Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Ghostface NerfBuffs

Over the past 3 weeks of playing, I've gone up against 20 Ghostfaces ranging from Green rank to Red rank, and my record against him is 18-2 where both wins were in green rank and for obvious reasons. I win more often against Nurse, a character that can never be balanced. Solo play, btw.

The fact that he can sprint across the map without a terror radius already makes him a superior Pig, since she has to crouch and lose both movespeed and the ability to attack until after a charge time. He loses no mobility and retains the ability to attack while gaining something like a superior Spine Chill of his own. Remember when they tried to make The Pig's charge attack a one hit down in the PTB? Well, this guy got it, since he can charge his debuff in the blink of an eye, without an audio indicator like Pig, even when being spotted by the survivor he's marking. THEN, his ability is like Meyers' in that he can "hold it" (the debuff build-up on a survivor doesn't decrease over time) and use it last-second to get a free one-hit-down— something that shouldn't happen since getting spotted should pause his debuff from accumulating AND the stalk rate should be 0 for two seconds but has definitely happened to me mid chase multiple times.

While he's crossing the map in full-sprint and no terror radius, he gets told the direction of someone spotting him, prompting the player to quickly duck around a corner and pop his face out at the direction and know within 95% confidence the location of the survivor that just happened to see a sliver of him. All those times survivors walk around a corner and watch carefully the movement of the killer are now detrimental, prompting the survivor to necessarily lose movement information on him if they don't want to end up in a chase. Or even just crossing the map themselves, if Ghostface happens to walk through the room over yon and you see him for a brief second, you're now being stalked/chased.

Also, the debuff duration is entirely too long. I haven't found a single other player to survive the full duration of it if they were his primary target.

Here's what I think would balance him out:

  • Reduce Exposed duration from 45 seconds to 30 seconds. (If he's chasing this long anyways he's losing). Increase Add-Ons that add time by same percent— 33%.
  • Reduce move speed while under the effects of Night Shroud while not crouching by 20%— he walks same as The Pig's crouch speed. (Crouching has no additional reduced speed.)
  • No longer gets a directional indicator when being revealed by a survivor. (Keeps sound notification.)
  • Look at the code and make sure the 2 second rule for stalking to work actually works in every instance, cause it definitely does not at this time.
  • Make survivors regain stalk points faster. The current rate of 5 points per minute is entirely stupid. Should be 5 points per second immediately upon not being stalked and 20 points per seconds after 10 seconds of not being stalked.
  • Survivors Exposed from being stalked continue to hear the killer's terror radius the entire duration as if in a chase. This should give him a mind-game edge as survivors with the mark may opt to hide by pallets until the duration is up rather than risk it and working on a generator or other action.
  • Increase reveal time to 2 seconds, and make the hidden Revealed counter tick down at a fast pace rather than restart the process every time. If revealed at 50 per second (to 100) then remove 50 per second while out of view. This prevents sidestepping of sightlines to reset the counter and cheese survivors.
  • Increase Stalking move speed slightly (to make up for the loss of "silent sprinting" movespeed).

And maybe (aka, for PTB),

  • Give a stack of {Fervor} to him for each exposed survivor, increasing all action speeds by 2%. This makes him better at chasing, pallet/generator destroying, window jumping, and so on, especially when marking a 3- or 4-man generator being worked on, while increasing the power/allure of the Add-Ons that grant longer exposed time.



    GODOG Member Posts: 17
    edited October 2019

    ew no to all of this. GF is strong yes, but he's not godlike and very counterable and dealable. If you win against the Nurse, you weren't playing good she just sucked.

    I think they should just look at the detection mechanics again to make it more fair and smooth for both sides. I'd be fine with reducing the detection time, increasing the 'reveal radius' on the Survivors' screen, etc if they lowered the bullshit 0.3 buffer between 'Detected' and 'Undetected'. There also is some weirdness with him being hard to detect if he crouch walks at you, fix that for sure.

    I'd also like if they took a look at his Addons and his CD because the only ones that are worth using are his CD ones. I basically have to horde them to play GF because without them it's pretty painful. Lower the CD but nerfing the Chewed Pen so it evens out (possibly a second or two more) would be nice and then they could look at his addons to make them actually worth using. His Crouch speed addons are so bad, not even Monto has done a meme crouch speed GF build with PWYF yet

  • PyroDude
    PyroDude Member Posts: 454

    Wait... pigs ambush attack was able to insta down survivors?

    Hohoho wow. Imagine she could still do that.

    GODOG Member Posts: 17

    I feel like the Balance Team still think her Ambush works like that. That would explain all the nerfs BHVR has been slinging at her for no reason.

  • Damon22441
    Damon22441 Member Posts: 30

    That's kinda what I meant when I said she's impossible to balance.

    But the main gripes I got is the enhanced Spine Chill he has that gives the direction of the revealer and the full move speed he has relative to The Pig, who has the same kind of ability (hiding terror radius) but with the negatives I said PLUS the height change of needing to crouch. He's just a pay-to-win Pig at this point, where The Pig is already payed DLC, and that's not okay, but bE doesn't care about that.

    You want to see the Add-Ons changed so the CD ones aren't so damn necessary/useful, and I suggested a way to buff the other Add-Ons. Your point of reducing recharge time to make the CD Add-Ons less appealing should also be added, as it's true that every single one of my 20 trials used the CD Add-Ons in both slots. Reducing base time and Add-On time by X%.

    I actually think the "detection" time is a little fast and he could do with a longer time, not shorter time, to be revealed by a survivor— just clarifying what's meant by that.

  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 333

    This seems like a majority of more nerfs than any helpful buffs. He needs to go back to release strength because all he needed was an addon tweak because whiny survivors didn’t comprehend the reason it was hard to reveal him was the drivers license addon was doing its job.

    GODOG Member Posts: 17

    The Pig has her Ambush and RBTs. Well she did before BHVR started nerfing the ######### out of them because ??? Point is Pig actually has more things to help her in a loop vs GF. Some loops she can use her Ambush to get a hit or at least scare a survivor off. She has (kind of inconsistent) game slow down built into her kit. etc.

    The only thing GF has over Pig in a chase is the ability to hide his red stain. That's it. Yes he can get insta-downs but usually not mid chase unless they are stalked to 99 before, and hitting them mid chase will lose all your progress, less reliable than Myers popping T3 mid chase.

    Your nerfs proposed would destroy him completely and make him unfun to play.

  • Damon22441
    Damon22441 Member Posts: 30

    Do you play the same game? Pig has to slow down to crouch speed (20% decrease and no Bloodlust bonus), then hold attack, then speed up into an Ambush. That legit only works on greens. (Hmm...) Then, if they aren't injured, they can simply reset.

    You can't hand-wave an insta-down like it's not something to even consider, and where do the RBTs come into the looping? If "The Pig has more than GF to help in looping," then why do you name a 1 for 1 chase advantage— Ambush (lol) vs Terror Radius and Red Stain hide (cause both happen at the same time)?

    It doesn't matter if it's harder than Meyers' T3 pop, it can still be done, and consistently does at higher ranks.

    Tally your win record against each. I guarantee GF will have a much, MUCH higher win rate than Pig, despite having similar kits (stealth). (My data sits at 27 matches over the past month with only 5 losses. Nearly opposite of GF's now 21-2.)