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Can someone explain this?

What is happening with the matchmaking??

Do you guys have this issues too?

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  • Member Posts: 8,902

    I typically just assume SWF when it happens to a random survivor. Ive gotten plenty of THESE this morning though...

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    That looks like swf as they will join a lobby with a high rank team mate which it matches them off. You are within 6 ranks of the highest ranked player and the lower ranked ones could be playing with the rank 4 or 7.


    That match looks to be one of the cases the matchmaking isn't working as intended. I'd personally report that matchmaking issue for the devs to look at 😉.

  • Member Posts: 30

    Maybe they were SWF but,why i was there? XD I normally play solo in and this happens me a lot lol

  • Dev Posts: 7,555

    The one in the OP would likely be a SWF. Everyone else in the lobby is within 6 ranks of the killer, and if the rank 18 is playing with someone else that's a higher rank, the higher ranked player is used for matchmaking.

    As for @LordGlint's screenshot, we recently identified an issue that could cause that to happen. I can say for sure if that's the same reason why this happened without checking, but we're looking into it.

  • Member Posts: 8,902

    Had back to back rank 20 killers. Its rough, and hopefully the issue is solved soon. Games like the one in the screenshot, I just assume someone is memeing around, until I legit dont know the controls yet.

  • Member Posts: 81

    Probably a SWF group, but iv played a few with a buddy with weird discrepancies that were not SWF related lol game is still working some kinks out is all xD

  • Member Posts: 52

    Idk why swf lobby isn't just averaged, then a modifier applied to the average rank per member of the party...

    Could even be simple to start off... Ie:

    3 person SWF.. rank 18, 13, 9 this total averages to 13.3333 round down to 13 (always round down)

    Then since there is 3 member of SWF subtract 1 rank per person above 1... So in this case subtract 2 from 13 making the matchmaking rank 11.

    This seems like a fair system which give the survivors a disadvantage for playing SWF and doesn't completely ruin the game for solo queues

  • Member Posts: 46
    edited October 2019

    Yesterday I was queuing up with a friend of mine, we we're both at the time rank 7. We got matched with rank 15-14's several matches in a row and the killer was also rank 15-14. So clearly the match making is still not working as intended.

  • Member Posts: 101

    I've been having games as solo survivor as rank 10 getting matched with rank 18s and 15s. I've tried playing with them but there are only so many games I can handle when I get chased for five minutes then die on first hook with 5 gens left.

  • Member Posts: 10,361

    The devs said they would address SWF matchmaking, yet here we are.

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