hook
- The Basement and Monstrous Shrine
- The Hatch
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Yes I know Dedicated Servers are coming but that does not explain what are the plans to fixing things like in this video,
to where it is easy to make the whole match end before it can even start and cause the killer to wait another 10-15mins for a lobby.
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Crazy how it's penalized, literally showcasing that it is not ok to DC in this exact scenario.
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The thing I have notice is that if they was to dc during a offering loading screen, they get to keep their ranks, offering, items and see what killer and survivors perks in lobby.
From what I know and what it looks like, it seems like there is zero risk or punish from this to keep player from doing this over and over.
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True one here. The way how both things are done is different. But the basic logic behind this is the same. A lot of killers are biased af towards this topic.
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Which is why I would like to know what is promise or plans on fixing things like this when the servers come out.
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Lobby Dodging is not committing to playing ball with your friends when they call you because they have Ken Griffey Junior on their team - they find another player in your stead.
DC'ing from the loading screen is committing to play that ball game, fielding everyone to their positions, possibly seeing something you don't like, and leaving, taking the only ball with you.
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So what was wrong about the survivor puddings to make ppl dodge them? lol
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Im for one is not Biased toward both sides.Which I can understand that it is frustrating for solo survivors to get lobby dodge however I cant say I can understand as an swf since I only play solo survivor and killer. However I will say that it impacts killers more since killers have to wait a long period of time just to start a lobby. Solo survivors can just que back up and in secs just go right back into a lobby with ez while killers are force to wait long time as you see in this video here
The fact that you are force to hope that person does not try to do it again or you leave lobby and have to wait even longer for another lobby since the survivor will try and leave in the middle of the loading screen.
Both sides needs to stop in my honest opinion so games can move on and no one get rip off.
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The videos here showed ppl DCing against bloodpoint offerings though, not moris...
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Heavily Salted Pudding
People probably assumed the killer was running a tryhard build?
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Don´t bring moris -> end of DC at offering loading. Easy
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I see you have missed the last few posts of this topic.
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These sorts of toxic threads are why we can't retain new players. We are all one community, not a spectrum of individual cells defined by what proportion of killer to survivor matches we play.
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I typically run them as often as I can. Builds that end games early or have alot of 1 shots dont net alot of BPs, so using a survivor pudding with those would actually be a waste.
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There was no mori brought. You can clearly see they used BP offerings.
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Sho 'Nuff
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Why run a mori when I can just run tombstone Myers
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Both sides need to stop, but it's going to continue happening for as long as tehre are glaring and bad game design choices in this game, like instadown add-ons, moris, SWF inequity and other nonsense.
Bad game design mechanics like this are what cause people to DC, and survivors actually have it a lot worse because the bad mechanics are a lot more punishing towards survivors than they are for killers. Both sides have to deal with bad mechanics and all of those need to be looked at by BHVR, but Survivors have it worse because the mechanics punish them hard and often prevent them from even playing -- surely you've played a game where the survivor got caught and hooked within the first minute and just died and couldn't even play either due to bad teammates or a camping-tunneling killer. Killers can talk about how stressful it is to see gens popping left and right while they are getting looped, but that is seriously better than not being allowed to play at all.
THAT is the reason why Killers need to wait so long for lobbies, because playing Survivor can be a real pain.
Until these bad game mechanics are addressed the survivor population will continue to dwindle and that will result in worse lobby times for killers.
And I want to reiterate that even if I am survivor main, I recognize that there are problematic mechanics for both sides.
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He didnt do that either though... If you DC at the offerings screen, you cant even see who you're facing anyway.
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Easiest way to fix this is stop dcing on both sides. You can't get better and learn to counter in game mechanics if you don't play against them. All dcing is doing is robbing yourself of potential to grow through experience. Challenge breeds excellence.
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Actually if you DC on offering screen or loading screen you will
1.keep your item, your offering,
2.your rank stay the same and pip also stay the same, get to see what killer it was
4.what perks along with what other survivors item and perks as well
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*Laughs in Shroud of Separation*
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You cant see what killer it is or anything BEFORE DCing though, so the idea of DCing because the killer was so and so and had this and that is ridiculous. The only thing the ppl in these vids saw of our killer was his survivor puddings.
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Why should one side wait longer and the other side gets to get in in secs. Thats the part where I find bias and that is one of the problems killers have to deal with alot in red ranks is the waiting time.
Yes I have experience players not being able to loop and go down right away and dc right after they are down first but however that 1 person in match does not keep everyone from playing and ending the game right away compared to waiting in lobby for a good while and then dcing in the middle of loading because they think it fun or funny.
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If I'm playing against a group that I know to be a "Goon Squad," I'll throw a Cypress Mori or Shroud on ;3
If they stomp me, at least I know that they'd play under any conditions 3;
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You know what's stupid? I had a survivor message me after they dced at the offering screen (I had a mori) and told me they dc every time they see a mori. Fully believed that it was not punishable.
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Not surprising, given that some people downplay or even advocate for the act as though it's a legitimate practice.
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So.. no shade. Survivors can run 2 insta heals, 2 P U R P L E flashlights, all 4 have dead hard, DS, and every single one of them have body blocked me into oblivion when trying to hook the one I managed to get down.. but I cant bring a mori? Tell me how survivors dont dominate this game again?
I solo against 16 perks, 4 items, 8 addons, 4 players and it's usually a toxic SWF who are all sitting on mic telling one another exactly where I am. But let's dc over a mori.
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Same thing happened to me when I brought a Splinter and Shroud of Seperation. welp back to the 30 minute queues.
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That is very different and you know it.
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They body block you then body block back with hag.