Cruel Limits Change (hear me out devs)

Now Im not gonna ask for the entire map to be covered per gen but I am asking for:
Your ties to the otherworldly manifest when your prey attempts to get away.
Every time a generator is completed, all windows and vault locations within a 24 meter radius from the completed generator are blocked for all Survivors for the next 20/25/30 seconds. When the last generator is fully repaired, all windows and vault locations become blocked on the entire map for 120 seconds.
You see the aura of the vault locations blocked by Cruel Limits for the duration.
Similar to bitter murmur the perk becomes stronger on the last gen. It would be a good endgame perk and very scary to verse (similar to Blood Warden in that its a huge threat)
This perk is super underused and this would make people actually use it.
Actually, I feel that the perk should block vaults and stuff a few meters from the KILLERS position. Much more better, and has around the same usefullness as Poised.
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I like this. You should make a post about that I would support it. I am fine with either change tbh tho. Well played
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Good Idea. This would help chases alot against Gen rush teams.
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To let killers get easy downs after all gens are done cause theres nothing survivors can do without vaulting locations?
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pallets and stealth.
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Better change, and hear me out on this:
We revert the name to Cruel Confinement. Eh? Eh? Come onnnnnnn, you know you want it!
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agreed and I was thinking about putting that in the discussion but then everyone would have just commented about that and not the actual idea lol
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True, true. As for the actual idea I really like yours. It'd still be a niche perk but it'd encourage survivors to save pallets til the end game any time it's in play.(It would probably need to have it's time WIBed though)
I'm not a huge fan of @Toxicboii 's suggestion, but only because I actually really like the current version of Cruel Confinement. It's surprisingly strong as it covers way more distance than you think. If you choose to build around it with Tinkerer you can guarantee a down pretty much any time you can't protect a gen, making it into at least a trade. That's just my opinion though.
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yeah but not many killers can get to the gen on time. I really wish i didnt hate billy otherwise i would get that build. Thanks for the feedback mate. The only reason I like his as well as my own is because you wouldnt hardly feel like you wasted the perk slot. Even decrease the distance to 24 around the killer. Tinkerer would then be useful for all killers using CL bc they could head there and block the pallets around it if they finish it.
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I'm just thinking out loud here... What if cruel limits trapped the survivors into the tile where the generator was completed for x amount of time (or possibly in a circle with a set diameter). The problem is that it probably couldn't be done in a neat way (I was thinking like Bloodwarden closes exit gates but could look a bit weird).
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Interesting thought. may be op
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Viva la cruel confinement
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I was thinking that It would also block the killer so if they were inside they could get a pretty easy chase but would have to wait for the block to come down or if they were outside they could get there while the survivor were trapped.
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Well would the killer be locked outside of it? would be awkward