Possible idea for a Sprint Burst change

Lately it is the most discussed perk for well known reasons, and recently I had a little crazy idea on how change it to make it mre in line with other exhaustion perks.
The idea comes from a simple reasoning: Sprint Burst is a Meg's teachable, and Meg is an athlete. And when athletes prepare for a sprint, they prepare themselves standing in a simil-crouched position.
So the idea is this: what if SB requires the survivor to crouch and/or stand still for x time to activate (I think 1 second could work)?
What I think this could change is that SB would require a bit of preparation so it wouldn't be anymore a "oh, I ######### up... nvm" perk. The need to slow down would make the survivor vulnerable, so he'd need to use the sprint only in a moment when he is sure he can afford the risk (like after dropping a pallet). Stealthy killers would less likely see their hits denied, unless they find the survivor sneaking around with SB ready, and SB would in general need a bit more of situational awareness.
Sounds like a weird justification to Teabag with Meg!
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Sounds interesting but I feel survivors wouldn't use it because it makes it a lot worse but hey I play killer more than survivor so I'm not complaining0
@xxaggieboyxx said:
Sounds interesting but I feel survivors wouldn't use it because it makes it a lot worse but hey I play killer more than survivor so I'm not complainingImo, because of the nature of SB every possible nerf to it will probably have little to no effect or dump it, without middleground. With this it still would effective in the right hands though.