Why the sudden hate?



  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    That's not the case... spirit rewards you for playtime which should be the case...

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    I disagree. Spirit is pretty easy once you understand how her power works, which won't take long. Spirit rewards you for being unpredictable and that's just not fun too fight IMO. I like base Spirit, but the addons make her so strong it becomes just luck if you survive or not.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    How fair is the game for Leatherface, Clown, etc I assume this means those killers should be buffed and it’s a priority just like nerfing spirit?

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Prayer beads are stupidly strong I agree, but I feel all killers have something similar like iri hatchets or clown’s pinky finger... also survivors have insta heals and keys so addons are a different topic entirely

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Hate? Really? It’s called opinions people are allowed to have them.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Yes actually. Clown, Bubba, Legion, Wraith, ect are in desperate need for buffs too make them somewhat useful at red ranks.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    But those strong addons are, at least, Ultra Rare. Prayer Beads is only 6k and you're guranteed 3-4 purple items a bloodweb at level 50. And Pinky Finger and Iri hatchets have some form of counterplay, Prayer Beads require you too gen tap, and you're still gonna loose a hit point anyways from it, so you might of well have been grabbed anyways.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    From what i see survivors seem to want the ability to 1v1 any killer.

    "If me and the killer are of equal skill i should be able to escape them 90% of the time."

    Which is completely silly. Spirit is one of the few killers that has the advantage in a chase and for survivors this is unacceptable. Prayer Beads is the low hanging fruit, but i can guarentee you even if PB is nerfed they will not stop complaining and look for the next issue.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Hot take, and this is MY OPINION! So don't freak out.

    I honestly feel like there is alot of whining on both sides in the community. Most topics boil down to Killer Vs. Survivor. Which is silly, cause we should be trying to give good and constructive feedback to better a game we all enjoy. Now, that being said...

    I do feel like I see many more calls for nerfs from Survivors. From Moris to NOED to Spirit to Nurse.... and even Wraith and Clown of all people. I do feel like alot of this is just "I had a bad game so imma whine about it instead of learning to play the game." or "I've DC'ed every time i've seen this Killer. I'm not learning and refuse too." It REALLY feels like that alot of survivors just want to finish gens and not interact with the Killer at all. I've had plenty of games where gens are done as fast as they could be and they just straight leave. I tend to think of these people as the more competitive minded that just want to "Win" and move on. But honestly that's really boring for the Killer. (Not to mention that alot of them get too competitive and BM in post game). Then I come here and see calls for nerfs to Killers and I can't help but think that they just want EZ escapes... then tell any Killer that tries to debate them that they "Want easy 4ks". When all but 4 of the Killers are not good at high tiers, and the top 4 are shouted about to be nerfed every single day... I really can't help but feel like alot of Survivors don't want anything challenging to go up against.

    I don't want easy 4ks. I never have in all my time as Killer. I want back and forth games that are fun and engaging on both sides. I don't like it when I stomp them and I don't like getting stomped. It honestly feels like most (NOT ALL) survivors want all the Killers to be nerfed to the level of Legion (cause enough people complained and they got uber nerfed instead of tweaked to get rid of the exploit). The ones I'm talking about seem to think that whatever they complain about will get nerfed, and they want ALL Killers to be weak. We have enough weak Killers, half the roster is bad. We don't NEED NERFS to anything.

    What we need is careful tweaks to things. Not cratering Nerfs. Remove collision and add it back with prayer beads. Make that all Prayer beads do. Things like that. The lower tier Killers need to be brought up to be viable.

    Let's all try and be a bit more constructive in our talking and don't just insult each other.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Long term dark souls player here! Dark souls is a challenging game, I also was really into pvp of dark souls 1 which already speaks for itself. Anyone who tried this out knows what a challenge this is against experienced players. Here is the thing: it's fair, it's a challenge and 99% is counterable. 99% of the time the better player wins. However, this is definently not the case with spirit. If the spirit is good you die. Your skill doesn't matter.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited October 2019

    She's one of the few killers like Nurse who doesn't rely on survivor mistakes to win. This is viewed as not fun from a survivor perspective. Ironically that's the viewpoint you have when playing the other 90% of killers that do rely on survivor mistakes.

    The difference is even though Spirit doesn't rely on mistakes that doesn't mean you can't outplay her, it just requires a lot more skill and game knowledge. The average player finds it easier to come to the forums and complain than to try and learn and adapt. Unlike playing the other 90% of killers where it doesn't matter how good you are, if the survivors don't mess up you still aren't winning.

    Post edited by Blueberry on
  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    As you said, all other killers are baiting mistakes (redglow mindgames for examples). The thing is, you can't bait a mistake on spirit. A good Spirit doesn't care what you do and try.

    Also, a little note: she doesn't have to use her power for instant "mindgame", it's already starting by standing still... And doing nothing.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    I'm someone who is totally against nerfing Nurse, and she is stronger than spirit. But I want a spirit rework. Not nerf, a rework. And I think majority thinks the same

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Which... in a 1 vs. 4 game that's kinda silly. It really feels like the team has all the power, not the lone wolf, most of the time. It's weird you only hear about the Killers that are a challenge on here (normally, I've seen Nerf Legion and Nerf Wraith threads here...)

    90% of the Killers are doomed if a team is firing on all cylinders. Even if they arn't, it takes alot of mistakes for Killers to get ahead alot of the times. Some of the Top Killers need TWEAKS, not nerfs. Alot of the other Killers need buffs.

  • PoisonN
    PoisonN Member Posts: 624

    I agree but suddenly I've seeing people saying that Corrupt Purge is broken and has 0 counterplays. Also, that she is annoying because you can't heal against her. Now I'm speaking for myself, this person DC and said that I was using a broken killer and also said that my build was toxic and ridiculous. Things like that makes me think in a pessimistic way that every killer in this game is a target according to the demands of main survivors

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Yeah they honestly shouldn't even be touching the higher killers right now. While they may warrant a couple tweaks, buffing the weaker killers to get them up to par should be such a higher priority at the moment.

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    Spirit is very unbalanced because she requires a perk to go against, which is unfair. Also, true she can't vault a window but she more than makes up for that with her speed while phasing and the fact she disappears

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Thank you for agreeing with me. It seems very obvious to me, and when I see people claim DBD is in a "Killer Meta" right now my brain just explodes from the sheer ######### that statement creates.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    There's just a lot of people on here that only play one side so their perspective can be very clouded.

    I don't like to bring up rank because it triggers a lot of people but it is a big factor when we talk about balance. If someone only plays killer up to say rank 10, then they're going to think killers are crazy strong because they 4k a lot. The issues aren't as apparant at low ranks because the players are bad enough that a lot of mistakes are being made and you can play whatever and still do well.

    When you start getting into the red ranks is where the mistakes become much less common and the issues of being reliant on mistakes for certain killers starts to become an issue.

    It's extremely rare on here to find anyone that actually plays both sides at rank 1 and still believes killers are anywhere even close to the power role in this game. You only see these opinions come from the people that don't play both sides at high rank because they haven't experienced the issues we talk about yet. Then they watch some youtube videos and think they understand the games balance.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    You cant outplay Spirit cause its just a guessing game. If you guessed right, you didnt outplay her, you were just lucky, that she wasnt that much of a deal, cause highrank spirit wont lose a chase, cause they have information about the survivor, but not the other way round. this guessing game from survivor perspective has absolutely nothing to do with skill or knowledge.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Yeah, I have come to that conclusion too after seeing how many people start there topic with YT videos. At high ranks, if you play anything then the top 4 Killers, you are setting up an uphill battle for yourself. No "ifs" "ands" or "buts". Go play Clown at Rank 2. Go play Wraith or Legion or Doc... or you know, anything but Nurse, Billy, Spirit, or maybe Freddy at a high rank....

    People complain they ever see anything but those Killers at high ranks. Then people turn around and complain that they should be nerfed. Do you want no Killer to be good at Red Ranks?

    I'll admit, I only play Killer. I honestly hate playing Survivor cause it's boring to me. But Killer seem to be stress filled messes. It's honestly painful to try and shift between the two utterly different feelings of each side.

    Survivor is boring cause there is no threat really. Killer is stressful because you have to fight to MAKE a threat.

    Shouldn't that be enough of a glaring, neon sign of "SOMETHING IS WRONG!" ?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    It should be but they cater to the majority of the player base and that isn't the red ranks.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    It isn't a guessing game at all, it's playing the game long enough to know what they are going to do and predicting it. This is exactly how I find people when they are running iron will and are completely silent, I predict their movements. You learn quickly from a chase what kind of player or killer they are and react accordingly.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819
    edited October 2019

    It is a guessing game, cause you dont have any information on what is happening at all.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Guessing is implying it's a total throw of the dice of which I do not agree. It isn't a random 50/50 he may do that or he may do that.

    When you play against enough Spirits and even more specifically see how the one in your game plays you can tell there's a 70% chance she will do this and a 30% chance she will do this. Your skill also comes in when making jukes. You see her stop to phase, you start running and then slow walk a different direction or fast vault and then slow vault back over quietly. There are lots of skillful counter plays to be made.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    You remember that Spirit can't see scratch marks while phasing? I feel alot of people forget that.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Oh yeah, my bad. I was remembering when Legion could only see blood and not scratch marks. I looked on the wiki and you are right.

  • kalivooo
    kalivooo Member Posts: 27

    "You always ask me: why the sudden negativity..."

    "ALL the DbD community HAS is negative thoughts!"

  • BottledWater
    BottledWater Member Posts: 248

    Noed at least has a counter and it's countered even more now by perks like Innter Strenght, but you gotta understand that Killers most of the time have a reason to complain. I get it Noed is ######### to play against and in my eyes the only Killer that is allowed to use noed for me would be LF because he is really #########. But Killers recieve many nerfs that usually don't try to fix a problem they just make things even worse.