Spirit WILL get nerfed (here's why)



  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    By the time I got to this I was like spent from no sleep so I didn't really bother.

    I think my point that I was making was that judging from my experience today and before, I mostly face base-kit Nurses that destroy the team regardless of add-ons. But now with some sleep I see your point, yes it's EVEN worse to face an omega blink nurse, a range add-on nurse, etc.

    But I can't really tell you which is more often when it comes to facing Nurses... For you, you don't face many if any base-kit Nurses. For me, I always face Base-kit Nurses and I haven't really faced a omega blink Nurse except like once...

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I think my point was this, since I wrote that going off of no sleep.

    My point was that maining and "gitting gud" with her is quite boring since beating the entire team to a pulp isn't really satisfying to me personally and i'm sure to others as well. I'm speaking for decent teams, of course if it was a pro survivor team that's a different story and the outcome is based on skill alone at that point.

    But what I neglected to say, was that I was speaking for IN-GENERAL survivors and not really the pros. For me personally it's not fun to face a Pro-Nurse or Pro-Spirit, but that's probably because I don't main Survivor yet I play it... ok-ish? So that's probably where that stems from.

    So of course like you said, many other people would enjoy facing them to get a challenge, or not, it's up to the player to decide if its fun or not.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    I wouldn't be surprised with a prayer beads nerf, but I don't see a need for any other nerf.

  • SeducedByDaemonette
    SeducedByDaemonette Member Posts: 301

    People were learning how to play her at first , grinding prestige and perks , then legion came out and draw interest from spirit . After legion nerf there was sudden increase in spirit pickings (cause she's much easier and consistent than Nurse and Billy) .