Punish survivors for "tunneling"
Well maybe they aren't being punished enough, because unsafe hooks still happen across the board in all situations.
You must be a fairly good player, so you would have to know that not only have the devs said that camping is a legit strategy, they claim it should be counter productive to the killers game. So if camping works, who's really to blame?
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What is survivors supposed to "tunnel" next? Loops?
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Thank you for the tldr.
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every time they look like they are far off enough to get some decent distance to try to avoid tunneling they come right feckin back, and it’s trending lately. It’s maddening.
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Real quick. There is no good guy or bad guy in this game. Calling a Killer a bad guy just cause he is playing his part in the game is wrong.
"Just cause you are bad guy, does not make you a bad guy."
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Also known as the good plan of "Imma hook this guy in my gen patrol." It's not always to just screw that one guy over ya know.
Excuse me really quick. BNP was nerfed because it was overpowered. At one point it was 100% of a gen instantly
Discordance isn't even all that good, cause most Survivors will work on gens alone to spread out and do more at once. Don't act like Discordance is overppowered, cause that is laughable.
Leader was over the top at one point as well, and was "Adjusted" more than it was nerfed.
Thana, Dying, and PGTW were all trash before they got buffed. Thana still doesn't do much, and neither does Dying till you get going.
That being said, that guy you replied too was being silly, but save me your "Survivors always get nerfed WAAAHHHHH" Bias too. You want to know why they get nerfed? Go look at old school DBD. I'll wait.
AND before you say it, I am not being "Killer Biased" I was improvements for BOTH SIDES so the game can be a fun back and forth. People being Biased and accusing others of it ruins any feedback the forums could give to the devs.
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You are the kind of player that make the meta still the same. BNP was overpowered and still is with the right team.
Thanatophobia is a bad perk sorry but i never won because of it against good teams. Discordance is useless because most player do gens alone to spread pressure and make PGTW less powerful.
While the game is most balanced as he as been since launch. the good survivors still is the power role (exception is made for the nurse and spirit.) Why do you think the first generation of players/streamers stopped Playing (Infinite , only three killers viable , time still too stressful for killers). Meta still the same since three years because no one want better perks. No one want better killers because nurse do that and this.
Where is the first generation of streamers today (marth , swift , tian kami , tydetyme) some of them play again i think. He doesn't change the fact that the most stable side always was survivors.
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Survivors should maybe wait till the killer REALLY is going away from the hook, not just out of terror range.
And if a survivor can witness the killer patroling in and out of range, then the killer's intuition is actually spot on, afterall THERE IS A SURVIVOR NEARBY.
Alternatively, the attempting unhooker still has the choice to just... maybe leave the hook alone if it's too risky.
Even after the safe unhook penalty.... the bait is still calling them in like a siren's song.
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What i don't get is why DS is still active on that following situation :
- Survivor A get hooked (Time : 0s)
- Survivor B get chased (Time : 20s)
- Survivor A get rescued (Time : 30s)
- Survivor B get hooked ( Time : 40s / A DS Time : 10s)
- Survivor A get chased again and get down (Time : 1m20sec / A DS Time : 50s)
- Killer get DS by Survivor A even tho they chased and hooked someone else during the DS timer of Survivor A
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Oh so you are also a camper....
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This situation is very frustrating, people act like it can't happen l, but with some of the plays being made, it's sometimes just given to a killer.
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Eh, if survivors can gen rush because the killer can't build pressure, then the Killer can kill rush if the survivors can't discourage it enough.
Seems fair to me
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Discordance a super perk? Hahahahaahah
Thats about as niche as iron maiden
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This is some grade A logic, well said.
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Only through the spring and summer months, fall around here is iffy because of random/horrible ice storms. and I don't have the gear to winter camp as of yet.