Should Tombstone override the locker pullout animation?

Because locker lurking doesn’t seem like valid counterplay and more like “I thumb my nose up at you sir and your trophy with this game mechanic I’m deliberately misusing to spite you nah nah na nah nah.”
Yeah it should. Always wondered why it didn't.
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yes it's stupid how an achievement can be denied because of lockers
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Or possibly just allow tombstone to allow you to mori downed survivors too
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And that would be scary being pulled out the locker into a kill,feels very horror and almost out of a scene from a movie
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Or have Michael Myers stab the locker and kill the Survivor.
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How should he? Through the slip or through the full metal and survivor fallout flat to the ground, are we talking locker mori's here !
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I know it sucks when doing the achievement but having it as counterplay otherwise is needed. Just having a killer kill you out of nowhere should always have some sort of counterplay.
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It's less of a counter-play move and more of a roosterblock.
It's like sacrificing yourself on the hook when you know the Killer has a Mori; doesn't counter the Mori, just stops the Killer getting a Mori kill.
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But that is not counterplay. Valid counterplay is jumping into a locker against Nurse or Chainsaw Gang to avoid a hit/try to stun them. “Hiding” in a locker against Tombstone does nothing to benefit you - you still get found and caught, you did not escape or juke - but it does everything to spite the Michael because it’s literally misusing a game mechanic to deprive the killer of what they rightfully earned.
The counterplay to Tombstone is DON’T FEED THE MICHAEL. Getting to tier 3 takes so long, gens get down to 1 or 2 before even a Michael that feasted on survivors reaches that point. If you deny him los, gens get done before he can do anything unless you screw up.
But no, locker lurking is not the answer - it’s a “screw you.”
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How do you know that it's not counterplay? Hiding in a locker does benefit you. You don't get killed on the spot. You can say a lot of things are misusing a game mechanic, is it misusing a game mechanic to lunge around the outside of the harvester to hit the survivor standing on the haybale? If you think about it the same way then yes, you're literally just using the momentum of the lunge to "jump" around to get onto the haybale. It's just as much a "screw you" to the survivor at that moment.
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It does not benefit you as the survivor UNLESS you have Head On - but assuming you do not, which most people don’t, you’re dead meat. Because you literally did not escape or juke the killer. You wind up in the dying state on their shoulder. Explain to me how this benefits the survivor? I’ll wait. Because in reality, this is not counterplay and it does not help you because you wind up dead either way - it’s just a toxic survivor’s way to smugly deprive Michael of his Tombstone.
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Can't believe that people actually call jumping into a locker counterplay. It is no counterplay you deny somebody an achievement because you are a dick.
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Exactly. There is no other way to describe this situation other than the survivor is a cowardly party pooper and otherwise nasty, unsportsmanlike player. Imagine being so petty and fragile to literally go out of your way to not only give up any chance of surviving but to spite someone out of an achievement.
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It benefits you because the killer can't mori you?
And who are you to tell what is counterplay or not?
You also skipped half of my comment.
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Yes, yes it should. If you really wanna avoid the tombstone that bad just repeatedly vault something and he'll likely just end up stabbing you it results in the same thing. The difference being a small window of opportunity for the tombstone so you can't just cuck the achievement but the odds of not being tombstoned are still 90% in your favor.
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Add a new animation with tombstone and lockers for myers where instead of checking the locker he could stab it - count it as mori if survivor was inside
Or just allow tombstone to work on downed survivors
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There is literally no difference between getting moried and pulled out of a locker and onto a hook, especially as the last survivor - you lost and you’re dead. So you are basically saying what’s already been said in this thread: it’s a jerk screw you move on the survivor’s part towards the killer.
I’m somebody who actually plays the game and when there’s a mori or Tombstone on the table, I still actually play the game instead of giving up in a locker like a spineless coward.
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There is a difference. If the killer takes you out of a locker they can't mori you so if you're not dead on hook you're not dead yet. Taking that into consideration why would I not go into a locker and prevent being taken out of the game immediately? Counterplay is whatever the players make it.
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It doesn’t matter how many hooks you have, if you’re the last survivor, you’re dead. If you choose to struggle and let go, you’re not only dead but pathetic. You could put on your grown up pants, take the mori like the - usually - harmless fun it is, and move on. You can also actually play the game instead of hiding and leave with more bp than you otherwise would get.
Also that is literally not true? It sounds to me like you just want an excuse to act toxic towards the other side. Or you’re trolling.
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When I was working for the achievement, I Tombstoned three survivors. The fourth one jumped into a locker. I pulled him out, got as far away from any lockers as I could, and still, before I could Tombstone him, all he did was run and jump into a locker to prevent it. He was the last survivor left. He was dead, period. He just wanted to deny me the achievement.
I stood in front of the locker and waited. After 20 minutes, rather than coming out of the locker, he disconnected.
Jumping into the locker wasn't being used as counterplay, he just didn't want me to get the achievement, and there was no way I could get around it because lockers.
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And I actually can't believe people call someone a dick just because he want to survive/not getting killed in a game where that is the major objective ? What that makes you ? God fordib he doesn't care about you achievement or if he does not even know about it cause I didn't for example until I read this but I know the locker works against tombstone? Imagine asking the devs balancing the game around achievements holy moly some people on these forums .... Why don't we seal the doors and the hatch when you run for adept achievements with 3 perks just cause why not. After all it is very unfair for them to escape while you run only 3 perks right ?
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disagree on that. Forget the achievement. That happens once in your whole "game carrer". All the other games are like "I wanna mori people and you guys can do nothing against it". Everyone complains on every strong killer having no counterplay, thats why Legion got nerfed, thats why nurse got nerfed. Don't remove the counter to tombstone. As well, you DO get a benefit: you don't die, you just get downed.
Of course, if the game is over and the last one denies your achievement, this is pretty "animal name". I'd call out to everyone to just grant this achievement, when there is no chance to escape anymore. One achievement and tombstone play less out there, because especially the double ultra rare version is hell no fun to play and the killer will most likely not play that again
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I would like a Tombstone Mori out of the locker. Like in the movie with Bob, when he was nailed on the wall with Mickey's knive.
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Bunch of wussies. I hope they remove tombstone specifically cause of all you people
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You right.
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I'm not talking about being the last survivor. I'm talking about general counterplay during the match. Of course you're being spiteful if you're the last survivor and deny the mori.