Freddie Snares has no Penalty during a chase!



  • DeathEscape
    DeathEscape Member Posts: 313
    edited October 2019

    Yes, snares are limited but the dream pallets are so very limited

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    *cries in Legion main* You right though.

    also, you are very right. I keep seeing people just want the game to be about looping. But why even have more than one Killer if that's all you are gonna do or want to do? Why bother having different Killer playstyles at all, if people just whine they can't loop them, then say the Killer is boring cause they can't just loop them.

    To me, it would be FAR more boring to be able to loop every Killer instead of "Oh it's this Killer! I need to use this kinda plan to beat them!" But no, everyone wants to be in NASCAR it seems and just do them left turns all day.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I can't agree more. Sure, have something for balance... but SO MANY KILLERS get screwed by there own power. Look what they did to Legion!

  • Rinthespooki
    Rinthespooki Member Posts: 255

    "Nerf freddy thread"

    Ah #########, here we go again...

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
    edited October 2019

    I just want to put what I put into a "nerf Spirit" thread here, cause I feel like it applies.

    You know, and I mean this in the least aggressive and least offensive way i can, but all I see from threads like this are people that don't want to do anything BUT LOOP the Killer. They want all Killers to be loopable and easy to handle. WHY?! Don't you realize that makes the game utterly boring? You might as well turn on NASCAR and watch them take a left turn for a few hours.

    What would be even the point of having more than one Killer if the only tactic you need it looping? Why bother putting any other Killer in the game? Don't you want to have to THINK to deal with a Killer? Like... to me "Oh, I need to make sure I remember the Killer can do this!" or "Oh, I need to come up with a plan cause its this Killer!" sounds so much more exciting then "Oh... it's the Killer... time to loooooop."

    If you keep removing the things that makes Killers unique just for your wish to ONLY HAVE TO LOOP, then the game will get stale, boring and people will leave. Think about what you are asking for here! So many Killers are in a terrible spot cause of people thinking things like this. Old Freddy, New Legion... both were RIPPED TO PIECES cause people couldn't and didn't want to learn how to counter play them, cause they couldn't be looped. (Yes I know Legion had an exploit but the nerfs were FAR ABOVE just fixing that.)

    Learn that you might have to use more tactics than just looping, and please, learn to be grateful for the uniqueness of the Killers. You'd miss it if it was gone, I promise you.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    Idc about nerfing or anything I just wish they cleaned up the lunge as far as graphics go for him. If height is the issue it makes no sense since hag who is also a little one whose in chase lunges look clean, while fredsters does not.

  • LushyBunny
    LushyBunny Member Posts: 76

    All lunges are the same, the speed defect isn't as bad as clowns, snares are only used to shut down loops where as traps from hag guarantee a hit and trapper gives a free down. Huntress is a rangeless hit, Shall I go on?