Please give up on dedicated servers

The experience on dedicated servers has been abysmal and I believe this is the time to call the dedicated servers off once and for all.

It doesn't work for both roles:


  • dead hard doesn't work as intended, sometimes the latency is too large (even when in ping should have been around 60 ms) sometimes you get the exhaustion but no dash
  • hits through pallets, they are becoming more and more of a reality
  • hitboxes on huntress, they got worse than before (would you believe that?) I cannot count the amount of times when I got hit despite being already out of sight
  • I get a delay on hook saves (luckily the killer also gets a delay in grabbing so I only get hit rather than grabbed


  • sometimes stalking with Myers is delayed and I cannot stalk people out in the open
  • when Legion vaults pallets I get delayed like I was stuck before I can start the vault movement
  • kicking gens gets you stuck
  • trappers wastes more time picking up traps
  • phantom hits, perfect hits don't hit and stupid hits do hit

All in all the experience is so brutal that I hope the servers will be removed and the resources of the team moved towards balancing the game.

Dedicated servers are a downgrade and a big one
