Is pig box camping something you can get banned for?

If the pig sits in front of a box that has the key by chance you are dead no matter what is this considered an exploit?
Is pig box camping something you can get banned for? 100 votes
No, why would it be?
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No, but it shouldn't be a thing. It's just bad game design when you literally can't remove the trap.
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No because there on a timer hell you could go as far as to trapping a Survivor with an active reverse bear trap in the corner until they die.
Scummy but not bannable
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The Pig has no way of knowing which box has the required key, so standing in front of a random box wouldnt really mean anyone is going to die. That being said, theres STILL a way every survivor can get out if the Pig chooses to do this, and thus gives up any pressure they could possibly have. If the survivors finish the gens quickly (possibly 99% if needed before popping them all at once), the survivor with the beartrap can escape via hatch while all the non-trapped survivors just walk out the gate.
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I thought the timer didnt go down if they were within heartbeat range tho so how you gonna trap them in a corner till they die with the bear trap?
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Crouching and removing the terror radius is a thing that piggy can do.
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Pig has no TR while crouched.
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Also you're thinking about the Deep wounds timer the reverse bear trap timer will only stop going down if there in a chase not in The Terror radius.
There was a change to make it work like that in The Terror radius to stop people from doing scummy tricks like that but then they realised the pig can just crouch so it was kind of a waste of time and only really hurt pigs who were not using the technique. So they revert it
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I guess but can they still go into a chase? Would that count? Plus a lot of people run dead hard i guess you would have to get lucky and trap the 1 single person that didnt put on dead hard lol
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Omae wa mou shindeiru
Douchebag move but no bannable.
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Anything that completely prevents another player from playing should be bannable.
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Didn't know it was reverted havent really played for months and came back recently lots of changes and 2 new killers lol
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Dead hard doesn't prevent the reverse bear trap death anymore.
It also doesn't remove collision.
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I don't think the change made it out of the ptb.
The flaw in the logic was pretty quickly realised
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Because i enjoy so much being unable to get my trap off because i am being bodyblocked by a piggy
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I just meant that if they have dead hard they can probably see theyre headed for a corner turn and dead hard to avoid being hit yanno?
If they arent staring backwards and not looking where they are going i guess lmfao lord knows ive ran into walls and barrels because i looked behind me
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There are other boxes
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A Pig wouldn't try to hit an injured survivor if their goal was to bodyblock and force an RBT to go off.
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But the survivor doesnt know that do they.....
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Point is DH doesn't help at all if a surv is being bodyblocked in a corner or wherever.
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I ddint say it was good for being stuck in a corner i said on the way into the corner tho :P
As in for those instances where the survivor doesnt want to run into a corner thinks theyll go down not just be trapped in the corner.
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Don't worry you just have to roar spam to send the message of friendship. As their death clock ticks down
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It's not preventing anyone from playing; The affected Survivor can still walk away & do Generators.
The beartraps take 2 minutes, 20 seconds to trigger.
A generator, alone, takes 1 minute, 20 seconds to complete.
So every Survivor working on a separate generator will clear 4 generators while the Pig camps that Jigsaw box, and STILL leave the survivor 1 minute (technically 48 seconds, since searching a box takes 12 seconds) to get back to that box & get the beartrap off.
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Thank you god
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Hate to necro but since you wanna say the forums are killer sided due to people disagreeing with you over an exploit I would like to point out this hypocritical thread.
So it pretty much seems you like to cheese hard in the game and prefer trolling gameplay wise....