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General Discussions

Do you guys get messages like this?



  • Member Posts: 982

    Pretty much. Even when I don't tunnel at all, I usually get accused of tunneling if I got a 3k or 4k.

    It seems like a lot of people just can't handle the idea of losing, so they assume that I had to be "cheating" somehow if I managed to win.

    I admit that I sometimes get angry when I lose too, but I don't just make up nonsensical excuses for why I lost. I complain about the instaheals they brought, or SWF, or annoying perks like BT, OOS, DS, Adrenaline, and DH.

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    You know some days I want to get salt. Other days I'm not about it, but still play it cool. I'm trying to be more nice to people that yell at me when I'm not looking for salt. If I am then GG EZ

  • Member Posts: 39

    Damn that is strange and intense. People take things way too far 😬

  • Member Posts: 39

    I'm PS4, they have to physically go on your profile and send them after or during the game.

  • Member Posts: 211

    Dude I got called a camper, yet managed to get all stacks of Devour Hope so I'm assured they just haven't played long enough to know mechanics

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    Use to get these often. It's funny to me

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    I got reported for using Mad Grit. Apparently I exploited by spamming my attack button because I was memeing with Mad Grit as Plague.

  • Member Posts: 255

    Had someone harass me for 3 days straight till i blocked him.

    (No i am not affected by his messages, i had people telling me to kill myself or other stuff and it dosen't even affect me , , but seriously wasting 3 days to comment on my profile means something is wrong with you)

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    kinda depends on how long you blocked them and when you did it.

    if you bodyblock them to get a succesfull oneshot with lets say billy or if you block them until the EGC timer runs out, thats allowed. those actions have a set end to it, which is why thats not a problem.

    however, if you blocked one guy in a corner from the very second the game started, that is reportable for trolling and if you do that with the last survivor without closing the hatch, it can be reported as holding the game hostage.

  • Member Posts: 241

    Oh, I'm not salty over console. Hell, I don't even own DBD on a console. I just see the worst of the harassment come from there. That, along with all the different issues like framerates, even more bugs than the PC version, and of course the actual psychopaths holding the controllers, make it clear that people need to jump ship and get on Steam if they want the actual DbD experience

  • Member Posts: 315

    You do not have DBD on consoles, but you are indignant about the gaming experience. It’s ridiculous. I played both on PC and on consoles, and I can say that there are enough salty people on all platforms.

  • Member Posts: 2,259

    I have my PS4 messages set to private. The only way outsiders can message me is by sending their salt in the form of a friend invite.

    This works well though! By doing this, they are circumventing Sony’s protections afforded to me by my message settings. This DOES give me legitimate grounds to file a report against them.

    Hope they understand WHY if punishments are doled out to them later on.

  • Member Posts: 187

    No joke, you can report them to the police for that, since cyber stalking is a crime. People used to think it was an overreaction, but not when I read about swatting and the like.

    I actually had to turn off messages on PSN because of constant harassment. Then, when people saw they couldn't do that, they'd send friend requests with nasty messages attached.

    One guy did that and I added him he called me stupid for doing so, as if I had no right to respond to his disgusting message, so I told him off for being rude and immature. He then said he was going to do everything in his power to get me banned on PSN and Dead By Daylight, all the while calling me filthy names. It's like, dude, keep going. More proof for me to provide that you are nuts. I reported him to both.

    So yeah, thanks to this game Ican't even communicate with other players on PSN anymore. =\

  • Member Posts: 742

    Why do you even read or accept messages like that. It's just stupid and a waste of time.

  • Member Posts: 187

    Because it literally pops up on my screen as it's sent? Because if I didn't go in and delete it, it would literally be there everytime an IRL friend sent me something through PSN? In those proccesses, I've seen the content within all of two seconds, it's upsetting, so I dealt with it. I have an anxiety disorder, so please don't suggest to "ignore it and move on."

    No one should have to be treated like trash and act like that's acceptable. Please don't imply that I am stupid because I expect people to act with decency and rightfully upset by people who go out of their way to be hurtful and try to stalk me.

  • Member Posts: 132

    DbD on PS4 is a gold mine for salt and if they get out of hand they can be reported to PSN and potentially be banned have fun loosing all those games and dlcs you bought from the PlayStation store (just to make sure I don't get confusion I mean a person messaging to insult and belittle)

  • Member Posts: 1,711

    Little question about bodyblocking: am I allowed to bodyblock someone for the entire EGC time so the EGC kills the survivor at the end?

  • Member Posts: 2,259

    Ok so after reading more of this thread, I went to start a match. For probably the first time ever, some flavor text caught my eye:

    Survivor Pudding

    ”a heavily salted pudding...”

    I mean wow! It’s just too perfect!

  • Member Posts: 28

    I thought about turning off messages from randos but I get so much salt it's to fun but I did report the two swf to PlayStation, PlayStation deleted there messages and sent me an email saying that they were looking more into them 😂

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    I find that dbd is more toxic than CSGO, Siege, And basically most multiplayer games lol

  • Member Posts: 91

    I got hate mail today that just made me sad.

    He said he was playing with a new friend and I ruined the game for him. Going for my Ghost Face adept trophy.

    I don’t understand this mentality people have where they MUST win or the game’s not fun.

  • Member Posts: 91

    I got hate mail today that just made me sad.

    He said he was playing with a new friend and I ruined the game for him. Going for my Ghost Face adept trophy.

    I don’t understand this mentality people have where they MUST win or the game’s not fun.

  • Member Posts: 198

    GGs don't come as often for us on Ps4, but I did get one today which was nice. I've been reported just because the guy didn't like me and had apparently been reporting alot of the killers he lost against. I ask customer service about this one and they said abusing the report system can get you banned. So I reported him instead.

  • Member Posts: 184

    4 man swf 3 man dc within 2 mins of gameplay on HADDONFIELD the most survivor sided map. Just cause i PLAYED spirit. Not the way i played etc just because i played her in general.

    2 messaged me like this 1 saying i was reported by all 4 of them and the other started full on harassing being racist and everything. So yes. I do get these kinda messages for simply existing on ps4 dbd apparently killers aren't allowed to play the game xD

  • Member Posts: 187

    Losing gracefully seems to be a lost art these days. It's such a telling display of one's character, and currently the gaming community at large seems to be severely lacking...

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