The devs wouldnt have to nerf the fun things if

They actually just fixed the base objective that is too fast and too boring.
Nuff said. Also DEVS! stop tampering with the sound. Its bs
I dont think hooks are too bad. Do you have any suggestions on reworking hooks? never really thought about that I mean, I feel like its fair because the survivors should have to go and help eachother and yes its boring to sit on a hook but it depends on how quick the survivor saves the hooked one. Whereas gens... you have to do them and you just sit and hold and button and its not nearly as fun as the chase.
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Well I feel like gens and hooks are iconic to the game but just need to be fixed bc they suck. Like struggle should be changed somehow bc everyone hates it and gens suck bc they are slow and boring. I made a discussion on how to fix gens. People kind of liked it and I wish they would go with it