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How Do I Get Better at Looping?


I'm at rank 10, around rank 5 or 6 after a while, I usually be hiding but as I climb the ladder it being more and more difficult to loop killers when I get into a chase, I also don't know how to use my dead hard properly and how to mind game capable killers.


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited September 2019


    Think about it from my perspective as a Killer main. When I face Survivors, my thought is to instantly try to mind-game them at loops that have walls that they can't see past, and small routes to the pallet.

    This allows me to moonwalk around corners and fool Survivors into thinking I doubled back while in reality I actually am still going in their direction. You can also do this at half-walls but it usually only works at shortening their loop.

    Now, with this knowledge, think as a Survivor. You want to always go to loops with long paths around the pallet, and while most pallets usually only have mid or small paths, you can still utilize this effectively... though, for small loops its a shorter time looping them. When you're at a loop with a very small path around the pallet, don't try to extend the chase with mind-games... As they can easily punish you for it.

    When you're at a loop, its also good to know that when the Killer is close enough, that you can try to fake drop a pallet. This is when you just stop at the pallet for a second when they're close, and than just continue running. This makes them think you're dropping it to avoid the pallet drop, but in reality you're just extending the loop... You can also do this by just hugging the wall when they're close... as most Killers will just think you're dropping the pallet on them at the end of the loop.

    Always pay attention to the red stain (the red light Killers give off) this will allow you to know where they're going at all times. But at higher ranks, some killers will abuse the red light to make Survivors think they're going around the loop when in reality they're still going in that same path they're chasing you in to get a hit off on your mistake. When a Killer is about to swing at you, you'll see the animation before they lunge where their arm is raised up, use that to your advantaged to know if they're about to lunge at a loop or not. It'll let you know if dropping the pallet is the right time or not.

    You need to be aware of this, and always have a decent understanding of where a Killer is when going around corners. If you know the Killer does this, instead of doubling back to the other side, you should take another route away from the loop to confuse them.

    Now for dead hard, don't use it as a means to avoid a hit. Think of DH as a means to extend a loop. DH should be utilized only when you know the Killer can hit you at a loop they mind-gamed you at, or if you know you're not gonna make it to a pallet, that you use it to get some distanced to that loop. Don't try using it in open spaces, or to run into the Killer and use it... Because they'll easily just do nothing and than hit you right after.

    Also, if you're at your end of the ropes when in the open in a chase, they'll try faking you out to use it before hitting you. So unless you can find another loop to extend the chase, theres nothing else you can do in that scenario. As they'll either just wait till they're close enough to fast swing at you, or make you waste the DH by just following you until you use it.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited September 2019


    Also, one more thing after reading that giant wall of text (Or skimming through it I don't blame you...) When you're on the map, there are common tiles that spawn on every map that you'll want to get yourself familiar with....

    These tiles are very common, and are likely to be the ones you'll want to know the most about. For a comprehensive guide on it, I can direct your attention to this video to familiarize yourself with these tiles. It covers all the basic ones, and even some advanced ones like Killer Shack.

    All rights are reserved to the original poster of the video of course. Please watch this video if you want to better understanding of how all the maps work with tiles, and it'll also help with looping them.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    It's impossible to tell in one post but the best tip I can tell you is to learn the layout of the most common map tiles. Adding to that, learn the best ways to loop them and try to think the chase from the killers eyes, what do they expect you to do?

    Something I've also learnt is that it can sometimes throw the killer off if you instead of running tiles the most efficient way, take a different, unexpected path. Not something you want to do at every loop though as then the killer will catch on.