Reporting feature

It would be amazing to have a report feature that doesn't require me follow the procedure more time consuming then filing my taxes.
Some players that cheat in games or just repeatedly grief or exploit go unpunished for months.
They're more worried about "balancing"(lawl) and their new store to get revenue from cosmetics to really care about a silly report feature.
Surely you can tell that i'm fairly salty about this subject, as they took away the ability to report a long time ago(that's to say it ever was effective in the first place). If this game had an actual report feature that WORKED, i would re-buy the game at full price.
They know how toxic their playerbase can be, yet they encourage toxic playstyles and do next to nothing about how people conduct themselves post/pre and in game. You have to do something major AND get caught to get in any real trouble. Its too much to ask for people to not be a jerk.