Nearly every Killer game I play there's at least one DC

Riseaus Member Posts: 28
edited September 2019 in General Discussions

I know dedicated servers will add punishment for this when they eventually do come, but how on earth have the devs not implemented some sort of real punishment system to the game when the issue has been around forever.. It's literally plague on the game and ruins the fun. First guy downed insta dcs, then a second dcs cause it's 3v1, then the last 2 just stand there when I find them because they want to die.. this happens almost every game, I know "normally" it wouldn't happen every game and right now my luck is just abysmal, but I can't fathom how there's literally no real punishment for this... Disconnecting after you get downed once is literally one of the most toxic disgusting things you can ever do for either side.. completely ruining the game for everyone.

Entitled survivors who just instantly disconnect because they made a mistake or got out played really get to me.. Almost every time I play a Pudding I end up getting like 5k points by the end..

I'm not even talking about survivors leaving because they got slugged or because they hate Nurse/Spirit (which I rarely play), I'm talking about people who leave within the first half of the game for one reason or another, it's pathetic.

Rant over.


  • surtrav3
    surtrav3 Member Posts: 5

    I have also been losing my offerings whenever a survivor DC's while the match is loading, which sucks. DBD owes me some ebony mori's.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Good example for why the current punishment isn't working. I can't wait to see "immediate punishments" = timeouts with increasing length depending on the number of dc's