Changes to SWF


So I had an idea for some changes that could help with balancing and adding new things to the game. Now this is only an idea and obviously some people will think it's bad but I'd like to see what people think of it.

What if when you play SWF (survive with friends) you can only play with one friend. So there could be a max of two teams of two. Therefore you would always be playing with two fandoms.

This would mean it could help limit the information the survivors share such as totem placements, where the killer is etc.

It could also make it more plausible for a shape shifting/doppelganger style killer, which I know a lot of people would love.


  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    Would it be fairer to killers? Definitely. Is it ever going to happen? No way. Far too many people like playing with multiple friends and BHVR is not going to lose them.

  • sir_pookychan
    sir_pookychan Member Posts: 16

    @ProfessorDunwich yeah I don't think it would ever happen, which is a shame because I think it would allow much more to happen.