Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Buckle Up Perk (Buff Idea)

Buckle up: To prepare oneself for something exciting or intense.

Buckle Up is a personal Ash Williams perk that currently allows the user to determine a dying survivor's recovery progress by intense aura reading of a range of 48 meters. When healing a survivor from the Dying state to Injure, both players can see the Killer's aura for 4/5/6 seconds.

A week prior I had proposed an idea to buff the perk by retaining the killer aura read when healing a survivor from any health state, rather then specifically from Dying to Injured. Today I bring another idea I find intriguing and wished to share this to the general discussions.

Buckle Up: The recovery progress of dying survivors can be determined by the intensity of their auras at a distance of 48 meters. When you heal a survivor from Dying to Injured while within the Killer's terror radius, the next occasion that would put the Injured Survivor into the Dying State will be ignored. Buckle Up has a cooldown of 60/45/30 seconds before it can be activated again.

This allows the perk to live up to it's name, getting ready for something exciting whilst accommodating to it's purpose of rescuing dying survivors from the Killer's grasp. The cooldown is to prevent the event of 1 survivor completely undoing a Killer's work of slugging 3 survivors alone. Rather, Buckle Up would work effectively as a second chance perk not towards the user but rather the victim being rescued.

Full disclosure, I gave Buckle Up the effect of Mettle of Man but that can be interchangeable with the Deep Wound Effect instead if you feel that ignoring 1 attack is too much. I believe this would rekindle the spark for Buckle Up and add more use for it, however it can still be countered by stealth killers with a small terror radius or just simply picking the survivor up before they can be saved. Although the perk would remain situational, I could see players discussing whether to run this perk over Unbreakable or Deliverance, and seeing how the Instant Heal add-ons have just been reworked I believe now is the perfect opportunity to make this suggestion possible.


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  • Member Posts: 2,768
    edited October 2019

    No. You have to be really really careful with second chances. Maybe more like MoM. So you need three protection hits to activate the perk and give MoM to another person. The aura read as a passive.

    EDIT: Activatable multiple times per match of course. And no cooldown. With that version of the perk you also got a good synergy with MoM itself.

  • Member Posts: 1,250
    edited October 2019

    I agree that Buckle Up should have a bit of a buff, but your suggestion would be op. especially paired with Tenacity and Unbreakable. There are already to many second chance perks for survivors.

    However a perk can be powerful, it just needs a trade off. Maybe something like:

    Buckle Up: The recovery progress of dying survivors can be determined by the intensity of their auras at a distance of 48 meters.

    When you heal a survivor from Dying to Injured you become exposed for 60 seconds and your aura is revealed to the killer for 30/25/20 seconds. The next occasion that would put the Injured Survivor into the Dying State will be ignored. Buckle Up deactivates once used.

    Now the person who was healed has a second chance, however, a survivor needs to think twice before going in and picking someone up. The aura reading ability allows the killer to know Buckle Up is active and to not tunnel that down survivor, and instead go for the rescuer who is now exposed.

    It is the rescuer that needs to buckle up because there is now a target on their back.

    Edit: perhaps swap out some of the exposed time and make it so the survivor that is picked up had more of a borrowed time effect? So 30 second exposure for survivor who heals, and injured survivor has a free hit and 60 seconds to mend.

  • Member Posts: 185

    If Buckle Up shared such requirements as Mettle of Man, than it would be used just as often, meaning it will recieve very little usage.

    I figured the way Buckle Up would work is essentially a Borrowed Time effect when recovering a survivor with the Killer's Terror Radius. Slugging however has and still is rare to see, and survivors would always be hesitant to be within close proximity of a killer and its prey during such an event.

    In what way do you believe Buckle Up would be too strong? I thought it might be, so I added a cooldown to it. Borrowed Time has no cooldown and people seem to have no issue with that perk, and unhooks occur much more often then recovering a Dying Survivor.



  • Member Posts: 2,768

    And why is "Borrowed Time" one of the best perks in DbD? Right, because it got no requirements. If they would fix protection hits it would be alright i think.

  • Member Posts: 1,250

    If Buckle Up shared such requirements as Mettle of Man, than it would be used just as often, meaning it will receive very little usage.

    • Upon its release MoM was a god tier perk. We learned that a free protective hit was too much, especially paired with exhaustion perks, and other second chance perks. That is why it was 'nerfed' with requirements to proctor.
    • It could be a whole other discussion but MoM needs to be looked at again. I am sure it is on the Devs to-do list.

    I figured the way Buckle Up would work is essentially a Borrowed Time effect when recovering a survivor with the Killer's Terror Radius. Slugging however has and still is rare to see, and survivors would always be hesitant to be within close proximity of a killer and its prey during such an event.

    • Exactly, it would be a second Borrowed Time. Your suggestion alone is great, but when you think of how it works with all the other perks and tools it makes the game very forgiving for survivors, and a nightmare for killers.
    • Yes, 4k slugging is rare, but slugging 1-2 survivors to try and turn the tides in a game is very common. Killers already have to worry about Unbreakable, Flip Flop, Tenacity, and insta heals with downed survivors. Now on top of all that the killer would have to wonder if a survivor has a free hit as well if they get up... do you risk going for the injured survivor, or do you chase down a healthy survivor? And if BT has taught us anything is that it makes Survivors cocky and promotes unsafe rescues, not make them hesitant.

    I was just brainstorming above. I like the idea that Buckle-Up has the aura reading ability and gives that player a BT effect, but I feel something would need to give to make it balanced in regards to the rest of survivor perks ^^

  • Member Posts: 185


    The Endurance effect can be swapped with the Deep Wound Status Effect to make the perk a bit more balanced. The cooldown I added was to prevent the perk from allowing one survivor to pick up all 3 survivors on the ground and completely undo a Killer's work on slugging.

    I shared this idea around earlier today and got some interesting feedback. I have another idea for how Buckle Up would work instead now.

    The idea of aura reading intensity I would now scrap as the perk would begin to feel complicated and overwhelmed with its addition. Allowing the Dying survivor to be recovered would still grant the Borrowed Time Effect as long as it is within the Killer's terror radius. To balance this I suggested adding an Exposed Effect around 12 meters of the Dying Survivor upon their recovery, so as to provide a high risk high reward kind of play.

    May have missed something else but I am a bit tired so apologies for that. Any thoughts?

  • Member Posts: 185

    Just wanted to come back to this post in the hopes of receiving any response for the developers / Bhvr, I want to say I helped inspire Cheryl Mason's perk Soul Guard as it shares some similarities with my Buckle Up buff idea. May I get a response and possibly a reward? I'm kidding... about the reward, just a thank you would be nice assuming I did help inspire Soul Guard by any slight chance.

    Please devs? Please?


  • Member Posts: 482
    edited September 2020

    The MoM nerf made that perk useless, well maybe not useless but very much a niche choice. It wouldn't be so bad if you could get stacks by unhooking or picking up dying survivors, but as it is now it's awful.

    Good buff idea btw, I like the idea of Buckle Up being made into an Altruism focused perk.

  • Member Posts: 185


    Thanks 😁

    Yea the idea was to keep Buckle Up in tune with Ash Williams' perks, which seem to show a selfless support for his friends. MoM gives him added resilience and strength if it means looking after his friends, and Flip Flop is meant to help him wiggle out of dangerous situations. I believe Buckle Up should be the median of the two, a perk that is a risk-reward type which allows him to enter dangerous situations but with a great pay off.

    I'm in favor of having new content, but I believe first we should look back into our current content and see which ones are in need of a change. Here's to hoping Buckle Up is on that list for the developers!

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