TydeTyme's exhaustion video



  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    He's being a child by stating he's going to bail on DbD.

    I do agree with most of his points though. The exhaustion stuff is well done.

    He’s not being a child. We’ve been fighting tooth and nail to get the game fixed for well over 2 years. It gets exhausting after that long. 
  • @Paddy4583 said:
    RemoveSWF said:

    @Paddy4583 said:

    You say get better at hiding but that’s only viable if the killer depart know where the gens are else your just hiding while some killer runs from gen to gen 


    Good retort well done 

    I know man. I hate when you make a statement and someone corrects you like they're your professor. like #########, this isn't my English class, don't correct me. You're not getting paid dat six figures to correct nor. YOU'RE NOT MY DA- PROFESSOR

  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478
    I really feel like they are changing exhaustion to the way it should have been the whole time. All exhaustion perks included. 
  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    I like those funny threads, where is my popcorn...

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    @Scgamecock86 said:
    I really feel like they are changing exhaustion to the way it should have been the whole time. All exhaustion perks included. 

    Nailed it! This is almost the only smart and useful post in this endless discussion.

  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288
    Hey yall, lets just keep it civil and talk about possible ideas and opinions. I think all exaustion perks are fine except SB. My problem is that it can be used to repair and heal until the last second, some people tbag the killer until hes close enough to hit, then speed away, and most importantly, it completely shits on stealth and ambush killers to the point where they are un-playable.
    Wraith, pig and to some degree, even EW1 Myers. And those are just the ones it counters. Its not like other killers have no problem with it, it sucks for every killer. its a noob second chance toxic perk that the exaustion nerf did not fix.

    They should semi-revert the exaustion change, so exaustion recovers at 40% while running and buff it for 110% while crouching as well.

    Then they should fix SB separatley. 
    When starting to sprint, after 1.8
     seconds, get a burst of speed for 3 seconds which peaks at 1.5 seconds then gradualy slows.

    This way is more balanced, feels more smooth, and cannot counter ambush killers.
  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    Balance landing needed it too,

    made some spots into semi-infinite, only on certain maps so it's not a true infinite

    these would be fixed when exhaustion nerf comes

  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    My only problem with his video is when he says maps are fine, which if basement isn’t in Thompson house and they go and get downed at the top of the house you’re screwed

    Also the fact he says pallets are fine which again bloodlodge still has a significant amount of pallets and sheltered woods has over 20 pallets now I’m not saying take away all pallets I’m saying take away some (like 5) pallets on those 2 maps. By the way I still see double pallets which should not be a thing.
  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    @Someissues said:
    Balance landing needed it too,

    made some spots into semi-infinite, only on certain maps so it's not a true infinite

    these would be fixed when exhaustion nerf comes

    Looks rather like a little speedhack because that claud was always fast af. On the other hand you didn't even mindgame her by just going back downstairs and not follow her straight like stupid. But nerf is needed anyway.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    The thing is ...Tyde is completely right. Simple as. The mechanic of Sprint burst which comes from every exhaustion perk (apart from dead hard) is unbalanced. Killers should start with the upper hand and good teamwork should be the difference between winning and losing. Killers need to be given more in order to balance this asymmetric game which in theory should be the killer able to bully survivors.
  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    @megdonalds said:
    Looks rather like a little speedhack because that claud was always fast af. On the other hand you didn't even mindgame her by just going back downstairs and not follow her straight like stupid. But nerf is needed anyway.

    Nah, I also tested on my survivor and balance landing works great, the Killer wasn't me btw, never saw balance landing was an issue until now honestly, anyhow it would be fixed when Exhaustion hits and thanks for your input

  • OakLestat
    OakLestat Member Posts: 125

    I'm with Tyde on this one.

  • flecka
    flecka Member Posts: 1

    funny he went up against a baby nurse. 1800 hrs in the game and he got smacked up a few times as well. That baby nurse only had 3 perks mind you. one perk was only tier 1 the other two perks was tier 2. not taking this video seriously. if he was up with a skill killer that knows how to mind game he would been down right after that dead hard. https://prnt.sc/k8a436

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    The nerf to Lithe, Balanced Landing and Dead Hard are pretty minor. How often do you use those twice in a chase?
    The real issue with this change is that it doesn't address that Sprint Burst hard-counters so many killers and makes it so survivors don't need to worry about their positioning.

  • TormentedSoul385
    TormentedSoul385 Member Posts: 71

    OK, let me start by saying

    1. I like TydeTyme and agree on a majority of things with him
    2. I am a killer main

    So with this in mind let me say that I disagree with his thoughts on the exhaustion nerf.

    For those who may be unfamiliar with what I am talking about basically in Tyde's recent video he said that the OVERALL exhaustion nerf was a good thing and that sprint burst was not the only problem. If you want to hear what he had to say in full context then I of course urge you to go and watch his video.
    Now I absolutely feel that SB needs a nerf, no questions asked, BUT I don't feel the way to do this is by nerfing ALL the exhaustion perks because ultimately it is counter productive. If all the exhaustion perks get nerfed equally, then doesn't that still make SB the best perk out of those to use? Now, Tyde's argument is that the other perks not only do what sprint burst does, but actually do more. Now this is true to an extent however there is a really big caveat to this: They are all situational.

    Lithe: You must vault over something
    Balanced Landing: You must fall from a height
    Dead Hard: You must be injured
    Sprint Burst: No stipulation, just don't be exhausted ( Just like the other perks )

    Now with Sprint Burst, even if I know you have it, there is simply nothing I can do to counter it. Compare this to the others where I will always see when you are trying to activate it, whether it be because you are aiming to vault something, aiming to fall from something or if you used Dead hard earlier, I will then know to just wait till you use it and then hit you right after. I can then just plan ahead by going around the vault or the drop zone so that your perk has much less effect against me.

    Now to just finalize this Tyde used the example of the Nurse being countered by Dead Hard, which is true absolutely, but now name me another killer that is hard countered by Dead Hard. The only reason it is a counter to Nurse is because of the nature of her playstyle, this does NOT make it a counter to ALL killers.

    Tyde mentions other things in the video that I absolutely agree with such as generator time and the overall power of the killer, these all absolutely need to be fixed. But to the topic at hand I have to completely disagree with Tyde, I as a killer main have never thought " Damn Dead Hard is annoying as hell ", but I do feel that way about SB. SB needs to be nerfed, but for me ONLY sprint burst out of the exhaustion perks needs this. As I say, if ALL the perks are getting nerfed, then ultimately Sprint Burst will still be the best one to use out of them

    I hope this didn't seem too rant-like for that is not my intenton, I simply don't agree that the way to nerf a perk is by nerfing it's ENTIRE category. It would be like nerfing Nurses calling just because people have a problem with BBQ, it would make no sense

    Thanks for reading, and of course give your own opinion on the situation!

    OK, gonna just throw my two cents in, as someone who plays both sides.

    I agree with everything you've stated. And after reading the thread, I feel like this also needs addressing. Survivor mains complain about BBQ, Ruin, and all "crutch" perks that killers use. But in truth, there's really only two I think are crutch perks: no one escaped death or Blood Warden. Even Devour Hope isn't that much of a crutch, becuase it can be achieved very quickly (if the totem stands that long). All exhaustion perks are crutch perks if played right, as well as DS, Quick and Quiet, even urban evasion if the distance is long enough. These are situations, but you get the idea. Because of all the perks, pallets and map designs, killers rely on certain perks nearly every game (unless they're playing perkless, in which case, bravo!). 

    I admit, I can't play a game without ruin or BBQ, because I get so tired of not having anything on my side to help me counter SB, DS, all of them. And when I play survivor, I refuse to use DS and pick Lithe over SB. Lithe is a little easier to counter (and don't lie, its easier than SB, thanks to needing a vault location). 

    These nerfs i feel are necessary to push the game forward, or else killer mains are gonna end up walking out of the community. And with feedback, the devs can continue to move forward. We can't achieve balance without experimenting with the mechaincs. 

    And for Christs sakes guys, this is a general discussion, no need to be nasty to someone because they think differently!
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Mc_Harty said:
    I have never seen killers complain about that oh that pesky Balanced Landing. He states that the perk isn't always viable and claims its has the same problems as Sprint Burst? Balance Landing is incredibly dependent on map and positioning as a survivor. You cannot activate it whenever you want. What is he talking about?

    Also its a lie to say that survivor only have to be in chase for 40 seconds for their exhaustion perks to be activated again. The timer doubles for 80 seconds while running (typically what you do when you're being chased) and 64 with Vigil.
    Lets just ignore mechanics for the sake of an argument.

    My issue with the exhaustion nerf is that it is pointless, since it doesn't shake up the meta. Sprint Burst is still king. None of the exhaustion nerfs can compete with it. Dead Hard is easy to bait out and can be render useless by killers with instant down perks and powers. Lithe might get you hit when you try to vault and Balanced Landing is incredibly map dependent.

    I have no idea what he was trying to prove in a video where he only managed to use one exhaustion perk per chase against a freshly prestige nurse that played poorly in that match.

    Pssst! ...It's because he's stupid ...but thinks he's clever.