Plague is just boring now and how to fix it

Funchal Member Posts: 43
edited September 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

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The mere fact that corruption is OP compels players not to purify themselves, thus causing the killer not to use his true power.

Being impossible to dodge corruption, players simply prefer to be broken, making noise and having a terrifying green effect than purifying themselves, making an unfortunate cycle where the killer does not earn points with his power because he simply stagnates and no longer advances. because everyone is broken, turning the killer into M1 Simulator, and survivors who like to play stealthy simply lose this possibility because purifying them will damage all other survivors

Prague is simply boring and emotionless, not anything you can do other than using Tanatophobia to bother a little, but in the end it's just M1 Simulator

Tip 1: Make corruption a one precision shot rather than continuous vomiting, thus allowing survivors to dodge, giving the possibility of improving the plague in other ways without leaving it unpleasant.

Being a precision shot would add to the mechanical plague, so experienced players can take advantage of this to make moves, which the current one doesn't exist.

Tip 2: Make the disease prevent or at least hinder the execution of the generators in some way, forcing the survivors to treat themselves at once

It must be remembered that the power of Prague is completely tied to the survivor purifying himself, if he does not, the Prague can do nothing more.

Freddy for example has this similarity where players can choose not to leave the dream world and keep making generators, the difference is that leaving the dream in no way prevents Freddy from using his power, unlike the plague, it frustrates the killer because you feel helpless, you feel your power is being thrown away

So as Doctor prevents players from doing anything when they are in Madness 3, do something like the plague to justify purification.

In general, just change how corruption works now to have some form of counterplay, add some interesting mechanics so that survivors can treat themselves without being troll

I accept any kind of suggestion, feel free

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