Who's your favourite right now?

I was just interested in who you all enjoy playing right now? I'm sure we all play a good mix of both killer and survivor, so regardless of who your 'main' is, who is your favourite pick to play as at the moment?
For me I've been having a lot of fun with The Pig recently. I really enjoy using surveillance and make your choice and I've had a lot of fun with the RBT's!
For survivor I've been playing a lot of Nancy. Inner strength and and better together, in my opinion, are two really nice perks.
So yeah, what about you guys?
My usuals. Dwight for survivor and Myers for killer.
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I’m playing Trapper and Nancy a lot right now. Got Nancy to P3 but I’m a little disappointed in her bloody outfit. Trapper is a ton of fun if you can get a little momentum.
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I'm currently playing a lot of Ghostface until I reach red ranks and start using spirit again. For survivor, I always play Claudette
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Feng. That is all.
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jake and i only play legion for bloodpoints
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@ocafghanistan What's your bloodpoint build for the Legion, if I may ask?
Oh, yeah, and my current favourites are Dwight and Ghostface
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I'm enjoying Plague a lot, especially with her "What is gen speed?" build. For survivor, I'm sticking to my guns: Steve and Ash. Steve will probably be all I play survivor wise once his Babysitter outfit drops.
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I play GhostFace, Nurse, and Demo on killer
Bill on survivor the most
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Pig for days. :P Pig for a long time, actually.
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Michael Myers.
Michael Myers.
And? Well? Michael Myers.
Oh, I almost forgot, Michael Myers.
Also Michael Myers.
Yep, Michael Myers.
Michael Myers.
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I always seem to have better luck with Dwight or Kate as survivors. Billy is my usual pick for killer.
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No killer. But Nancy I actually like her bloody face. It's light, fits her. Inner strenght allows some quick teamwork plays at the endgame, 1 locker 8secs and you can go back there and fight again!
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Spirit, Demo
Kate, Nancy
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Favorite- Hag. Most frustrating due to dedicated servers- Hag. Oh, you want to teleport? Lol, survivor actually stepped on that a second ago, and you're going to be stuck in place for a second after teleporting.
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Nurse and Claudette.I have always loved Claudette and i will always love her.
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Been a Claudette main essentially since I started.
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Ghostface. I used to play with 3 killers: Huntress, Spirit and Plague but Ghostface is so much fun to play when you hide the red glow and sneak people :)
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Jane and Laurie,unpopular picks it seems
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What about Michael Myers' secret brother?
Michael Myers?
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Spirit, Pig
Kate, Nea (i like to play almost all survivors though).
I'm very excited for the upcoming Laurie outfit, will make me play her more.
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Hag. I'm close to getting MYC on Pig, and I'd love to try that with Hag. I'm going to purchase PGTW from the shrine tonight and start leveling Freddy as well.
Dwight or Claudette for surviving. I'd like to level a survivor not seen as often, but can't quite decide which yet.
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Dwight as always :P
As for killer, I've been having a lot of fun with Demogorgon and Huntress.
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Spirit , Billy
I rarely play survivor but Ash is my favourite
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Wraith & Nea - my usual two.
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I love his family, Michael Myers is my favorite.
Michael Myers and Michael Myers is cool too.
Man I love Michael Myers.
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Jeff and Legion.
Yes, Darkness Among Us was my first DLC purchase when I got the game. Do I regret it? Considering Jeff is my most played survivor and Legion is my most played Killer, both having nearly every perk I have unlocked on rank 3 and even Prestige 1 for Legion, giving me that sexy dripping knife...
...My only regret is not being able to put points into any other character without regretting it. (Excpet Hag, she cool)
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What build is this? I can't get a build on her that isn't rubbish.
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Meg and Trapper. Don’t really play killer unless it’s for the rituals, but Trapper is a lot of fun when I have to play as him
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Billy and Claudette when I play survivor
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Jake and Spirit.
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Right now im playing with steve,nancy and the shape 🎃
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Wraith and Claudette
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[distant plant-monster screeching and portal noises]
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Thana, Dying Light, Ruin, and Corrupt
Add Ons I use are Purp Emetic and the Red Ashes (these are optional).
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Legion and Kate <3
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For survivor I use Nea, and for killer I play Huntress. ^-^
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Quinten or ash and Freddy
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Trapper. For survivor it's Dwight or shirtless David King.
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I don’t really have a main killer that I love the most.... I probably play billy the most though.
As for survivor David will always be my #1.
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For killer i play every killer but if i had to pick 1 it would be the pig fo sure especially people still dont reallise her ambush can be used to zone survivors in an area
as for survivor im a steve main but i also like nea she was my main for a long time
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I'm switching btw FredFace and GhostFace. For survivor, it's Nancy and her ridiculous high waisted OP jeans.
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Trapper as my main but I enjoy pretty much all of the killers, although clown is painful to get kills with.
Using Nancy with a stealth build cause she’s tiny, just needs darker clothes.
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Mostly spirit and kate or Claudette
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Legion and Laurie are my two. : P
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I usually play Dwight, meg or Claudette.
I am enjoying playing as the demogorgan or the pig (who was always my fav).
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I've been using jake almost every game and I'm really enjoying the demogorgon
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For surv, Tapp, i don't know how, but Detective's has become a crutch
For killer, i... i don't know... I'm currently a Pig main, but the amount of Trapper i've been playing recently is making me question that... i'm starting to see the strings of the universe
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I just unlocked spirit earlier this week and I'm loving playing her w/o any addons, but I finally unlocked rank 1 bbq so at least my deviousness offerings will help out further.
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Doctor and Freddy