A solution to our lovely little swf problem



  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    @mintchapstick said:

    @TheXenoborg said:
    Where’s the part where I said all SWF are toxic? While you’re at it, highlight comments which you feel show I have a personal bias against the mode. Come on, Shelly!

    FYI insulting someone in a debate makes it pretty obvious that you're trapped in a corner & don't know how to get out without admitting that your argument is shaky at best.

    See, this is why I weave insults into my arguments. It continues the discussion and adds a little spice.

    @lucvus said:
    If your referring to my post about giving a small 10% penalty to heal repair and altruism speed when in swf. It was shown to add like a few seconds to actions. Math may not be your strong suit. But I laid it all out. At least my idea was presented in a non biased non cry baby way. So take a shot at me if you want. But people can read my suggestion themselves.

    40% repair speed reduction ON FULLY CO-OP'D GENERATORS. Happy? Besides, you never responded to my criticism anyway, so why should I care?

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Or you could practice more with your killer.

    SWF isn't unbeatable, you don't have to get 4K every game, focus on one until dead if you're really that bad and can't cope with a 4 man.

    But ALL SWF's are flashlight wielding bully's that just want to make the killers life miserable!
    Flashlights can't be outplayed!!
    SWF's isn't ensuring the game has a player base!!!
    I don't want to learn to get better or admit I make mistakes, I want to win no matter how I play!!!!

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @TheXenoborg said:

    @Master said:

    @TheXenoborg said:

    @Master said:

    @TheXenoborg said:

    @switch said:
    No. just easier
    x2 swf players = x2 perks disable (random)
    x3 swf players = x3 perks disable (random)
    x4 swf players = x4 perks disable

    SWF players can still dominate without perks.

    Yes but it would be a start at least

    It would be more like a "1 step forward and 4 steps back" kind of a thing.

    Explain the 4 steps back?

    Without perks, survivors still have access to vital info like totem placements, killer perks, killer's position, their own positions, info regarding status of gates, location of hatch, location of items and chests and so on. The killer's advantage is the element of mystery that the survivors are surrounded by. The killer suffers when they're no mystery and the fear of the unknown is lost. More than 4 steps, I guess.

    All these things you named are already a thing NOW in a SWF. Removing perks of SWF players would get the whole thing closer to some actual "balance", do you agree here?
    Better remove the perks instead of ignoring the problem like they have done, and still doing I guess

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @TheXenoborg said:

    @Master said:

    @TheXenoborg said:

    @Master said:

    @TheXenoborg said:

    @Master said:

    @TheXenoborg said:

    @switch said:
    No. just easier
    x2 swf players = x2 perks disable (random)
    x3 swf players = x3 perks disable (random)
    x4 swf players = x4 perks disable

    SWF players can still dominate without perks.

    Yes but it would be a start at least

    It would be more like a "1 step forward and 4 steps back" kind of a thing.

    Explain the 4 steps back?

    Without perks, survivors still have access to vital info like totem placements, killer perks, killer's position, their own positions, info regarding status of gates, location of hatch, location of items and chests and so on. The killer's advantage is the element of mystery that the survivors are surrounded by. The killer suffers when they're no mystery and the fear of the unknown is lost. More than 4 steps, I guess.

    All these things you named are already a thing NOW in a SWF. Removing perks of SWF players would get the whole thing closer to some actual "balance", do you agree here?
    Better remove the perks instead of ignoring the problem like they have done, and still doing I guess

    Yes, as I said, it's a step in the right direction but not enough. Although I still think removing perks for SWF survivors might not be the best idea. Instead of losing all perks, the system can have a hierarchy system. For every survivor in the SWF team, the entire team loses one TIER of all their perks. So if it's just two SWF members, their TIER III perks will become TIER II and so on. If it's 4 SWF members, each member loses 2 perks and the remaining become TIER I. This system should remove perks at random.

    But removing all perks for ALL forms of SWF teams might not be a good idea since it would punish smaller SWF teams and also solo survivors since they'd be the only ones with perks. We shouldn't be discouraging people from using the mode at all, but instead just make it a bit harder for them and give the killer a chance to catch up.

    The suggestion was to remove a perk for every person in the SWF, i.e. smaller teams are not as hard punished as 4 mans. But well, its a bad idea overall trying to balance the game like this but they need to do ANYTHING about SWF now

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @TheXenoborg said:

    @Master said:

    @TheXenoborg said:

    @Master said:

    @TheXenoborg said:

    @Master said:

    @TheXenoborg said:

    @Master said:

    @TheXenoborg said:

    @switch said:
    No. just easier
    x2 swf players = x2 perks disable (random)
    x3 swf players = x3 perks disable (random)
    x4 swf players = x4 perks disable

    SWF players can still dominate without perks.

    Yes but it would be a start at least

    It would be more like a "1 step forward and 4 steps back" kind of a thing.

    Explain the 4 steps back?

    Without perks, survivors still have access to vital info like totem placements, killer perks, killer's position, their own positions, info regarding status of gates, location of hatch, location of items and chests and so on. The killer's advantage is the element of mystery that the survivors are surrounded by. The killer suffers when they're no mystery and the fear of the unknown is lost. More than 4 steps, I guess.

    All these things you named are already a thing NOW in a SWF. Removing perks of SWF players would get the whole thing closer to some actual "balance", do you agree here?
    Better remove the perks instead of ignoring the problem like they have done, and still doing I guess

    Yes, as I said, it's a step in the right direction but not enough. Although I still think removing perks for SWF survivors might not be the best idea. Instead of losing all perks, the system can have a hierarchy system. For every survivor in the SWF team, the entire team loses one TIER of all their perks. So if it's just two SWF members, their TIER III perks will become TIER II and so on. If it's 4 SWF members, each member loses 2 perks and the remaining become TIER I. This system should remove perks at random.

    But removing all perks for ALL forms of SWF teams might not be a good idea since it would punish smaller SWF teams and also solo survivors since they'd be the only ones with perks. We shouldn't be discouraging people from using the mode at all, but instead just make it a bit harder for them and give the killer a chance to catch up.

    The suggestion was to remove a perk for every person in the SWF, i.e. smaller teams are not as hard punished as 4 mans. But well, its a bad idea overall trying to balance the game like this but they need to do ANYTHING about SWF now

    It's still better than the devs idea of buffing solo survivors to the level of SWF survivors lol I mean I don't even know who comes up with such horrid game design decisions hope it's not stefan because he's so cute

    In my opinion the only logical way to balance SWF is indeed by buffing solo survivors by giving them ingame voicecomms and nerfing the whole survivor kit, everythign else is just trying to ignore the core problem