My two cents on recent updates
Dear BHVR-Team and Forum squad,
first of all about me: I'm an avid DBD player. Played for nearly 1000 hours, loving this game.
Recently you started to drive in a direction, that bothers me. The most recent update for example "fixed" the Rank issues that were occuring in the past week. Your patchnotes state that now the highest rank of player in a group is the deciding factor of who matches with whom. This in theory, as a LOT of streamers say is the best thing that they could've done. I disagree and heres why:
You literally switched the roles of what happened last week. Everyone but the killer is now screwed. Because only the highest rank is considered. Imagine this:
I am currently playing with a lot of people that are not necessarily good at looping or just enjoy this game casually. I play with them because i like them, not because I want to bully lower ranked killers. If I see killers have a bad time i'll sacrifice myself at the end (not too obviously) so they get off this game positively. I don't care for bloodpoints as I have 2 characters maxed, a couple at p3 50 and whatnot.
Now think about that for a second how things have changed in the perspective of people, playing with me, who are new to the game.
They get into a game (being Rank 18-10) after having to wait a long time for queue to pop (issues with matchmaking and lobbies included). Only to face a spirit/nurse/hillbilly R1-4 / Prestige 3 or Legacy. You may know how the game goes for them. They get downed, hooked and rescued (if not getting proxycamped because thats "meta") and the story repeats until they die. They have NO FUN whatsoever. Because spirit (I'll touch on her later) and nurse are literally breaking the gamedesign. Hillbillies just usually outskill him/her.
Now I have three options for myself. Either depip myself until I can have fun games with my friends (which is bannable, thanks). Or purchase another copy of DBD only to play with my friends. Lastly stop playing with my friends (which would make me stop playing survivor at all). Which of those is probably the best idea? None of them.
My Idea to fix this problem:
Instead of Ranking the Killer based on the lowest/highest ranked player in the group. Make it based on the average with a small twist. Imagine having a 4-man SWF. Ranks are distributed like 20, 13, 5, 3.
The average rank of this group is (20 + 13 + 5 + 3)/4 = 41/4 = 10,25. This results (floored) in an average rank of 10 (always FLOOR! Even at 9.999). For each Survivor that is in the SWF-Group add 1 rank.
2-man = +1 Rank => Rank 9
3-man = +2 Rank => Rank 8
4-man = +3 Rank => Rank 7
The resulting killer of matchmaking should have a Rank of 7 or at least around that. The reasoning behind that is simple: The more people that play together frequently the better they work together. If the average rank is 10, a Rank 7 killer should be capable of winning (your definition, Kill 2 people) frequently, if he doesn't ######### up too much. Because he has a Rank 20 and a rank 13 against them! They still need to be smart.
Ranking talk end
I will not go into detail about nurse since McLean said (on his stream), that he finished up the changes to nurse and we'll need to see about that.
Now talking about Spirit. Before you killer mains raise your pitchforks and say: "But nurse is worse". That doesn't matter we're talking about Spirit. Not Nurse!
Spirit as an idea was great. A killer that is phasing, strikes from the shadows while not being in trouble of caring about anything.
Gameplaywise it's a total desaster. Who thought that in a game, where survivors ONLY option is to run and mirror the killers movement to take 50% of it and throw it in a bin? The only way to get good at spirit is to wear headphones. If you wear headphones, you're golden! Theres nothing to learn. No "mindgames" to be had. For the survivor it's always a 50/50 if you're uninjured if you're standing on the right side of the pallet or decide if she's actually phasing.
Mindgaming pallets? You know thats a joke. She's standing there and you have to guess. It's not gaming it's gambling.
If anyone doesn't believe this and thinks that spirit needs any kind of skill or whatever. I'll be happy to show you different (I'll do Rank 15-1 only Spirit). She's a top tier killer for a reason. And the reason is simply because it's anti-fun for survivors (but totally fun to play as) and requires NO SKILL whatsoever.
Spirit Talk End
BHVR-Team if you have read this. Please reply. I would really like to know whether or not you think your current system works better or worse and whether you'd like me to refine above said things or why you think that wont work.
To everyone: I am open to every neutral discussion. Note: A discussion IS NOT to be had to be the victor. A discussion is to be had to come to a mutual agreement or exchange of knowledge.
TLDR; Matchmaking is now ######### for survivors, not for killers. Spirit anti-fun, please change.
Seriously. My group has decided to stop playing until they fix it because we have two consistent rank ones, I'm an 8 and we have a 12. Me and the 12 are just getting stomped. the ones are good enough they can avoid losing pips just trying to keep us alive, but no one survives unless they get a hatch. Most of our games of the last couple days haven't even gotten past two gens left. What was wrong with it being an average? Why does my gaming group have to have a consistent rank to play together? All they have done is take a game I could play with friends and made it not fun to play.