Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Pilot Member Feedback lol

I feel like the pilot members should be required to show they have alot of time in the game as well as play both sides for an unbiased opinion

This would keep players who want all the killers nerfed or all the survivor perks nerfed out which is good because its not about what one person wants but what is best for BOTH sides. The experience should be required to show they know the game very well. I do not see myself being a pilot but considering these are community members who are going to be heard, I feel they should know both sides very well and be unbias. I like this Pilot thing. I like to think that they would be the ones that could hear about future updates and things that normal bias players wouldnt hear about til ptb or something.

If the pilot members were informed of what the devs were thinking about in regards to future updates as in perks and what the pilot members think about them then that would be cool asf. The devs had to stop telling us about the next updates because people complained and came to broad conclusions. IF its an unbias experienced group that knows the game then I think they would give good feedback. Maybe I am just thinking about this too much but I had recommended something like that a while back.

Hopefully this will make the devs balance the game around high ranks if they base it off of experience because it is the high ranks that are always supporting the game afterall. We will see how this goes and I may be thinking too much of it but I have high hopes.

Good ######### with this idea devs. Keep it up. You have done a great chapter, and this, and archives, and freddy was very well done. I was scared when the devs did legion, which isnt good and hard asf to balance(please rework next) then plague which was eh but cool survivor, then ghostface which is well done but extremely underpowered when played how he is supposed to, BUT NOW: Consistent goodies. The hollowed blight skins are better than last time too.

K nuff being nice I will continue to be too critical. Well played devs... this time, and make this pilot thing good for everyone, not just the pilot members. Let it change the game. What does everyone else think about it???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Am I too hype for something that might just be stupid?

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