Do you guys get messages like this?

Just felt like playing spirit and for some reason I get this salty dude, i dont understand some people. Also is it really bannable to body block someone who put themselves in the corner?
Depends on how long your keeping them there. If your waiting out their BT or something, no. If your leaving to grab a drink Also, with screenshots like this, make sure to cover up usernames. There IS forum rules against naming and shaming.
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As long as you hit them and don't trap them there for a majority of the game. I don't think this is a bannable offense unless you're just sitting there and blocking them without "taking part in normal gameplay." @Peanits Am I wrong? I don't wanna misinform someone so I thought I'd check.
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@sensualsatan What you are saying is correct. To trap someone to land a hit and wait out Borrowed time is fine. I don't see a reason why a killer should trap somebody for a longer time than that.
Maybe @HorrorLover74 can clarify what happened.
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I actually got complimented a lot when I played killer but I did get stuff like this a lot. (I got reported twice as Plague for blocking people in corners to puke on ‘em) isn’t bannable if you hit/down them though.
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You don’t get banned for this, you don’t have to worry. I myself met such salty players. Shame.
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To answer your question: yes, I do get messages like this. Pretty much every time I actually do well as Killer.
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I dunno...I turned off messages outside friends on PS4 for exactly this reason.
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I play on PC and I've disabled the end-game chat and made it impossible for random people to leave comments on my profile.
Maybe you should disable messages on your console to save yourself some sanity?
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Salt or threats that they're reporting you? Doesn't really matter, I've gotten both. If you play DbD, you're gonna get messages.
One of my favorite salty messages so far was when a bad speller called my friend a gardening implement.
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I usually get this kind of messages, but I don't mind since I enjoy the salt xD
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I just got hatemail from a dude saying he reported me cause I “took the game hostage”.
I’m supposed to just let the pink haired Nea run across the map for a rescue apparently. LUL
He also said I was a scrub cause he pallet stunned me 4 TIMES I’m shook man.
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No, I saw them with BBQ in the boiler room of the preschool map waiting for the hatch. I stood in front of them waiting to close it but it never spawn but i heard it. So i hit him and chased him then downed him.
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It's actually funny that survivors say killers do this, yet I've had games where they'll all block hooks to stop me from hooking their friend. Sounds like you just got a super salty player who just doesn't like seeing that skull beside their name. I'd just laugh it off personally. It just shows how toxic the playerbase can be at times.
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I love getting them as well xD but it does tend to get annoying when they spam ya, like this person. I usually get a kick out of them though :)
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I agree, its pretty annoy when you are try to hook a survivor and then just gang bang around the hook but hey in the at least someone gets hooked! Lol
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Well when they body blocked me like crazy, they helped me get the achievement for hitting while carrying, and also downed themselves. A 2 minute match and a free achivement. It was a fun time, for me anyways 😀
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Hey that works, man free achievement lol
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That doesn't sound like a long time span at all. I don't see a problem here.
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Just too damn good huh? I'm not surprised by that.
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You can’t be banned for anything except hacking so don’t worry
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Huh that's strange. I've been recorded apparently before but never was told it was scripted. That's very strange.
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They just were just mad because you were too good with less hours but hell if you didn't get banned for playing then hell yeah you are safe! 😁
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You can be reported for literally anything in this game, though you can only be banned for the breaking rules set by the devs and nobody else. I’ve been reported because I found someone hiding in a locker who had crows. I’ve also been reported for using OoO once in the past. Some reasons people report you for are hilarious but 9/10 times they don’t have any ground to stand on. Blocking isn’t bannable on the condition that it’s not excessive. From what I can tell, you killed them fairly quickly so I doubt anything will come of it.
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People need to abandon console. It's not only way worse, you get what are clearly deranged people like this harassing you after lobbies are closed. That's a big fukkin' yikes from the PC crowd
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Yes. Frequently on Xbox and almost always for some dumb reason that makes zero sense. I really need to buy one of those Survivor Rulebook things so I can understand what these people are whining about.
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Another salty person. What exactly does it matter to you on which platform a person plays? On any platform, there are people who are rude and do not behave beautifully. There are many such people on the PC and on consoles.
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I had a two man swf message me saying I was tunneling but they let me see them run for the hook they were rank 15 and salty as heck they ended up stalking me like my FB and other social accounts saying that they were going to come to my state and kill me cuz they lost :/
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You forgot to censor your name in the photos, bottom right lol
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If survivors block you, you have a weapon to stop it. What weapon do survivors have to stop you? 😉
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Had a guy call me a noob when he literally tried to cheat and walk along the outside edge of a second floor area where she should even be able to get to.
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scripting is another term for hacking. it's for people who use premade cheats that they download online rather than figuring it out themselves. It's generally used to belittle "hackers" in phrases like "script kiddies". The idea being that calling someone using cheats a hacker, you're pumping up their ego because hackers actually have to put in effort whereas script users get the cheats for free.
I hope that made sense.
It's funny that they thought you were cheating by landing hatchets though lol. The only scripts that actually exist for this game are the wallhacks, noclip nonsense, speed cheats etc. A script tends to just modify available code and there's already stuff in the files for removing hitboxes, seeing through walls, and moving super fast.
There isn't one that magically makes your hatchets home in on people because there's no code for that in the game. Hatchets don't have homing properties so you can't have auto aim hatchets.
This has been Ted Talks with Ark.
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scripting is another term for hacking. it's for people who use premade cheats that they download online rather than figuring it out themselves. It's generally used to belittle "hackers" in phrases like "script kiddies". The idea being that calling someone using cheats a hacker, you're pumping up their ego because hackers actually have to put in effort whereas script users get the cheats for free.
I hope that made sense.
It's funny that they thought you were cheating by landing hatchets though lol. The only scripts that actually exist for this game are the wallhacks, noclip nonsense, speed cheats etc. A script tends to just modify available code and there's already stuff in the files for removing hitboxes, seeing through walls, and moving super fast.
There isn't one that magically makes your hatchets home in on people because there's no code for that in the game. Hatchets don't have homing properties so you can't have auto aim hatchets.
This has been Ted Talks with Ark.
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yes. some ragers always accuse others of blocking
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How do you guys get these messages? Out of my year of playing this games I have only gotten like 3 hate messages. Even then they were by salty 9 year olds.
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Yo! You were that Ash that I let escape on Playstation yesterday! I was that Ghost Face that your teammates got mad at and reported for farming. My PS name is the same as my forum name.
Post edited by Forceful_Spork on2 -
Salty players are all over the place, just looking for a reason they lost that doesn't include their poor skills, body blocking in a corner is not ban-able, its kinda a dick move if you just hold them there and down them lol but other than that its fine, it should be ban-able if somebody takes the game hostage by trapping somebody in a corner, but i also think the end game collapse needs some tweaking because of the major hostage taking potential and rewarding bad killers with free points, make em earn it at least
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"4 reports gets you banned".
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I got reported for having hacks that let me teleport and have no terror a scratched mirrror myers.
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If you didn't break the rules, you don't have to stress about these reports. Body blocking to hit a target isn't an issue. If you body block and take a game hostage, you are breaking the rules. I don't know what the situation was in your game, but if you didn't break any rule, salt won't get you banned.
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They wouldn't want to go against body blocking hag
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PSN DBD has one of the most toxic communities I've ever been apart of. I get messages like die in a fire, hope you get cancer, your autistic, etc.
I recently got sick and tired of it and just blocked my messages.. I sometimes miss getting these idiots banned from PSN though
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I got reported for body blocking a Claudette into a corner and chainsawing her. She immediately DC'd and messaged me for hours, without getting a response from me once.
It was fun!
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That's light in comparison to what you see on the regular. This game has one hell of a toxic community.
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In all honesty, the report on PS4 does nothing.
That said everyone loves to threaten with reports. I was "reported" for using a key on the hatch once. Yay. Unless they threaten violence or use slurs, they're not having consequences from Sony either.
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Hit him up in a week, just so say nothing happened.
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Just a SWF player who got salty against my Plague. Yes, I used powerful add-ons and that's why I saw where they are moving. Not my fault he walks into me. I don't let them pass for free. And yes, did slug for the 4K.
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I get crap like that all the time. DCs and then "You sweaty tryhard tunnel camper!".
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Their logic: You won as killer? You sweaty camper and tunneler!
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I think I got a message from this same guy after one of my games. It was definitely that profile pic. He called me a Try Hard after I 4 manned he and his buddies at the swamp with the Trapster. Some people just can't handle losing.
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People are toxic in every other DBD game I play. It's one of the more toxic communities of any game I've ever played. It's more toxic on average than LoL or csgo for me. Just have to ignore the toxic people. On PC I don't have this issue because I just made my steam profile private and they can't message me. So i can avoid all the salt/toxicty by just leaving as soon as the game ends