The dark age of DbD is coming



  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Wow, your really do drink the YouTube Kool Aid like no tomorrow.

    Everything you said about this game is just regurgitated tripe from Streamers.

    And it's hilarious because you don't even like this game, yet still play it like a sheep drinking Kool Aid! The game is popular only because the developers are survivor-sided? Give me a break. Anyone who looks at the patch note history can tell you there's been a ton of survivor nerfs in the past three years, far more than killer nerfs.

    I give you props at least for talking about Friday the 13th.

  • Sauceman_Tim
    Sauceman_Tim Member Posts: 106

    I don't think you're getting the point man. We're arguing about the overall strength of nurse where she's the strongest, where people player her the most, Which is PC. You're talking like you experience nurse the same way we do and that is wrong. Why? Because you don't play against PC nurse's. Case closed.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I don’t think that you get the point, I’ve put a lot of time into nurse, I stopped playing her for awhile but I do still pick her up. I’ve faced several really good nurse players, just because I’m not on pc doesn’t mean I can’t state my opinion.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    "It's a Dark Age!"

    "lol not for survivors!"

    Good lord, people treat survivors and killers like political affiliations. It needs to not be a one-way party for one side and a miserable train wreck for the other; each role needs the other to even function. It seems like everyone forgets that this is a video game. You shouldn't want one side to PWN THE OTHER SIDE or whatever, you should want everything to be reliably competitive for the benefit of everyone.

    I don't play Nurse and I don't know what these changes will do, but I have to maintain the good faith that Behaviour didn't just throw darts at a wall, until we all see what the changes play like. I get the hand-wringing over Spirit-dominated red ranks, but the developers don't want their game to get stale anymore than the audience does.

  • Sauceman_Tim
    Sauceman_Tim Member Posts: 106

    I highly doubt your nurse players are usually at red ranks Or that alot of you are even really that decent with her on PS4. The real strength of the character lies on PC that's what you don't seem understand. You're opinion on the general strength of her is jaded since you don't experience her the same way we do.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I am in red ranks, I still see good nurses. Your viewpoint of console players is jaded, I never once said she was as strong on console as she is on pc.

  • Victory
    Victory Member Posts: 166

    You didn't play dbd in the dark ages, nurse isnt needed to kill survivors, I play huntress and pig and can deal with SWF just fine at red ranks, lol. You aren't meant to 4k every game, not how dbd is played. You don't know what dark ages are then if you think this is the dark ages.

  • Sauceman_Tim
    Sauceman_Tim Member Posts: 106

    The fact that you think you can stalk people through corn means that if you CAN you're experiencing something completely different to PC players. If you're at red ranks while maining Leatherface that means your experience with killers is different to PC community. I've put 400+ hours into nurse so I know how difficult she is to learn fully on PC let alone how difficult it is to play on a controller. So I don't really consider your opinion to be of much value based on your experiences of the PS4 version of the game

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Pc elitism now? No sense in continuing this discussion.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited October 2019

    @altruistic Dont worry they will remember when the next survivor nerf takes place and survivors have something to say.

  • Sauceman_Tim
    Sauceman_Tim Member Posts: 106
    edited October 2019

    yikes dude.... Missing the point again... Whoooooshh. Not saying I dismiss all PS4 players just what you tend to say in the forums

  • BirdmanOwO
    BirdmanOwO Member Posts: 43

    There are so many good killer players who can play any killer at red ranks. Also, it's not like the ranking system is based solely on Skill; Luck and the amount of time you put in are a factor as well.

    People who say "you need Nurse/Spirit/Billy in red ranks" probably aren't as skilled as they think. Yes, they help you get to Red ranks more quickly, but a good Killer player can play almost any Killer and do decent or better.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    Red Rank Bubba and Clown mains unite! Honestly I am very, very, tired of hearing the constant doom and gloom at red ranks and the despair of the tree metateers

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Or, once those two killers are nerfed, there won't be any killer that people can 4k almost every game with. Of course that will hurt killer mains that just can't lose.

    Calling that dark age is ridiculous. There are more killers that are viable at red ranks, and hopefully it wil be even more if the devs buff the weaker killers as well.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Sir, I already kill people at red ranks and I use ghostface

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    Good. This is exactly what should happen. You literally just said that "if they go through with the nurse nerfs, then people are going to go and play the other really op killer. Then, the devs will nerf the other op killer! If they don't, people are just going to run builds to counter the other op killer! Then I won't be able to rely on op killers to win games!"

    This is precisely what should happen. Both killers should receive adequate nerfs. Survivors are already going to take a hit when the unsafe palette changes are widespread. Op characters shouldn't exist purely for the reason of being used to beat good players who would otherwise be a challenge on more balanced characters. This is awful logic.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Imagine thinking survivors even play against Spirit lol. They just DC.

    There are quite a few killers that can be viable in red ranks without being OP/miserable to play against. You just want easy 4ks if all you can play is Nurse.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    i play freddy and im doing just fine without spirit or nurse,just cause YOU dont have enough skill to be able to outplay red rank survivors without bs spirits phase walk or nurses power doesnt mean you cant get 4ks in red ranks.Also you SHOULDNT BE ABLE to win each game aka 4k each game.You WILL lose from time to time and you need to get that into ur head and start playing a variety of other killers

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    This. I agree completely. Killers keep saying that survivors need to adapt but they keep whining about everything. good logic

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318
    edited October 2019

    And for every SWF group that isn't toxic there are 6 more that are.

    Nurse had counters and all she needed was addons. Now we have gimmicky addons that won't be used much again (cd and fatigue with the single distance addon are going to be her main ones, the louder sound one seemed ok too) so that wasn't even useful for us. I used maybe 4 addons before this, and after it I'm going to use just 4 again. Fail. Adding on to this I think she has the most addons specifically designed to make her power worse. 3 different addons, how was this supposed to be good for a Nurse player?

    Now she will be terrible in chase. With so much time to break LOS and get away by the time she's ready to engage in the chase again it's going to be impossible to find them if you miss the first blink.

    And speaking of missing blinks, idk about you but there are tons of spots on maps that eat your blinks no matter how much you charge them. So now that we have a cooldown on blinks when we get screwed over by the game not letting us blink through something we have to be punished again with the cooldown just to get our original blink back?

    These changes were not designed by someone who can play Nurse well, it seems to be designed by people who can't use her in red ranks and just watch youtubers play.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    We keep yelling at them but they won't listen to us!! because it takes time and extreme amounts of being able to just except you can win by just having a good time with so called lower tier killers.

    But hey we are the very few that respect our mains to ignore the few that refuse to believe they are totally viable in high ranks



  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    I just don't like facing Spirit and I'm bad at versing her unless I'm packing Iron Will and maybe No Mither. Don't mind me I'm just salty against spirit.

    I haven't been using Iron Will lately since I've been playing around with non-stealth builds.

    Also part of the reason why I'm not so good against Hag lately. I used to easily mess with Hag (even if the rest of my team died) when I used to play stealth, mostly because I always had Urban on.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    If Spirit gets any changes it will be to make her less frustrating to play against, not in relation to her power levels.

  • StupidButTru
    StupidButTru Member Posts: 366

    As a survivor I find games easily as a killer it takes 20 minutes to find a lobby. Killers aren't going anywhere

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    Gen Grab Spirit is the strongest build in DBD

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Currently you can get grabs with Nurse using Tinkerer but after these changes you will NEVER get a gen grab again because they will see you standing there before you can do anything. I get that it could be frustrating to not see her when shes starting a fast swing out of blink but it was part of her nuance that you could use it to do more things. Now they will always know if you're on the opposite side of a window or pallet and know not to go back over.

    I really am wondering if there were anyone on the team who plays Nurse at red ranks at this point there are just so many small things that are getting nerfed here. "slight" change

  • beatddb
    beatddb Member Posts: 565

    Spirit is not op, Nurse wasn't op, the addons were the problem. Both killers were stronger than normal, but that didnt mean you'll always lose against them. And if SWF wasn't "stronger than normal" people wouldn't find the need to play strong characters.

    As a P3 Nurse myself, I often ran up to survivors who were extremely hard to catch because they were good with LoS breakers and stealth, but maybe getting good at that is harder than saying the Nurse and Spirit are OP&Broken.

    And right now, there isn't a single killer capable to win against a fully coordinated and optimal SWF team.

    If a Nurse was worse than you, she wouldn't be able to catch you, it was easy as that.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    We don't need to remember there's already complaints about instaheals being removed

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    God forbid a killer can deal with a toxic SWF, meanwhile that mentality completely ignores the toxic group being more powerful than killers is gamebreaking and the opposite of the games intent.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
    edited October 2019

    ######### you talking about ?

    I'm red rank and all I see is: Huntress, Hillbilly and Spirit.

    The red Nurse is an occasional kid wonder once in a blue moon.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    If you can play a killer just right, they’re all viable.

  • Knots
    Knots Member Posts: 49

    You know the nurse can still teleport through walls, right? A good nurse still cannot be looped.

    It's gonna be fine.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Also Dark Age?

    This was the Dark Age:

    This new thing is nothing.

  • beatddb
    beatddb Member Posts: 565

    I was aware of that while making this post, but, as I said in another comment; it's not the same.

    Players were more "ignorant" about how broken those mechanics were, and got them fixed with time.

    For example, having an infinite now is more impactful than having 10 on the early Dead by Daylight days, and nerfing The Nurse now has more impact than doing it on the early days.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    If you say so! I personally will just wait for the Big picture to unfold before burning everything down in a panic! Have fun and I'll see ya in the Fog!

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Pretty dramatic title, but Nurse is still strong, she is just not number 1 anymore. It'll take some time for people too get use too new Nurse, but she won't be gone from Red Ranks anytime soon. And even if she was gone, we still have Freddy, Billy, Hag, and Huntress.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    So we just shift from the “Really dark age” of nurse to the “dark age” of spirit. Well, seems an improvement to me

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    People talk about console nurse without knowing the true power she has despise the fact she is limited by framerate and sensitivity. Trust me consoles nurse is as powerful as his PC counterpart but, PC players have a lower skill cap due to a better playability.

    All i have to say put your PC at 30 fps use a controller then tell us how it is. You will see that you are bad and that's normal because PC is easy to play. Just for you all to know i've tried PC (i'm PS4 player) I 4k easily with nurse on PC because consoles is harder and require more skill.