Escaping and losing a pip...



  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    They dont always go after the unhooked, but its still lame and stupid from a gameplay perspective, its like well... if they want to play that game I wont go there, he will die and gens will be done faster while survs depip.

    Most of these ¨streamers¨ even tunnel and complain about BT, but man if you are so stupid to do something lame and survs waste one perk slot to save another player, eat it.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    If you experience that regularly you need to equip ds and dh,and play with people with bt.

    If that's the tendency of the killer rush the gens and save after adrenaline has popped.

    It's not fun but that's something that happens

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    Just a question. How should I play with people with bt? Should I ask whenever I am in a lobby?

    It is simple impossible for solo survivors to know that. You just hope your teammate has some common sense and save you appropriately. Which is frustrating tbh.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Eh if you need to play solo then used ds and dh to reach a safe loop.

    Also, rank up because its less likely to find bad team mates at Red ranks

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    kind of disagree. Yeas DS can save your life, but if killer persist on you and you already used it there is not much you could have done.

    For example just got out of a game where 5 blink Nurse downed me, hooked me and my rank 2 teammate saved me while she was breaking gen behind me without bt and moried me where I lay. So I got out 6k points and -1 points for 3 min game. Yeah lets move on to others.So much more fun to have.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    If that's the case you lose, but I hardly doubt that this happens often.

    I play dbd on both ps4 and pc and those killers are not common.

    If it happens go and eat a sandwich

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    well. If I left when I had games like these consecutively, I wouldn't play this game at all.

    Especially with the event, everyone plays like crazy. Killers extra sweaty campy, survivors extra YOLO.

    3 in a row now I encountered Mori tunneling killers. Died at different times of the game still earned less than 10k in all of them. All red rank matches, side note.

    I am in a place where I don't give a ######### at this point. Pips mean nothing, rank means nothing. And I got double even I leave with 300 points. So here I am. onward to the next camping killer.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I was saying the official winning condition, I have fun.

  • xZeroStrike
    xZeroStrike Member Posts: 133

    The pip system may not make much sense in some scenarios like this one, but it works well for the majority of the time.

    There are 2 points of view you can have on this: your personal point of view, in which the system is flawed, or the point of view the devs went with: the one that promotes gameplay and interaction.

    The system currently works for the second point of view and that's to keep the gameplay fun and add variety in each game. It may not make much sense to escape and depip, but from the view the devs had and how they intended the system to operate, it does.

    It's frustrating at times, but imagine if the system would reward simply escaping or simply killing. There would be survivors who do gens and nothing else. It would promote hatch-camping once more. It would encourage killers to bring Ebony Mori's, because all they need to do is kill.

    It would make more sense, but it would arguably drain the fun out of the game rather quickly. It'd be unhealthy for the game in the long run, which is why I think the current system, despite its quirks during the occasional round, is a good system that works the way it should.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I think you missed the point, we are not talking about pipping we are talking about NOT depiping when you do your job.

    No matter how you slice it, achieving my victory conditions must give me a black pip

  • xZeroStrike
    xZeroStrike Member Posts: 133

    I did miss the point slightly, yes, my apologies. But the idea remains the same. The system was designed to promote variety in survivor and killer actions (and interactivity between the two) throughout each game. And it does that well in most scenarios. There are oddities on a case-by-case basis, like the game you had where you fulfilled the survivors' objective as indicated by lore.

    From a gameplay perspective though, the system deems you "unworthy". We can tie some lore to this, perhaps it's the entity that demands to be entertained, and you and your crew, as well as the killer, failed to entertain the entity, and therefore there was no bread at the campfire that night. Outside of lore, you simply didn't fulfill enough interactions in the game to safety pip. It's annoying, yes, but the intention behind the system is to push both roles out of their respective comfort zones and do things they normally wouldn't do if they want to succeed.

    There is no real way for the game to tell the difference between a game that didn't provide opportunity for a safety pip (because one of the roles didn't play on par with the other), or a freeloader survivor hiding in a corner and escaping without risk of getting deranked. If escaping guaranteed at least a safety pip no matter what, or killing would grant at least a safety pip no matter what, players who "succeeded" but, from a gameplay perspective, performed poorly all things considered, wouldn't be punished for it.

    I hope this makes sense, I'm trying to explain as best I can think of!

    It's an unfortunate circumstance in which you've wound up in, but you should see it as a necessary evil, is what I'm trying to say. Luckily, oddities like these don't happen often (from my personal experience), so you won't encounter this "issue" often.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869
    edited September 2019

    @DBDbuildsYT Another great example of depiping even if you escaped.

    Let me sum up the game: we spawned a saw ruin, cleansed it did a gen, cleansed another 2 totem. Did another gen. By the time Myers got to tier 3 once and never even hit another survivor. While I was cleansing another totem, last gen poped and gates powered. I opened one of the gates. Then Myers got to tier 3 again and killed someone with tombstone piece. Then others left.

    So most of you here saying it is my fault not to chase down killer to have boldness points for emblem?

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Ridiculous, the pipping system is arbitrary and frankly silly.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Yes what you said does make sense, and I mostly agree with your points.

    The only part that I dispute is thst even a freeloader who manages to avoid the killer the whole match should safety pip if he escapes.

    It is true that the emblem system should stimulate interactions between players, and I am OK with that, simply a punishment for the goal is wrong.

    At the end of the day an escape or 3 kills for a killer is a victory which c deserves at least not to be punished

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    I feel you. Last night I had a game where I did 2 gets and got one unhook, plus opened the door. We kinda destroyed the killer. Game was over in like 5 minutes and I didn't get chased once. I feel like I pulled my weight that game and escaped yet still lost a pip.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Thats why they have BBQ, Nurse Calling Whispers and other stuff to find survivors, why would someone on earth want to interact with a toxic Hillbilly or fast killers?

    Interaction between survivors is ok, interact with the killer isnt, he has to do something... like try to find survivors, earn his points.

    So as a surv in red ranks I have to go to chase a killer because doing gens only I can depip, and I have risks while the killer doesnt, he has the survs ¨interacting¨ with him and no risks, no death and a crapload of points.

    Killers are not out of their comfort zones, they rely on BBQ which I find sad.

    If you escape you should have a safety pip and thats it, the game has no punishment for tunnelers either or tryhards using OPed addons that are infinite and ruin the game for everyone, like mirror myers, tombstone, silent Spirit, etc.

    The whole ¨entity¨ thing is a made up excuse to cover all the nonsense going on, this game is good when there is no toxicity happening, I would tell the ¨entity¨ to fix those out of this world hitboxes, like vaulting a window from the first floor and getting hit from above when you are almost touching the ground.

  • Phox
    Phox Member Posts: 206

    I’ve had this happen before and it’s dumb. You get punished in red ranks if the killer played poorly and there was no one needed to be unhooked or healed.

    Escaping should be a safety pip if you at least worked on gens and didn’t just hatch camp.

  • xZeroStrike
    xZeroStrike Member Posts: 133

    If the fast killers or those "toxic" Hillbillys are good enough, they will find you. If they aren't good enough to find you, maybe they aren't good enough to kill you either. If they're "fast killers", your turn to get chased will come, rest assured. You'll get your chase points.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994
    edited September 2019

    And that is where you are 100% wrong. The OFFICIAL WINNING CONDITION is to get enough emblems to either 1) Depip, 2) Safety, 3) Pip, 4) Double pip. The definition of “WIN” is different for everyone. For you, it sounds like only #3 & #4 are win conditions. And YES, players consider #1 and/or #2 winning conditions for themselves, which may vary. You need to “EARN” enough emblem points to achieve your “WINNING” goal.

    Doing gens, and exiting through and exit gate, or the hatch, is NOT the definition of a winning condition in any way or form. BHVR makes the game, it’s their rules. Either earn the emblem points, or fail to achieve whatever goal that you have set.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Exactly, at no point it says go chase a killer so he thinks you are being toxic, this is a devs´ thing and they are not being clear about it, also there is no reward for being stealthy, a ¨survivor¨ in order to survive is going to try to avoid a killer at all costs, specially new players that jump screaming every time they get spotted.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994
    edited September 2019


    Those pages are over 2 years old, and were written long before the Emblem System was put into place. Also, BHVR has stated numerous times that the tutorial guides are just beginner notes, and do not encompass the game as a whole. The simple fact that neither of you knows that, means that everyone here is just wasting their time on noobs, who know absolutely nothing about the game, or its past, and refuse to learn how to play the game.

    Good luck on your close minded views of the game, but this thread is clearly a waste of time for everyone.

    P.S. You do know that "primary objective" and "main objective" do not mean SOLE objective, right?

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Show us your account since we are all noobs lol I'm curious

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    Yup. But, tons of people still think that they game is only catered to survivors, which is funny. Playing survivor right now is a huge waste of time when you can play killer and have control over the match and BP gain. Your only real hinder is people that Dc.

    Also, hitting rank 1 is easier than before as you get a ton of fresh yellow, green, purple survivors to bully, but you know?? game is survivor oriented.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    So killers get to choose if the team pips or not? Seems fair

  • NinoV1
    NinoV1 Member Posts: 382

    Yeah the whole pip system is one of the most flawed ranking algorithms I’ve ever seen.

    Even as killer you can only safety pip with a 4K sometimes, the whole system encourages boosting and farming and quite frankly needs looking at.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Was playing one of the last blood hunt games, killer DC´ed and I lost a pip, #########?

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    The Emblem System right now:

    As Survivor: If you are too good, you depip.

    As Killer: If you are too good, you depip.

    Yes it could also be, that the otherside just is bad that match, but still you would depip without grinding for some points or toying with your opponent...what is a tad toxic imo.

    The Emblem System also don't account for alternative playstyles and meme-builds that work by tackling other aspects of the game.

    My best advice, enjoy your free derank and have fun with easier games and faster queue times.

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    Wrong, as killer you can play spirit or Nurse and at the minimum black pip. Somewhat accurate tho. I don't give a crap about rank at this point, but all I face at where I am is spirits.

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