Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions


Member Posts: 624
edited October 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

This is a Repost from a while back. I have recently gotten really annoyed that nothing is being done about gen speeds so I have a solution. This change makes the game more fun and balanced for both sides or atleast I believe it would.

Gen Changes

Generators now only require 60 charges to complete. For the first 5 seconds of work on a gen, repair speed is 25% slower. This is to deter survivors from finishing a gen right in front of your face after you scare them off of it. Stops toxicity and gen tapping. 60 second gens because they are annoying and lack any interesting gameplay. Like seriously... Hold a button woo hoo. Killers still get a notification when generator repair is complete.

Completion Phase

The completion phase lasts for 3 minutes (180 seconds) after a gen is completed. During this time, generators would need to be filled with gas. A generator can not be regressed by the killer during the completion phase. If the generator is not filled with gas during the completion phase then the generator will reset to 0 charges meaning it would need to be repaired the full 60 seconds again. Perks like tinkerer would remain the same and activate as generator repair is completed. Killers get a notification when a gen is fully completed.

Gas canisters

Gas canisters are located in 3 White Crates towards the center of the map. White Crates spawn with 16-28 meters between them. The distance between them is dependent on the size of the map. This would ensure that killers are not the only ones suffering from huge maps. Carrying a gas canister does not replace an item, however you cannot use any items whilst holding a gas canister. You cannot sprint or drop a pallet when carrying a gas canister which means you have to walk when carrying gas. If you drop a gas canister, to gain the ability to run, it's aura can be seen by all survivors and the killer. A gas canister can be crushed by the killer and it would be sent back to a White Crate. There is an infinite amount of gas canisters in each crate. Filling a gen with gas takes 5 seconds. This slows the game and forces stealth as well as keeps survivors on edge by making them move around the map in places where the killer may be.

All reasons for these changes

  1. Survivors are forced to play stealthy after a gen is complete. This is good because stealth is not a very common thing people go for since it isn't very rewarding (but would be now ha)
  2. Survivors are forced to be on the go during the match. This makes it less boring and gives a higher chance of interesting outcomes in the match.
  3. Survivors will NOT run towards the killer for a good chase anymore because they are bored. Survivors will be actively trying to win.
  4. Killers have a more fair advantage versus swf and can win a match based on their individual ability to put pressure on the survivors.
  5. Overall more interesting gameplay
  6. Generator times are decreased (again: less boring) Dead by Daylight remains the classic "repair gens and get the fug out game with all the cool movie killers" that the commons look to it as.
  7. Map pressure-less killers actually stand a chance.
  8. The game is imbalanced and needs this please devs... please

I am done guys tell me what you think

Tell me your thoughts. If you disagree with this, actually tell me why please. I try not to be bias and I do play both sides. I have 2300 hours. GG

Post edited by WickedMilk03 on

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  • Member Posts: 3,535

    This seems pretty complex! Let me think a minute on feed back...

    I like this idea over all, but I feel like there might be a few things in it that would break the gameplay. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something in here feels exploitable. I wish I could tell you what, and I'll keep thinking on it. I know the poor Killer would walk his shoes off keeping up with all that for sure. Hmm... honestly what impresses me the most about this idea is how creatively it's worked around the lore.

    I think the main thing wrong with this is that the Devs likely wouldn't implement it. I'll give some mroe thought and get back to you with more.

  • Member Posts: 624

    The only exploitable things I could think of were:

    Camping boxes (But I made the distance between them pretty fair)

    And survivors leaving gens at the completion phase in which I corrected it so it would reset after 3 minutes which is a long time.

    Do you see it as exploitable for killer more or survivor because I see it more torwards killer but obviously if devs did it, they could adjust the white crate distances. The concept is mostly there to explain that survivors should also be punished for large maps bc killers are. And honestly this would super buff wraith to where he wouldnt even need a rework.

  • Member Posts: 3,535

    Hmm... i think survivor, just cause Swf... but yea. It would be hard for either side to mess with it, other than leading the Killer off and sneaking in... but that's just a tactic.

    Curious why this would buff Wraith.

  • Member Posts: 624

    Well survivors have to walk when carrying the gas so they will ultimately take longer than the current 80 seconds to complete a gen regardless. A smart killer would know when a survivor is leading the killer away and would be cautious of sneaky survivors. Kinda makes jakes perks more useful as well.

    A killer could just juggle the survivors til the gen restarts if they are trying to be toxic and take a bunch of hits.

    Wraith would be buffed because If he catches a gas carrying survivor, he would get a free hit because the drop animation is slow. He could basically just walk through the outer edges of maps and get kills.

    Also as a killer, if a gen is repaired and you get the notification then you could choose to go to gen or go to crate which is a whole different thing to think about and would be super interesting as and against killer. Especially vs stealth killers. You wouldnt know which direction they were headed.

  • Member Posts: 3,535

    Hmm, I do like this idea. Hope the Devs see it or more people give feedback!

  • Member Posts: 461

    Good suggestion. Hope the Devs see it.

  • Member Posts: 167

    I like this

  • Member Posts: 38

    I think this could work so long as the boxes of gasoline have line of sight blockers around them like rocks, walls, reeds, corn, etc. They shouldn't be easy to patrol as a killer. I'm not sure I'm all for the generators resetting their progress. I feel that's unnecessary and kinda unfair especially for less experienced survivors. I personally think the gas should be dropped quickly and spill out when you do, causing it to disappear. You don't want survivors purposefully filling the map with gas canisters to lag out the game or to create their own stashes of gasoline. Having it remain on the ground will lead to a clown fiesta similar to when killers run Franklin's Demise and protect an item. This forces the killer to guard a single gas can that might be close to a repaired gen while other survivors are probably repairing and fueling the other generators. Either that or the killer lets them complete that gen to go stop another from being completed.

  • Member Posts: 38
    edited October 2019

    I also just realized this would possibly bring back 99% generators. I mean, why not? They would take 20 seconds less now, and the smart thing to do would be 99% the gen then go grab some gas. Even more reason why a survivor shouldn't be allowed to drop a gas can on the ground to pick it up later, and also shouldn't be allowed to repair while carrying one. Of course, if you have someone with you then that ain't a problem. This would definitely be the strategy for most SWF's. This kind of inadvertently buffs SWF's if you think about it. Perhaps it should take 5 seconds to steal gas which alerts the killer? But then that encourages box patrolling and makes it harder to sneak away with the gas. This seems kinda tough to balance properly.

  • Member Posts: 30

    I love this idea! Being able to get gas for a gen makes the game more harder and more fun i would say however having to walk because of a gascan is pretty dumb if you ask me I would atleast want to power walk to make it a bit easier however i guess you have nancys perk that can make it faster never mund xD My big problem with this would be too much on the map= more bugs like cans going into a wall unable to take it that's why i think you should make the maps a bit bigger

  • Member Posts: 624

    well yeah. Dbd will always have its bugs. The reason they are forced to walk instead of power walk is so it slows the game more AND that one nancy perk would be used more and maybe change meta

  • Member Posts: 624

    After 3 minutes of a gen being in the completion phase it resets completely. If they 99%, obviously the killer can regress it still. Survivors would not be able to repair while holding it and if a gas can is dropped, its aura is revealed and the killer can crush it resetting alot of progress. If the killer sees the cans aura next to a gen, they would know its being worked on and could reset the cans position when he gets to the gen. I believe those are all the issues you had with it solved right? no smartass intended :)

  • Member Posts: 624

    I agree. One can can be taken from each box I think. So 3 out maximum but if destroyed you could get more.

  • Member Posts: 375

    I agree that a new dynamic to the gens is required, also that filling them with gas would probably be the most well received addition.

    Not to say there is anything wrong with your suggestion, this is just my opinion on how it could be done.

    Gens progress as normal, but only take 60 seconds and doesn't start to make noise until the 30 second mark. After the 60 seconds the gen starts running but only on low idle and will do so for the 3 minutes, after which it stops and regesses back half completion. At which time it could only be progressed once it's been fueled, and then it would be 100% done. A gen on low idle or "out of gass" from running with out fuel would take the 5 seconds to fill.

    I feel the location of the gas should be randomized as if they were totems, which would prevent the killer from essentially patrolling the gas stash. How ever one constant centralized stash could be on every map. As well the carrying and crushing would remain the way you have invisioned it except for there would need to be a limit on how many could be out at one time because I can see an infinite amount of anything could be exploitable. I feel like 4 is a good number that way everyone could have one if the senerio calls for it.

    Something like this needs a conference room and a big white board with lots of refreshments to hammer out numbers, details and placements. As no one person can ever have all the good ideas while seeing the holes in their plan.

  • Member Posts: 624

    As for the no sound til 30, i feel like the killer should have the same amount of control on gens because they are 60 seconds and same for regressing to 50%... It should just go all the way back bc it would be hard for the killer to keep that gen from being gased for 3 min. It wouldnt really regress hardly ever. Its just there to prevent survivors from keeping all gens at completion phase and then filling them all up at the end.

    As for the White Crates, it may be cooler to have gas filling areas, but as for positioning, the 3 in the middle are there (spread decently apart) to:

    1. keep the match longer (bc gens are shorter)
    2. Make survivors suffer from huge maps similar to what killers already face (equaling that out is just balance, the killer shouldnt be the only one suffering from that otherwise they'll need to fix all the maps)
    3. Put survivors in intense situations in which they would have to walk near the killer
    4. Force stealth bc no one is stealth nowadays

    But yes.. The devs really need to figure out something whether its similar to this or not at all. Its big for the game and honestly crucial.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    One thing to consider is the rammifications of forcing stealth when Killers have a lot of ways to reveal their locations.

    On the whole, though, my first impression of this seems pretty positive?

  • Member Posts: 624

    Yeah but... I am begging for a doctor rework so much bro I hate him XD.

    I feel like those weird little loops by the big stone wall, They could be used to traverse the map with gas. Also killer has more than 1 person to be chasing and with 3 boxes I am sure someone good sneak by with that one useless jane perk and sprint burst and then sneakingly walk away. Finally that perk could be used eh?

    The boxes would be placed in spots that lack much line of sight. The killer wouldnt be able to see 2 boxes at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 375

    I'm not super fond of the gas always being centralized, as this would give trap/teleporting killers a major bottle neck to work with every game. As I do agree you shouldn't be able to run with a Jerry can, it could become a thing to poach the fuel stop knowing you can force a drop or land a quick hit. With that being said, if numbers are tweaked in such a away that it did become unexpolitable then it would be OK.

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