Trapper Buff/Rework Ideas

Apex Member Posts: 10
edited May 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

We all know our beloved trappy boi is outdated and he needs some strong buffs or even a rework to make him more viable (without that delicious diamond stone ofc) Here are some ideas that could make The Trapper scarier even at higher ranks.

  1. Since the traps under hook are not a thing anymore, the disarm time should be 5 seconds instead of 3.
  2. Ok here's the spicy stuff - so what if the traps spawn in trap stations (Imagine jigsaw boxes but with traps stacked on top of eachother inside of them). These trap stations are placed around the map and all the trap stations are linked, which means when the trapper takes a trap from one station, there is one less in all stations. They always contain the same amount of traps. If a survivor sabotages a trap, the trap spawns back into the stations after X amount of seconds. If survivors disarm a trap, the trap will also spawn back at the stations after a set amount of seconds, so survivors have a limited time to sabo the trap. If the survivors sabo the trap, the sabotaged trap respawn time will stack with the disarm respawn time. (like this, there will actually be a reason to sabo the traps, not just for bloodpoints) This will help the Trapper a LOT since he will have way more control over the map, especially early game, when he loses a lot of time arming traps. The amount of stations that spawn on the map depends on the size of the map but there should be enough of them so that the trapper doesn't waste time walking around the map. (8 trap stations on Shelter Woods sould be enough, but way more are needed on Backwater Swamp for example) By the way, this is GizmoTheViking's idea so all the credit goes to him <3

  3. Trap disarm changes. As I said, disarm time should be 5 seconds instead of 3 seconds. Besides this, because disarming a trap takes skill, I've tought about this:

  • At the end of the disarming animation (after those 5 seconds), a skillcheck will appear. If the survivor hits the skillcheck, it disarmes the trap. If the survivor fails the skillcheck, moves while the skillcheck is on the screen or gets interrupted while the skillcheck is on the screen (aka the trapper slaps the survivor), the survivor gets its arm stuck in the bear trap (yeah, devs need to make an animation for this but since they did one for Dead Hard, which is a perk, I'm sure they'll manage one for our beloved Trappy Boi <3)
    If timed correctly, The Trapper could make some nasty plays with these deadly traps. They work just like a reverse Decisive Strike. Survivor hits skillcheck = trap disarmed. Survivor fails skillcheck = (sometimes) free hook for the trapper. If this is too strong, maybe the traps should just hurt the survivor instead of catching their arm :p. Diamond stone works for the failed disarm skillchecks too (but maybe make the skillcheck bigger when disarming? He really needs some new add-ons too and these changes could introduce add-ons that make the disarm skillcheck faster and harder to hit etc etc lots and lots of ideas)

Ok friends what do you think? If you have any questions or ideas, please feel free to respond or just contact me here

Please be respectful I'm just trying to help! <3 Peace

Post edited by Apex on


  • GizmoTheViking
    GizmoTheViking Member Posts: 5

    I don't know this person :p , but he has some good ideas ;)

  • Apex
    Apex Member Posts: 10

    @SaltyKiller I know but it's still boring to play him and so easy to verse him. Making the traps insta down survivors will make him boring to play and very very hard to play against. He really needs something fresh. It's also lore-friendly to have trap stations since he worked at the macmillan factory :pirate:

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    maybe a trapped survivor should have a stun time that prevents escape for a second or two. and missed skillchecks for disarming or sabotaging cause an injury.... and traps remove one health state meaning that an injured survivor that gets trapped becomes downed....

  • Apex
    Apex Member Posts: 10

    @deadwolfwalking sounds good

  • Kalec84
    Kalec84 Member Posts: 495

    Was cecking the most "fresh" topic about trapper, and this is it :P
    I think there is a even simple way to make him viable, and "counter looping"

    1-give him more traps (like 3)
    2- he insta-place the traps

    maybe the can make the traps a little bigger since it is a bear trap and/or restock them at the lockers like the huntres, but thats not so much necessary.

  • Scitron
    Scitron Member Posts: 1
    Or how about making sabotaged traps get destroyed (And not spawn in the first place), but let him carry more and restock like Huntress hatchets (from lockers to reduce making more stuff on the maps)?

    I don't play trapper much, but all the running around and only being able to hold one trap were just too brutal compared to other killers.
  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498

    Feel like survivors should be hindered until healed after stepping in a bear trap the hinderence should be like 10% because you just stepped in a freaking bear trap you should not be able to run full speed

  • Sn0wJob
    Sn0wJob Member Posts: 247

    Being able to hold an extra trap baseline would feel so much better, it's a race against time to set up and having to hunt around for more traps cuts into this.
    maybe the coil addons could be buffed to make skill checks for sabo much much harder.

  • Sn0wJob
    Sn0wJob Member Posts: 247

    Also dyes are just sort of useless because you can't know which map you're going to end up on and honestly the traps barely blend in any better.
    Maybe replace the dyes with an addon that punishes people for sabotaging your hooks instead.
    Like gunked up palms that hinder repair times or apply exposed for a limited time (60seconds maybe)

  • Doomsaki
    Doomsaki Member Posts: 152
    edited June 2018

    @SaltyKiller said:
    I admire the effort but I think the best way to "fix" the Trapper is much simpler:

    1: Trapper now starts with 2 traps instead of one.

    2: Sabateur no longer destroys traps.

    3: Traps will now insta-down and don't require an extremely rare add-on in order to do so. Because it's ridiculous when you don't have that add-on and they step into a trap they can get out of it in about 3 seconds.


    Throw in some animation speed improvements and it would make him slightly competitive with the current viable killers (nurse/billy/huntress).

    @Apex said:
    @SaltyKiller I know but it's still boring to play him and so easy to verse him. Making the traps insta down survivors will make him boring to play and very very hard to play against.

    There is a very huge gap between the high-ranking viable billy/nurse/huntress and the rest of the killer crew. In terms of time investment, huntress can literally toss at melee range and swipe for an instant-down or at least gets free hits when a survivor has to vault or throw down a pallet from a chase. Trapper in comparison is spending over a minute finding and setting up traps for an investment that may not be triggered in the first place, may not catch people when it lands, and is still stuck chasing people through long loops with an M1 attack.

    The devs need to start adjusting killer powers based on actual hard math numbers regarding time investment and actual opportunity cost instead of vague intuitive concepts of what might seem overbearing or not. Nurse, billy, and huntress kill with alarming speed, but those who don't have bizarre drawbacks and restrictions on top of being forced to M1 chase people.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,425

    You forgot an important thing:

    1. Trapper gets an alternate action (Pig crouch, Clown reload) that lets him re-arm traps even if he is currently holding a trap.
  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    1) traps spawn into map already set.
    2) setting up time INCLUDES animations for kneeling down and standing up. Addons affect the time for those animations as well.

    done, scariest killer in the game again

  • Suppositious
    Suppositious Member Posts: 11

    Love the ideas so far but here's another idea how about once a survivor is trapped once with a trap, through out that match the survivor may trip and stumble every now and then.
    (Because I mean you just got bear trapped don't think you would be running around after that)
    Think this would help slow the pace of that match down a little bit, just a thought.

  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288
    I suggest a liner difficulty decrease for struggling out of traps.

    1st try -10% escape chance
    2nd try - 20% escape chance
    And so on
  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    Would be good to get a buff to my favorite/main killer. I like suggestions in this thread. I’m thinking:
    -Tossing the trap (very short range) and it lands armed.
    -Start with 2 traps and have a 2 trap carrying capacity
    -Add traps to lockers but keep the max number of traps
    -Instead of struggling out and having a chance to make it or not, survivors get a difficult skill check every X seconds. Slippery Meat increases the skill check size. Can’t make the skill check? Can’t get out yourself. Addons that affect struggle speed instead increase/decrease the time between skill checks. 
  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288

    @GhostEuant said:
    Would be good to get a buff to my favorite/main killer. I like suggestions in this thread. I’m thinking:
    -Tossing the trap (very short range) and it lands armed.
    -Start with 2 traps and have a 2 trap carrying capacity
    -Add traps to lockers but keep the max number of traps
    -Instead of struggling out and having a chance to make it or not, survivors get a difficult skill check every X seconds. Slippery Meat increases the skill check size. Can’t make the skill check? Can’t get out yourself. Addons that affect struggle speed instead increase/decrease the time between skill checks. 

    I love that idea of short range trap throwing. Very good. I think the use of skillchecks when dealing with traps is also a good idea.

  • Hodderfodder
    Hodderfodder Member Posts: 164
    edited June 2018

    I like the trap station idea, because I honestly have such a hard time finding the random spawned traps. Their auras are so faint. Although I don't know if they'll do that; on one of the streams, they said one idea they had for a Trapper rework was an ultra-rare that every (minute? 20 seconds? I don't remember), an unarmed trap randomly arms itself.

    If no trap station, I sure would like them to change the auras to yellow so they're easier to spot from halfway across the map.

    As far as disarming, I think those would make for better addons to replace the "harder to sabo" addons.

    Addon 1: Skill check to disarm.
    Addon 2: More difficult skillcheck.
    Very Rare or Ultra Rare addon: Failure causes the survivor to be trapped.