The matchmaking change makes it hard to play with newbie friends



  • joan
    joan Member Posts: 122
    edited September 2019

    Anyway you won't find 2 rank 1 survivors that want to play with you and your wife against a rank 1 killer.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    The change was just a really dumb idea. It wasnt ok before, but now its much worse than before, which they will see when most of the players wont play SWF (the game in general) anymore, which is already guaranteed.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Don't rank up what is the problem?

    You don't want to play in the low ranks when playing solo, but want to be able to play with your newbie friends.

    Oh well.. make a choice.

    Don't rank up and make it easier on your friends.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I agree that averaging the ranks would be the best solution here, however it would simply produce the same results as before, when anywhere from rank 15s to rank 1s join a rank 10 killer lobby.

    Playing solo queue is the best temporary solution right now.

  • SophisticatedOtter
    SophisticatedOtter Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2019

    I agree, I have some friends who are lower ranks and we basically can’t to play together now. If had actually been an average before instead of me a rank 1 and my friend a rank 15 getting a rank 14 it wouldn’t of been as bad. When that happened it was no fun for me or the killer. Now, if I have a rank 15 with me, they can’t do anything against a rank 1.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    It's called family share on PC and on PS4 you can make another account and retain all your DLC. You don't have to buy the game over again on a new account

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    Your newbie friends are CHOOSING to play with you, the killer isn't. Thats the difference. One is a conscious choice, knowing going in, that you may get stomped and may not have as much fun, and one is not.

  • joan
    joan Member Posts: 122

    And in the lobby the killer can see the survivors and their items and CHOOSE to play against them but suvivors can't see the killer and refuse to play with him. And sure you don't think this is unfair.

  • Impact
    Impact Member Posts: 89
    edited September 2019

    This has always been a very difficult situation. When playing killer I always hated those "rainbow ranks" SWF teams, who would defeat me - often with some cheeky BM'ing.

    I'm generally happy with the new changes, but I can't help but sympathise with the OP, who just wants a fun, and I assume fair, game with his freinds.

    The OP is rank 1 but his friends are only around rank 15. I'm inclined to believe such a team should be matched against a green rank killer (around rank 10 or 12). However, there are some aspects which skew the situation.

    I'm not making assumptions about the OP's gameplay, but I've played lots of games were the red rank survivor baits the killer (often with T-bagging) into a chase while the yellow rank team members do all the gens. Is this fair? Maybe the killer shouldn't tunnel, but yellow rank players often don't know better.

    Then we have rank reset and the like which causes a person's rank to inacurately reflect their actual ability.

    The whole thing's a mess IMO.

    Now that I think about it...maybe new, yellow rank players should only play with other yellow rank players. If and when they get good - then they could join their red rank friends in SWF matches. Otherwise, it's difficult to match a game around such a mismatched group.

  • deadlycast
    deadlycast Member Posts: 45

    But wait so killers had to deal with for how long? And now survivors been dealing with it for only 3 days lol. If he as a red rank survivor wants to so badly play with his friends that are new. He can 1 let them play around for the next two weeks to get use to the game till rank rest. Or let himself derank a bit as they play against others their ranks. Unless being red rank is such a big deal for him.

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    I rarely see killers leave a lobby because of items. As @Saitamfed said, you don't know the quality of the items they're bringing in. And now that we know the survivors will either be evenly matched or lower rank, those items are even less of a concern.

    There are no items that can make up for the difference in skill between low and high skill players.

    Its about expectation management. As a killer, they know they are facing similar rank or mixed-swf, but that none of those swf should be much higher rank than killer. Old system, the killer had no idea what to expect, and the survivors did. It was unfair.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    LOL do you know how broken it would be for survivors to see killers? Hey everybody! It’s Doc go put on Calm Spirit!

    Not only that but imagine how fragile one must be to be like “Leatherface again? I don’t wanna!!! Wah!”

    Grow up and deal with your 5th hillbilly match in a row. Them’s the breaks.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    This lasted for a week.

    It was based on average Rank before the Stranger Things DLC.

    Apparently some here want people to derank so they can then cry about that again for months on end.

  • CasualScrub
    CasualScrub Member Posts: 9

    Reading the responses to this has just made me realise that, on average, the people playing Dead by Daylight are incredibly toxic, petty individuals. It makes me kinda regret buying the game in the first place, because everyone acts like... Well, that!

    "If you brought this game specifically to have fun with your friends then you deserve to feel bad because winning is the ONLY thing that matters in this super-competitive game. You should play with strangers and have no fun for hours on end so you can git gud and EARN the PRIVILEGE to enjoy yourself in our ELITE GAME" is the overall message/vibe I'm getting here.

    Don't worry Devs, you don't need to fix your game. Bugs aren't gonna scare people away as fast as your toxic fanbase...

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    I would LOVE to just have fun and for others to have fun too.

    You can thank the toxic sweaty swf bullies for making killer players wary.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    If you can’t handle people wanting to win, maybe video games aren’t for you....

  • ImmortalReaver
    ImmortalReaver Member Posts: 243

    Last I recall playing video games is for fun, not for numbers.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Do you really think playing with strangers for hours on end is equivalent to having no fun for hours on end?

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    Man the messed up match making from the last few weeks got everyone messed up. When I SWF'd, me being rank 1, and my friend being rank 4. We got a rank 20, level 1 Dwight who had no perks and didn't know how to run from match making. The match making was just completely messed up SWF or not.

    Instead of fixing it so it actually used the average, they just punished players who wanted to play with friends. Imagine you tell this person how fun DBD is, they buy it. Who do you think they want to play with? Their friend, or solo it out and git gud? Most of those players don't stick around to git gud, they want to have fun with their friends.

    If they actually fixed using the average, instead of just throwing people where ever, we wouldn't have rank 20 killers facing off against red or even purple ranks. Or now Survivors who are new trying it out with their friends, I know a concept people have trouble with. They are being thrown at red or purple ranks, and getting demolished.

    Killers may have had to deal with it worse, even if I'd argue there was bs on the survivor side due to the poor match making as well. Killers are lone wolfs, they are not playing for anyone else but themselves. And like it or not, DBD is a party game, match making should be balanced so everyone regardless of rank can find it enjoyable. Not putting red rank survivors against rank 20 killers, and not placing rank 20 survivors against red rank killers.

  • Xcheesemongrolx
    Xcheesemongrolx Member Posts: 115

    Your friends are just going to have to learn how to play at an accelerated rate or just practice in custom games teach them the ways of the loop god

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited September 2019

    If matchmaking pairs super low ranks and super high ranks against a midrank, that isn't balance. That is players from all across the spectrum being paired together. No one Survivor is suited to be fairly matched up against the Killer.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    To me that is balance, two rank 1's and two rank 20's go up against a rank 10 killer. The rank 10 killer has some experience under their belt, and has a some what decent grasp of the game. They have the potential to catch the rank 1's, or even the potential to completely steam roll if they happen to go after the rank 20's. They could also get steam rolled themselves if they keep going for bad chases against the rank 1's who are looping them. Luckily at rank 10 they should have some concept of knowing when to look for weaker survivors. I think that's balanced, though usually it isn't as extreme as rank 1 survivors paired with rank 20. It's more like red ranks, with a rank 12 or something, which would put the killer in purple rank territory.

    Last few weeks didn't give a crap about match making at all, it didn't even base matches off the highest rank, How is it when the highest survivor is rank 13, they give us a rank 20 killer? I should have just taken screenshots of every messed up match making that we had during these last few weeks to show how terrible it was on both sides killer, and survivors.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    That to me is not balance; it is just extremely swingy. If the Killer runs into one of the low ranks,they likely steamroll the Survivor and snowball out of control. If they run into one the high ranks, they likely get completely clobbered while the Survivors run away with the game. The outcome of the game almost absolutely depends entirely on who the Killer happens to run into. That's just a hot mess waiting to happen.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    As I said that was an extreme case and not the norm. And it's far better than now having 2 red rank survivors, and 2 rank 20's facing off against a red rank killer. How is this balance. It's completely killer sided to the extreme. The 20's are gonna get creamed, and the red ranks aren't going to be able to help carry the burden that is the rank 20's. So this is far less balanced.

    But as I said 20's and 1's are not going to be the norm. it's going to be red and purples, perhaps playing with a rank 12 or something, averaging it out there is your balance. Here example, 4, 8, and 12. These are the ranks of the survivors. Match making should look at that, and produce a killer around 6-9 depending on how high ranked the extra survivor is. This is optimal balance.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited September 2019

    Not to me. If two players are properly ranked against the Killer, that is closer in balance than zero players being properly ranked. In an ideal world, everyone would be close together, but that is not reality.

    If a 4, 8 and 12 band together, what you would end up with is another red ranker taking up the fourth slot and going up against a red rank Killer. That way, two Survivors are properly equipped to handle the Killer, one is kinda under the mark but can still get there, and the last is the one trailing behind. With what you are suggesting, the game becomes a crapshoot because there is no consistency at all between any of the Survivors vs the Killer rather than some consistency at the top end. If you end up with the low end for Killer rank, the higher Survivors can steamroll the Killer. If you end up with the high end, the Killer annihilates the weak link and cripples the Survivor team.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    So let me get this straight, another red ranker joins the lobby, and the killer is now averaged at about rank 5-6. You think they have no chance against them? And balance is all over the place and is a crap shoot? Rank 5-6 killer can't handle it because suddenly there are 2 red ranks, while the other two are at 8 and 12?

    Yet you think the current system that they've implemented, where a red rank survivor will automatically bring in a red rank killer regardless of where the other teammates are at is balanced? Jeez... We are definitely never going to see eye to eye on this.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    If a killer is not red ranks, they should not be going up against multiple red ranks without any input.

    At least in the latter case, the decision to lopside things against them is entirely in the hands of the Survivors, whereas in other cases, things could be turned against the Killer's favor and the Killer would have no say in the matter.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,289
    edited September 2019

    It's a necessary "evil", blame the people that abused the system for malicious purposes.

    If you really want to and you're on PC you could just start a new Steam account and family share to it unless I'm mistaken. You'll start with a fresh account and it'd still be unfair, but no point sticking our heads in the sand pretending it's not an option.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    Yeah and that's where I don't agree with you. You seem to automatically assume that a red rank survivor auto wins even against a killer who is just a level behind hitting red ranks themselves. Like a red rank survivor can actually bully a rank 5 or 6 the same way they could a rank 20. While also having a rank 8 and rank 12 in the same game that are not as adept as the other two. Balancing the scales you know.

    But hey you seem to be the type who really must hate people playing together, until they've all been placed in the git gud status category. Which I think is terribly unhealthy for the game as a whole. And is even worse for trying to convince newer players to try the game out. But you know that killer though, poor him. He had ranks averaged out to match his own rank, oh the unbalanced.

    Like I said we are not going to see eye to eye. So I suggest we drop it. You flat out disagree with me, and I flat out disagree with you. And I doubt either of us can change the others mind.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited September 2019

    Who says Survivors have to be in the git gud territory to play together? I look forward to being able to play with a friend who I recently learned owns the game, which would be the first time I've played this game with a friend. They haven't played in a while, and I am a potato Survivor, so we'll be well off together.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    Why are you quoting me? I'm in agreement with these changes.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    If you have 4 people, play kill your friends for a few matches. Let the high ranked player play killer so the newbie players learn the basics. You can get on coms and actually help them grow by giving them pointers and teaching them to loop and run.

    Its a whole lot more beneficial to the low ranks that way then just having them do gens while the rank 1 loops the killer all game.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,031

    Why would you need to spend money to get a 2nd account?

  • Xcheesemongrolx
    Xcheesemongrolx Member Posts: 115

    Because you quoted the person i was trying to quote

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 613

    I agree! Matchmaking should be based on what you bring to the match. Your perks, your items, and your add-ons should match you with others similarly geared up. There should also be no ready screen after the first one, because then you could change your loadout.

  • Guertena
    Guertena Member Posts: 392

    first of all why are you rank 1 playing with rank 15 guys? you don't deserve less, that's why i don't like playing killer, always matching with red rank survivors t-bagging and looping me for ages with their flashlights clicking saying "chase me"

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 582

    It's not to smurf...

    It's to be able to play with my friends who are new to the game..

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    You can still play with your friends. You’re not barred from playing with them like other games do. You just want to abuse and bypass the system so you can have easier games and mock low rank killers.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 582

    Okay troll. lol

    I've never mocked a killer before in my entire life, this could partially be because I'm a Killer Main and I know how difficult it is to play as killer against good survivors, but also has a lot do with the fact that I am a pretty ######### survivor and completely incapable of "mocking" ANY killer doesn't matter what rank they are.

    What I was referring to, although I am not even the one who made the post, was that someone had made a joke reference that they "Want you to buy a second account to play with your friends" and I just responded to THAT post saying that, "I have seriously considered it but I chose not to because I didn't want to farm for perks again" which is completely true.. and because I suck on Survivor I rely heavily on my perks, honestly without them I may actually be worse at the game than my newbie rank 20 friends.

    The reason I have considered this is because I have TRIED my BEST to convince my RL Friends to play DBD with me, to the point where 4 of them have actually already purchased the game and spent money. But even when they did that and I spent a ton of matches "De-Ranking" intentionally, but not by DCing like a bunch of jerks are doing now ruining the match for everyone, because I thought that would be rude, so I spent DAYs of playing to Derank Naturally from like 10 to 15 .. and EVEN at Rank 15 when I played with my Rank 20 friends we kept going up against Killers that were around my Rank or lower and had all 4 Perks and knew exactly what they were doing, and my New Rank 20 friends had a TERRIBLE time and basically all decided to never play DBD again...

    That's when I was like, damn, maybe I should buy a new DBD Account on Steam just so I can play with them... and that was the extent of it, and I didn't do it because of the above mentioned perks issue.. sooo no where was I trying to "Mock" lower rank killers, Please, Get over yourself.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,354

    @ReviloDBD - You don't have to BUY anything again, create a another account on your PC, and set up family sharing.

    You don't just want to play with their friends, you want easy matches with your friends so you can show off.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 582

    I'm not sure if I understand.. you're saying it is possible to start a fresh account with out purchasing the game again? How? I'm pretty sure the steam account would still be the same..

    Why on earth does everyone keep thinking there's some kind of "showing off" involved or "mocking"? lmao I mean it's unbelievable, mostly because the thought to do so has NEVER occurred to me so it's crazy to me to have to believe that there are so many people who think this way..

    Is it really that hard to imagine that someone who is not actually very skilled themselves at the game, still finds DBD to be very fun and challenging to play, and that person would like to enjoy playing the game with their RL Friends who they have convinced to purchase the said game, but unfortunately the RL Friends don't want to play Solo and therefore rather not play the game at all because whenever they play with me they are easily found by the more experienced Killers and often tunneled to death?

    Legit, the reason my friends and I were interested in DBD at all was because of how "Thrilling" it was, the game is straight scary as Survivor, the Killers really do feel dangerous and can often pop up out of nowhere, the heartbeat itself is scary and gives adrenaline.. I think the makers of DBD absolutely NAILED it as far as creating a "Horror Game" that truly makes you FEEL like you have to try your hardest to survive and always be on the edge. This feeling is what keeps me addicted, for both survivor and killer usually, and since I'm not very good at the game (therefore I have nothing to show off) this feeling exists and doesn't go away when I play.

    My friends all enjoy that feeling too and that's why I was able to convince them to try the game... but them standing absolutely no chance to actually survive because of Perk Disparities and Rank gaps / skill differences ruins the fun for them and prevents them from playing. I have said nothing else besides that I would like to play with my RL friends and have not been able to because they don't like to play with me due to the Killer's they face.

    JUST FYI, this HAS NOTHING to do with the new Matchmaking Change for me, this was already like this MONTHS ago, I am not referring to the new matchmaking change and overall that was probably for the better.. EVEN BEFORE the matchmaking change my Rank 20 friends could not play with me when I was Rank 15 because the Killer's were too good and they got "owned" so I'll say for the last time it has nothing to do with that and that isn't what I'm referring to.

    I never even said anything about matchmaking actually, ALL I said was that I have considered buying a new DBD account to play as a Rank 20 with my Rank 20 friends. That's it.

    All this crazy "bullying" nonesense you guys are on some weird high horse for absolutely no reason that was never my intention and it has nothing to do with what's going on right now with the game or its matchmaking.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    I understand that some of the responses sound aggressive and indeed some are, however such responses are expected given the circumstances.

    The SWF change is an unpleasant one for SWF players, but it is because of some SWF players.

    I look at the whole scenario like this:

    My family goes to an agricultural fair once a year. This fair used to let people bring coolers with them to keep their drinks and snacks cold. However, some people abused this and used the coolers to sneak in contraband or sneak out stolen items. This resulted in coolers no longer being allowed because of a few bad apples.

    Back to Dead by Daylight now:

    We used to let SWFs get killers based on average rank since it would be more fair to new survivor players this way. However, some people used the system to get in games with people that were severely unprepared and outright incapable of dealing with them. So now we've had to take away that privilege because some players abused it.

    I wish that we could more properly introduce new players into Dead by Daylight, but until Devotion levels make it impossible to de-rank past 15 or 10 we'll just have to deal with balancing measures like this.

  • Mediva
    Mediva Member Posts: 124

    I think the game offers you the option to play with your friends? So i dont see the problem.

    You can still play with your friends. You just have to do it against a killer that is as good as the highest rank of your friends or you.

    And coming from a survivor main who also plays killer sometimes, i think the problem for killers having to face rank 1's was far much worser then a survivor having to play against a rank 1 killer.

    cause lets face it, most rank 1 killers got there by camping and tunnelling. They are not that good. I have 1600 hours in this game and I also still suck as a survivor. I cant loop. But i still can walk away with the highest points from a match. No one told you that you need to run every time. If you are new to the game, try a stealthier approach first if you arent that good. And you will do fine against every high rank killer. Cause most of them really rely on the marks and bloodpools and are otherwise very blind. So often that a killer just walks past me without even seeing me. And i actually think its more funnier to see them so completely blind sometimes then to run around with them.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    A separate queue for SWF would solve this very issue. I play both roles but as a killer if i believe a group is SWF; i'll avoid. Even as a new player i've had too many toxic SWF groups that feel the need to go out of their way to message me on PSN.

  • Groxiverde
    Groxiverde Member Posts: 767

    2 matchmaking queues;

    - One to casual games, you don't pip/depip, swf of 4 max. Weekly events (ex: this week Bamboozle/quick and quiet are basekit for killers/survivors).

    -one to ranked games, you can pip/depip, swf of 2 max and you can't play with teammates 10 ranks above you.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Well you weren't supposed to bring your lower-ranking buddies that high or your high-ranking self that low to begin with.

    That's perfectly normal with any ranking system.

    You could always just suck as Survivor in solo play to stay with your buddies. 😊

    Or there's Kill Your Friends, a mode made specifically for friends since day 1.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 582

    Well I guess I can't expect you to read everything I wrote throughout the entire thread especially when I write so much lol