Get rid of bodyblock

Make it so the killer walks through survivors when carrying this will get rid of stupid body blockers and give the killer a chance since survivors almost always all escape, it shouldn't be apart of the game


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Killers are also guilty of bodyblocking, and survivors of blocking other survivors. As someone who plays both, I can assure you that if the survivors almost always escape it's because the killer is not playing well, not because the game is horribly unbalanced. While I do agree in principle that bodyblocking is annoying and frequently abused (both by killers and survivors), it's rather unrealistic and immersion-breaking to just be able to walk through people. Perhaps an alternate solution would be improving routing so that bodyblocking is harder to pull off, or making it possible to push people out of the way by walking into them.

  • thatcarbonfox
    thatcarbonfox Member Posts: 89
    The killer should push them out the way if contact is mad without the swing or special animation, and I play both as well I win almost all survivor games even solo(cause survive with friends is bull and makes an op class stronger) and the killer needs a big buff
  • thatcarbonfox
    thatcarbonfox Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2018
    I shouldn't be losing if I'm playing as intended and not camping(just play as a "bad" player and got a 4k, when all my other fair games I get screwed)
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Side note - don't know where this 4k thing came from, but it's really not a good indicator of performance.

    But also as I mentioned, body blocking is a valid, realistic and lore-friendly strategy. Sure, it's annoying. And it feels unfair, which is the main problem with it. But there are other solutions. For example, being able to push people out of the way by walking into them. Or allowing the killer to hook a survivor from any angle, similarly to how survivors can now unhook from any angle to combat facecamping.

  • thatcarbonfox
    thatcarbonfox Member Posts: 89
    If body blocking is lore friendly then why is it classified as griefing, and I would like to see the push and any angle hooks more that no collision
  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    Bodyblocking shouldn't go, rather they should adapt it.
    So you can push players SLIGHTLY away when they block each other, same goes for killers.
    This would fix a lot of issues and wouldn't entirely get rid of the bodyblocking aspect.

    Thats bullcrap.
    Both sides are entirely inbalanced.
    If you depend on perks to survive (self-care) or to kill (ruin), then the game is inbalanced as f***.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited May 2018

    The only issue with survivor bodyblocking is the weird tech where the survivor's movement hitbox blocks the whole area in front of the hook, without necessarily being on it. The mechanics around it are too buggy. I think successfully hitting the survivor should forcibly move them a little too.

    But I'm guessing the people that take issue with survivor bodyblocking the most are the ones that struggle to hit them in the first place.

    The problem with killer bodyblocking is that the survivor can do literally nothing against it when they're in a one-way path. There is no counterplay whatsoever. The survivors should be able to push out the way if they're running at the killer for more than 4 seconds.

  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604

    And remove any chance of trying to slow the killer from getting to a hook, dus removing any skill from the survivor's side and force more and more survivors to bring Flashlights every game?
    Just drop the survivor if you're being bodyblocked that hard. If you see a survivor running up to a hook to try to stall you just go for a different hook.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    @thatcarbonfox lore friendly doesn't mean balanced or permitted, it means that within the universe of the game it makes sense. In the context of the game lore, the killer and the survivors are solid objects so it makes sense that they can block each others' path.
    Also, I know the ingame report system guidelines are pretty unclear, but actually the only kind of body blocking that's considered griefing is survivors blocking other survivors.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    @mcNuggets I'm confused. I didn't mention perks.