Can't you like... Just get rid of rank reset?

I feel like ######### garbage for playing against new/low skill player anytime I take a month or two of break because the game start to get boring or I want to go play something else.

The rank reset serve no purpose apart for giving another reason to grind, I could understand if rank reward was a thing.

But come on...

It's been 3+ year, if the dev wanted rank to be rewarded it would have been done eons ago.


  • michaelrandom27
    michaelrandom27 Member Posts: 100

    The reason rank reset exists is because it's too easy to rank up for both roles. Rather than properly balance the ranking system to seperate players based on skill, they took a lazy approach and just made everyone lose progress once a month to even out the distribution of players in each rank. Asking them to balance something is a lost cause, though.

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    I am a rank 16 survivor. I did make rank 15 then lost four pips in quick succession due to lag, bad mistakes on picking a generator to repair, poor luck at proximity to killer on spawn that sort of thing. With the rank reset I go to 18 and three pips.

    With the recent change in matchmaking for SWF groups now based on highest rank, my friend is now a rank 10. As I saw, trying to que with them was guaranteeing me matches with rank 9 killers rank 8 survivors.

    I have told the friend I can no longer play SWF with them as it is unfair to them and everyone else. I am hoping with rank resets I might get a few games in with my friend before they get too high a rank again.

  • rina
    rina Member Posts: 90
  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    At some point you will still play with these lowskill players cause ranking up isnt that much of a problem. You already see that after 3 weeks people who are probably just good enough for green ranks appear in lower redranks / high purple ranks. This would need a horendous change in ranking systems.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    I agree imo rank reset should only happen when: you have been gone for a certain amount of time, a new dlc has been released or the devs made a major change.

    Idk why we reset every month. Lbh it creats toxic imbalance when I (rank 4) get reset and match with a rank 15 killer.

  • EliteBoy06
    EliteBoy06 Member Posts: 32

    I think that rank reset is fine were it is. Gives people enough time to rank up.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    I think the point of rank reset is if you stop playing for so long, you lose your "skill", so they lower you. Personally, not playing for a few months, I was a potato (bad with the controls, etc), and was in a good rank. So, in that aspect I think it's good.

    As far as being killer with low survivors that you CLEARLY know are new to the game. I just take it easy on them if I am clearly better, if I didn't lose any skill or w.e. I get pips and rank up just normal. Even if they all escape. You can choose to be "nice" and try to help "teach" them. Like no one is forcing you to play in a way that you feel bad about yourself... I mean I just have fun with it vs being sweaty tryhard must 4k. And same if I think the killer is new and having a hard time. It doesn't take long at all to rank up. /shrug

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Rank reset would be fine if there were actual seasonal rewards.

    Even a flat BP payout based on the highest rank achieved would be great, and it would be easy development-wise because they wouldn't have to commit resources toward making seasonal skins and whatnot.

  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179

    Whatever the Devs do, I sure hope it fixes this endless stream of games like this that I'm stuck in

  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179

    Oh look, another one sided match

    Oh look, he's lag switching AND using some kinda basic attack exploit/hack.

    I <3 this game so much anymore

  • TwatLlama
    TwatLlama Member Posts: 17

    Isn't this a prime example of rank working to separate players based on game knowledge/skill? I play red ranks, and whenever I see two yellows in my queue, I know I'm going to have an easy game because I'm up against a non-red ranked killer who simply has no shot. I'll loop him for days, eventually mess up or get unlucky, and get hooked while 3-4 gens are completed.

    Lower rank killers mercilessly tunnel, once they have chosen their survivor, they will follow them around the map for the entire game until they get the hook. Hell, I've been camped on hook after a particular match where I looped a Huntress who ran out of axes and never went to reload. By the time I ran out of pallets and she caught up to me with her Bloodlust stacks, all 5 gens were done. She hooked me, camped, and still didn't get more hatchets. I was unhooked, she insta downed me, then tried to rehook, got DS'd, and I escape out the exit gates. I didn't do a single gen and got over 20k blood points, and pipped.

    You can't "pick a bad generator to repair" unless you are picking one close to basement or where all pallets have been broken, meaning you can easily not pick that one. When the killer comes to you, that isn't a bad thing, you just have to adjust your play from "I'm going to repair a bunch of gens" to "I'm going to waste as much of this killer's time chasing me as possible while using the fewest amount of pallets I can and not bring the killer to other gens being worked on". That's truly the whole game in a nutshell for survivor.

    Once you start getting better, rank reset will mean nothing. You'll have a few random games and be back at your deserved rank.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    And you should definetly be reset for that but someone who play everyday shouldn't be reset so often.

    I had been absent for a week(reset) and then reset once more bc of the dlc. I went from 4 to like 15. Imagine how stupidly OP I was for real rank 20 killers I met.

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    I reached rank 15 the night before the blood double event. The following day I depipped to rank 16 then over the course of the next ten matches lost three more pips. So yes I achieve a rank 15 survivor and I did depip. Whatever the wiki says is no longer applicable. If you say at rank 15 you cant depip to 16 then why did that happen?