The EGC: It Should Slowly Make The Sun Rise

So, I was thinking about Dead by Daylight and the EGC. Then it hit me, we never see daytime maps at all because every map takes place during the night.
Therefore, as a thought, what if the EGC slowly transitioned the time of day for every map?
Like, as the timer gets closer to expiring, you can tell the sun is rising but you won't actually see the sun rising — you will be Dead by Daylight.
What do y'all think about this suggestion? 🙂
Honestly, that sounds cool as hell. I'd be totally for that!
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Yeah, this makes good sense. Might add some cool atmospheric urgency to the experience! (Not being sarcastic)
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I can see that fitting on some maps (Like MacMillan), but some I just don't see (like Red Forest.)
Edit: Grammar is hard
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I like it. The more atmosphere, the better.
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that'd be cool the survivors would actually be dead by daylight
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Gotta see that sunrise on lery's... wait...
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Holy #########, this is a great idea!
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that would be really cool!
though, it would also be a lot of work for basically nothing, so i doubt they'll implement this, sadly :(
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Holy (BADWORD), will feel so bad for Survivors :_(
I want this!
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You could see light seeping through the windows because it's getting brighter outside. :)
Also, holy moly, I didn't think so many people would support me on this suggestion! Thanks guys and gals!
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This is awesome. I would love for the game to actually show the Daylight like its namesake.
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I mean, windows say hi.
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It would be a direct Nerf to Claudette.
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but a buff to all lighter skinned survivors so overall a survivor buff!!!
In that case no thank you!!! SUN RISING SURVIVOR BUFF TOO OP PLZ NERF!!!!!
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I’d like this
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Yeah sounds cool, but the sun needs to be an eclipse!
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Yes this needs to be in the game on the double!
Also still think maps should start out slightly foggier and as gens are done fog will disapear
Also corn on corn maps should die as gens are done to make it harder to stealth.
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I'm all for this...RTX effects in the future?
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This sounds very cool!
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I approve of this
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Omg I would love this change!!! I'd imagine it be a bit difficult to do though :v
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I was inspired to do this because this happened a while ago! :P
It made me think about the EGC and the VFX for the event!
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It would be great, as the name would finally have anything to do with the game at all.
Also it'd be cool if the sunlight made those red cracks in the ground.
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Isn't the sun already up all the time? Seems to be the case
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+1 this is genius!
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Imagine the sun coming through the windows on lery's. So epic!
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I also adore this idea. Make it happen!
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Everyone is talking about Lery's but what about Hawkins lab?Also, great idea it would add so much more atmosphere to the game and ''Dead by Daylight'' would actually make sense now.
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Good idea +1
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I don't watch stranger things, so we need something equivalent for that map — preferably something related to the Upside Down. :)
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This would be freaking awesome
@Peanits Do you think there's a chance we could ever get purely immersive stuff like this?
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I'm down for it.
I like this.
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I like the idea but I imagine it would be a pain in the ass to make this and it just atmospheric.
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Just when I thought NMCKE couldn't think of more great ideas he strikes again. :)
Totally for this btw (if you couldn't already tell).
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Cool idea I would love to see this happen.
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Image the light from the sun is what makes the red cracks in the ground?
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I would like this cause 1) it would add some meaning to the phrase dead by daylight and 2) it would add some better call outs like “opening east gate”.
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I like it.
It would be easy to just not do it on indoor maps as needed.
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Ormond seems like it's set in the daytime haha
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Also makes sense within the lore of the game
The entity is weak to light (measly flashlights cause the killer to drop survivors and shield their eyes in pain, generators that produce light bring the trial to end.)
As the sun comes the trial becomes flooded with light and starts to collapse. Eventually the light is too much and the trial "destabilizes" causing the trial to end and the survivors still remaining to die.
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Actually haven't noticed that!