The clown buff

Hey everybody I want to propose a clown buff, now this buff isnt anything giant but it is something that every clown main or someone that has played clown for at least a couple hours has probably noticed.
I am talking about the slow that the clown receives while he is throwing a bottle of the tonic.
just incase anybody got confused I am not talking about the clown running around while holding a bottle, Im talking about the slow the clown recieves during the animation of throwing a bottle.
currently the clown is slowed to survivor running speed for 1 second during the bottle throwing animation, so for one second the clowns speed becomes 4.0 m/s.
Why should this change be implemented?
Thats simple it makes the clowns gameplay a bit smoother and throwing a bottle wont hinder the clown for using his power even if it is just for a second.
take dream snare freddy for example, freddy isnt slowed down while holding or placing a dream snare, he is able to move at 115% movement speed the entire time he is using his power.
Devs please make this tiny change and remove the 1 second 15% slow the clown receives while throwing a bottle its gets pretty annoying after a while.