How do you feel about Legacy?

Are you glad when you see Legacy skin? Or you leave the lobby? I know some legacy players are toxic but I have legacy and I try to be good person.
some are strangely boosted, no offense or anything but i think that they haven't played the game in a while and most of them become a little rusty, some are toxic. but i never dodge a lobby if there's a legacy cuz i find it exciting to have smart survivors going against me, even though i get rekt 99% of the time
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Does not matter at all.
Usually those who run really freaky skins like pizzaboy dwight tend to be those who want to get chased and some of them might be a bit toxic from now and then.
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If and when I see Legacy I think they may be the ones who could run me the longest so I tend to chase others first.
I never dodge as I can't get aim to get better without playing versus survivors who may be a step ahead of me.
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I once got ''camped'' by a legacy 3 nurse who just kept her blink charged at the hook from far away. Good times.
Hardly come across any good legacy survivors, most are your average potato survivors and others Dc on the first down (nothing suspicious about that).
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there is no legacy on console :( very unfair.😢
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When I see a Legacy in the same Lobby as me, I assume we're all gonna get moried. I have yet to be wrong.
When I see them in my lobby while playing killer, I think "Well, they'll be easier to find which usually means harder to chase and a bit cocky."
When I see a killer with Legacy once I get into a match, I either expect to get dominated or get memed on.
I'm glad they exist though. If the grind is bad now, I can't imagine what kind of fresh hell the early days were for grinding and then prestiging . (I came in a handful of months prior to pig. Not sure how many. Just knew i was excited to learn about her.)
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An easier target to spot because they glow brighter than a lighthouse... It only benefits me if anything when I see a Legacy player.
It is nice to see one though, it lets me know that not all of them are long gone from the game.
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I always get salty because I would have legacy if it weren't for the old progress wipe glitch back in the day.
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Why suspicious?
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Feelsbadman :/ how many pieces you lost?
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i feel like i should get mine back!
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If I am playing survivor, then I'm usually delighted to see a legacy survivor. It means I might not have to worry about the whole team getting slaughtered quickly.
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3 would have had dwight legs and trapper weapon and body
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Some people envy legacy so much that they hack the game to get it.
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Was it really that simple? ######### lol
That hurts, I'm sorry mate
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Most legacy players ragequit the game after the changes after the big june 2018 patch started. Trust me, legacy players were nothing back then, they were just more toxic and knew 1 or 2 more mindgames than your average survivor. I played against a legacy a few days ago, nothing difficult in terms of mindgames.