Bloodweb splinters for killer

What are peoples thoughts about being able to use your perks with the splinters from the web?
Really isn't a lot of fun to go into a match perkless.
Do the Devs have a reasoning for this? I am just curiose
Best Answers
It's just a trial for the killer in question (licensed killers, which they stopped doing with Pig). It's not supposed to be a "game where I can play as this killer for free with my perks on THIS killer".
I don't think they'll ever get changed. Maybe discontinued in the future, but not changed. There are far more pressing issues.
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The reasoning is actually pretty simple; the splinter just switches you to a killer even if you don't own it. If you don't own it, you won't have any perks equipped on them, so you won't have any perks when the match starts. If you end up buying a killer, equip some perks on them and then go back and use a splinter, you'll actually start the match with the perks you've equipped on them.
Splinters have been discontinued when the in-game store was added. The existing ones are still there, but since you can now buy a killer for shards, they're a little redundant and clutter the bloodweb.
What about the Splinter for licensed characters which cannot be purchased with Shards - Ghost Face and Demogorgon?
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Yeah, all the licensed killers before them still have splinters, it makes sense that "free" killers don't, but these ones should have them.
Also they're basically a trial run for the DLC to see if you want to buy it. Rather than no perks it should start you with tier 1 of each of the killers' teachables to give you a better sense of the DLC's value.