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Does anyone get that effect when you move around auras and the gen completion icons appear warped when moving and a ripple effect when you move and look at the edge of your character?? Idk how to fix that


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited October 2019


    I'm sorry, I don't quite follow what you mean. Are you messing with the files or something to make that happen?

    If you're talking about when the generator is completed or when someone gets hooked, that's naturally a thing that happens within the game.

  • MrDecisive
    MrDecisive Member Posts: 61

    Yes when someone gets hooked or the generator glow aura that shows up its warped when I move in the game and it's always been like that even on console it just so ugly. Ik it's the anti Aliasing but idk why its causing it to warp

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited October 2019

    That's just what happens, it warps their auras around it because... think of it as its "Zooming in" on the generator while high-lighting it... It's just to indicate that the generator is done with the audio que, or the Survivor is hooked with the screaming audio que...

    It's just something that happens, Its just a visual mechanic, that's about it.