QOL (or) buff for Breakdown.

Breakdown is an underrated perk and I feel it's wrong that Breakdown only works when others unhook you, I feel like the perk could do any of the following:
- Breakdown could apply to anyone you unhook, hook breaks, but when you unhook them, you see the Killer's aura with them, for the same amount of time, now if they unhook you, they do not see the Killer's aura and only you do as is, it's meant to be a bonus only to the user and rewards you for using the perk to help save others.
- You gets points for breaking a hook, treats it like a sabotage.
Never tested 4 man Breakdown squad but man would I love to.
Did they recently change it? I tried Deliverance and Breakdown, never worked.
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To my knowledge, Breakdown has never been changed since the version that first hit live.
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It has always been that way ever since it hit Live. I don't know why it's not working for you. If you want. i shall test it right now and see if I get the same problem. I never run Deliverance because I don't like the perk.
The respawn isn't 20 seconds by the way, that would be useless. It's 3 minutes.
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Is it? Cause I remember looping the killer in that area and heard it come back, maybe it was a different hook.
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Hmm pretty sure it's longer than 20 seconds, I run Sabo Breakdown builds all the time and have never noticed the hook respawn in 20 seconds. Or I could just be oblivious.
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Do you think a 4 man Breakdown squad would be powerful or would it not make a difference?
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If it respawns it’s probably because they had hangman’s trick(a perk that causes hook respawns to be very fast), otherwise that hook stays away for 180 seconds like when you sabotage.
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That's what I thought but no, no one uses it, it probably has around a 1-2% pick rate.
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4 Man Breakdown is really strong but has to be a coordinated effort to really work. "Strong" maybe isn't the right term though, more like "annoying."
Game would last for ages, sort of like a Doc 3-gen build.
It still fails if someone goes down near the basement. Especially if killer has Agit/Iron Grasp.
The breakdown squad would be busy prepping hooks instead of doing gens, which of course is a problem. It would need SWF to really work so you can coordinate the hook breaking and gen progress, which isn't easy. And the killer will eventually make progress, the toolkits don't last forever and getting slugged is always a risky thing to do even with No Mither. You will eventually bleed out or not be able to keep up with breaking hooks.
The build would probably be something like: No Mither, Unbreakable, Sabo, Resilience, then Commoditus Toolbox with instructions and parts.
I've never done this myself since I've never played in a 4-man SWF, but I have heard from killers who did face them. They actually tend to say it's a really fun experience when they look back on it.
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I always thought they should make break down work for when you unhook somebody. It would have alot more utility that way. It would also help combat camping.
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I just wish it gave you 500 Boldness points for breaking a hook ;)
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That would be nice. Breakdown as it is sounds more like "Overweight" and the hook just broke because you were too heavy!
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I suppose it depends on if The Entity believes in regular maintenance.
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By the way Shrek, just so you know I just finished testing Breakdown and Deliverance. Deliverance causes Breakdown to Proc, 100%. I can gaurantee it.
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Breakdown breaks hooks for the full 3 min duration. It also does work when you Kobe. I'm like 99% sure that both those statements are true. I don't think there is any need for the rescuer to see the killer's aura. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it if they changed that though. If a survivor wants to unhook someone and see the killer's aura then they can run the Babysitter perk.
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What you're describing is not a QOL change, it is a buff. Those are two different things.
A QOL change would be like "You don't have to mash space bar during the struggle phase." The same thing is still happening, but it's less annoying for the player.
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Well to be fair he called it a "QOL Buff" but you are right this is not a QOL change, it's a straight out buff.
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well according to the Dead by Daylight Wiki it's absolutely a QOL change because the update that let Adrenaline ignore exhaustion didn't constitute being listed as a buff.
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I tested it in a KYF and I remember no proc to it, thank you for the help.
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What's your thoughts on my new idea?