
Hope a Dev or CM can see this.

Can you please think about Mettle of Man? Basically nobody is using it and I want to use it!

Here are an idea how can balanced and be used again:

Mettle of Man:

Level 1: Activated after being hit protecting 3 survivors

Level 2: Activated after being hit 3 times: 2 times protecting 2 survivors and 1 time on any other hit

Level 3: Activated after being hit 3 times: 1 times protecting 1 survivor and 2 time on any other hit

Any other ideas?


  • Nightshade
    Nightshade Member Posts: 26

    I think the simplest fix would be to include safe unhooks on top of protection hits, like We're Gonna Live Forever; Not sure why they deviated from that approach to begin with.The other option would be to decrease the needed protection hits to 2, that way activating it will actually be possible without using an Insta-Heal.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Given how Level 3 is primarily the one that matters most, your idea is only marginally worse than the old MoM, which was too strong to begin with.

    They deviated from that approach because (according to the devs) it turned out to be even easier to activate MoM than through the old method.

  • Phox
    Phox Member Posts: 206

    After watching Scott Jund try to get MoM to work, and seeing how you basically have to throw the game to get it active I agree is should be looked at again.

    The problem is, it’s a hard perk to balance because it is so strong. Either the requirements are too easy, or too hard.

    The safe unhooks proved to be too easy. From what I’ve seen getting 2 protection hits is hard, but doable. Getting the 3rd and then actually getting to use MoM after that seem to be the hardest. In my head, 2 protection hits and then having to heal another survivor a full health state seems more achievable, but not super easy.. although I could be totally wrong. It’s hard to say without a lot of testing what would balance this perk, so it’s probably gonna stay as it is for a while sadly.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited October 2019

    A rework might help, to give it a complete new mechanic, trying to find some other fluff that matches Ash. But in my opinion it would work as it is, but it is buggy.

    It says "3 protection hit *score events*". That would be fine, there are several situations where you get that. But not all of these events really give you the stack

  • ItsBritneyBitch
    ItsBritneyBitch Member Posts: 21

    I guess you are main killer player, and I guess you was suffering when a whole SWF team had MOM but that's your opinion as it's my feedback that's it.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    The problem I noticed with Scott Jund playing, was that the protection hits didn't ALL count. Or it would of been far "easier" to get. I'd love for actual protection hits to count... not some.. I don't see that in the description of the perk... It doesn't say 50/50 chance of a protection hit to proc it. It says protection hits, like all of them.. I think fixing that would be a start. And may actually make MoM worth it, not too easy to get, but more easily obtained.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    In my opinion either fix protection hits... Or make it so ye only need two of em Or the best option imo rework the perk entirely.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I mean, there was a reason it was nerfed from its original incarnation (even if the nerf ended up making the perk pretty bad).

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316
    edited October 2019

    I think the issue is that there are multiple kinds of protection hits that are all labeled under "Protection", leading to confusion.

    MoM does not actually need to be buffed (apart from clearly stating how long the aura reveal lasts) the Protection score events actually need different names. This way we know which score event just triggered via a glance. "Hook Protection" (defending a person being unhooked) "Hit Protection" (taking hits in general) and "Unhook Protection" (taking hits for someone who was recently unhooked and/or standing close to them as they are running around, maybe within a certain meter radius.

    Hopefully these different score event names will be a good start...

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    Which protection hits does WGLF supposed to count towards? Because not all stacks count for that either. And it doesn't quite explain why sometimes a stack will work doing the same thing, yet another time, doesn't count... so.... yea... definitely confusing... Hopefully they look into it, and explain it better to people.

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    I think protection hits that specifically come from bodyblocking count. You have to be very close to a Survivor for WGLF stacks to trigger. It's easier to get stacks from safe hook rescues tbh. Borrowed also basically ENSURES you get that stack before a Survivor is downed from tunneling.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    @bubbascal Yea, but I don't get why the protection thing shows up. but the stack doesn't count. I know unsafe rescues will nullify it.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Who even knows at this point. I've gotten stacks on WGLF by pulling off a pallet save in the past.