Ban leavers

MissUninspired Member Posts: 1
edited July 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

I dont know if there already is a thread for this, if yes, feel free to move this post.

As a killer it is not fun to play anymore. just recently i had a game where 3 survivors left the game after i downed them and even FOR THE FIRST TIME...

These players need to get a muuuch bigger penalty like banning them for a few hours if they did it for the first time and stacking this time the more they do it..


  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    You know whats not fun as a survivor? Starting up the game, jumping into a lobby and finally getting a match only to get slugged with 4-5 gens left to do and end up dying due to your "team". Or you get sandbagged by your teammate where you get locker spammed and cant leave, so you both die. Or when your team bodyblocks you into a corner and you can't escape. Unhooking you right in the killer's face without BT. Sure you can opt to not get caught(the git gud argument, meanwhile you can aura read inside of lockers with Pig and Wraith addons)...

    Don't get me started on toxic survivors who throw salt at teammates because they use perks like Iron Will and Urban Evasion and bitching about immersion.

    You get rank xp and BP for people who quit. They aren't hurting YOUR experience at all. If anything, they're hurting the remaining survivors. Meanwhile, the only 3 things a survivor can do to "BM" a killer is use items, gen-rush, and loop. Gen rush comes from a lack of map pressure. Items are countered by perks and good play. Looping is complete BS. If teabagging hurts your feelings, you shouldn't play online multiplayer games imho.

    Bans need to be saved for toxicity(hate speech, intentional griefing, etc) and cheaters. There's 101 legit reasons a player will quit a match.