Open Handed (idea)

Open Handed is an Ace Visconti perk that increases aura reading range by up to 8 meters. In its current use, the perk is left behind as a support perk that is unnecessary and remains as an undervalued asset.
As I have done so for Ace's other personal perk, I wanted to propose a rework that I've had in mind for a long time now. The idea may not be perfect, but I am confident if I were in charge this would be the direction I would point Open Handed towards.
Open Handed, once you repair a generator completely, the aura of any generators within 64 meters are revealed to 2/3/4 survivors. The repair progress of generators can be seen by the intensity of their auras.
It's my favorite idea for a perk rework and fits the idea of Open Handed, meaning to give freely. The numerical value can be tinkered with and it shares a resemblance to Deja Vu, but so does Detectives Hunch and people seem to be okay with those two perks.
Deja Vu, Detective's Hunch (which is buffed), and Nancy's Better Together already fulfill the role to reveal gens. Honestly the buff you're proposing should go to Deja Vu, and even then, you shouldn't be working on all the gens close to the ones you've already completed.
I personally think the values just need to be doubled, as I already take two aura perks with limited range and Open Handed currently just isn't enough to justify using, but the effect it does have is extremely interesting to me.
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Make open-handed let you see other survivors aura perks when you are within a certain meter range while also increasing the range of said aura perks, it would make better use of an otherwise useless perks and be helpful to solo survivors
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I had originally written that the aura reading for the generators was unlimited, meaning all generators aura would be revealed. But I thought twice and figured might as well reduce it to a number so that people wouldn't argue and say it is too much. So in a way I am glad you felt similar @Mat_Sella
If my idea remained the same but got rid of the numbered range and affected all generators, what would you say then?
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Hmmm, since its name and icon imply to me that you show off what hand you've been dealt during a poker game, it feels right to have it give a benefit to everyone, including the Killer.
Also, Ace is a cocky guy.
Idea time!
Someone interacting with you or you interacting with something or someone activates Open-Handed.
Once activated, Open-Handed reveals your aura to everyone else.
Each time you successfully escape a chase, you gain a 25% stack-able bonus to all Bloodpoint gains up to a maximum of 50/75/100%.
The bonus Bloodpoints are only awarded post-Trial and do not stack with other Perks.