Ghostface Rework

So everyone has been talking about this Ghostface build. It consists in not stalking at all and only using Night Shroud/Addons which reduces its cooldown.

I personally don't think this is how Ghostface should be played. So, here are some ideas for changes!

• Make Night Shroud's cooldown shorter: Reduce base cooldown of Night Shroud from 30 seconds to 20 seconds; remove/change Addons which reduces its cooldown. This will hopefully encourage people to vary Addons and Stalk more often.

• Make Stalking more efficient: I believe the main issue with stalking in high ranks is Spine Chill. So why not make Stalking a bit faster? Besides people being able to Stalk easier, Survivors would have to plan their positioning better, heightening the skill cap. Also, "Caught on Tape" could be reworked with this change, so Stalking wouldn't be unfairly fast.
