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Survivors DCing on purpose on offering loading screen. Developers how will you fix this?



  • Member Posts: 1,936

    So killers can use omega blink nurse with noed and also bring an ebony mori?

    Flashlights aren't that hard to avoid.Dead hard is one of the easiest perks to counter. Don't tunnel and DS won't activate. Bodyblocking isn't even a good tactic against good killers.

    Also, if you don't want to play against swf, just dodge the lobby. It's not like everyone plays 4 man swf in this game. Most people play solo survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,936

    How is it any different? Killers can easily decide who they want to play against. Flashlights? Dodge. 4 Toolboxes? Dodge. Swf? Dodge.

    Why should survivors get punished for avoiding moris?

  • Member Posts: 57
    edited September 2019

    All of that is invalid aside from insta heal, dead hard really doesn't lead to a much longer chase and sometimes even shafts the user, ds only triggers if tunneling which is kinda your fault leave on the ground or go for the player that saved, flashlights? You seen they was bringing it take lightborn or Franklins, body blocking? There are a million and one hooks on the map unless someone is being a sabo hero in which franklins yet again helps a little with that also there's about 2 other perks which help with blocking on top of most killers having good move speed already. Yes killers have struggles but none of which you addressed, just complaints because lacking gameplay. Side note DCing as survivor or killer is not cool neither side should do it

  • Member Posts: 52

    Simple solution, no moris, remove basement, reduce hook respawn time, reduce wiggle timer, increase door opening timer. And anything else that people will complain about do that.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    Couple things wrong here:

    1. There was a long stretch of times where Bloody Party Streamers and Escape Cakes make people get disconnected from the loading screen against their will. So should we punish those people as well for something beyond their control?
    2. If someone DCs before the match starts, everyone gets their things back and no harm is done. Everyone that was in that lobby has to queue up again. It's literally the same as a lobby dodge if you're not biased. The only difference is the killer didn't do the dodging. To claim otherwise presents a clear bias.
    3. If killer lobby wait times were as long as people claim, they wouldn't dodge so much because (they think) they're playing against a SWF team. I play killer pretty often and I take whatever match I get as long as the ping doesn't suck ass because I know I waited 4-8 minutes to get that game. Killers who dodge lobbies clearly aren't all that concerned about their wait times.
  • Member Posts: 27

    It's really not... Because nobody loses offerings with lobby dodging.

  • Member Posts: 914

    Survivors will never be punished for DCing before match starts (during offering screen or loading) simply because the DC could also be because of a game client crash and there is no way (even with dedicated servers) to find out the exact cause when the game is force-stopped with Task Manager or 3rd party Microsoft apps.

  • Member Posts: 364

    I had a lobby full of Dwight’s with toolboxes, thought oh well let’s try to get my leatherface daily done. Then a haddonfield offering came up. Guess who didn’t load in that time... nerf swf somehow. Or make it fair. Either way, I don’t dc on killer offering bc once they are gone it’s used up. Just imo. If You think I’m bad for dodging a team of brand new parts that brought a haddonfield offering to bully a random lower rank killer on stream like ochido.... your messed up. Honestly it goes both ways my dude...

  • Member Posts: 122

    What's the counter for moris? Not get caught? Then hit again was a counter for MoM

  • Member Posts: 495

    No it's not lmao. Surviviors dodge Moris killers dodge SWF.

    Punish them both the same or don't punish them at all. I don't wanna sign up to play the game if my opponent is gonna use the most broken item in the entire game against my brown toolbox, thinking I'm running a godbox with BNP, forcing me to depip if I get hooked even once. And no, them not pipping isn't a fair cost for doing so.

    I also don't sign up to first time doctor or plague against a 4 man SWF group running flashlights, Toolboxes with BNP, and Instaheals but at least I can anticipate that they're running good stuff.

  • Member Posts: 495

    That's not supposed to happen either way. Ur not supposed to lose offerings if someone offer dodges

  • Member Posts: 998

    When killer quits when exit gates are open survivors don't lose anything... it's killer that loses points for the match. Survivors get same points as for escape so nothing is really lost.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    The amount of deflection and whataboutism in this thread is startling.

    It's a pretty good example of why devs take everything on the forums with a grain of salt.

  • Member Posts: 260

    No survivors DC to not play Mori not dodge. Killers dodge but there is nothing wrong with dodging. Stop making new rules.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    You don't lose offerings when someone disconnects during the loading screen either.... -_-

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    lets start an experiment:

    lets see how many players you get to ragequit before / during the round by using a shroud of separation.

    yesterday i made 2 suicide on their first hook, 1 just give up (didnt try to escape me and went AFK after being hooked) and 1 crouching from locker to locker until EGC took them, just by using a green mori for my Myers daily.

    and they were all in one game. (barely safetypipped btw - ranking system is perfectly fine xD)

  • Member Posts: 82

    There has to be a counter to Moris? Its a consumable item that lets you finish the game faster. Half the time killers I go up against don't even use the ones they burn due to good plays by survivors.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I'd imagine any disconnects that happen after the match is launched will lead to a re-queue timeout once they implement that system after dedicated servers are implemented. Obviously can't know for sure but that should technically punish any sort of offering "dodging", be it moris map offerings or whatever else.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    people don't wanna play against mori's and I understand its boring

  • Member Posts: 3,278

    I saw a bunch of Otakus in my lobby and I brought a Mori with insta charge Hillbilly, they left loading screen.

  • Member Posts: 35

    I hoping something is done to try and keep players from dcing a lot when the servers come out because obviously it is being abuse.

  • Member Posts: 1,936

    It is basically the same thing with killers dodging lobbies when they get swf, flashlights, toolboxes, keys. Why isn't that a problem?

  • Member Posts: 35

    I feel dodging all around is bad and I can only understand if you want to dodge if their ping is to high. I do feel that taking out the option to see players profile names until end game I suppose, would be better along with the survivors loading up at the same time could help fix that. However the fact that

    1.survivors are purposely dodging on offering screen when they could have already left before the timer had ended(enough time to decide if you want to stay or not)

    2.Because the survivors know that killer have to wait a longer time to queue up for a lobby compared to survivors get in right away.

    3.Hardly to no risk towards dcing during loading screen .

    ^^^ needs to be look into and fix so players would just play the game and not waste everyone time to rejoin another lobby.

  • Member Posts: 919

    So wait killers are allowed to lobby dodge for any reason they want, but survivors lobby dodging a mori is bad? Because that’s exactly what DCing during the loading screen is, it’s just dodging a game. You as the killer don’t lose anything and are not punished. You can just move on to the next game like nothing happened.

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